hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha i could laugh me to death
nice 1

im not that smart to think that way lol epic fail
but i need to reinstal lapper again couse nothing annymore working like it chould
here standing
#$InRaceLapsVoteMinMax = Laps in between where votes are allowed in race
#$InRaceLapsVoteMinMax = 0-0 Votes are never allowed
#$InRaceLapsVoteMinMax = -5 Votes are allowed between lap 1 and 5
#$InRaceLapsVoteMinMax = 2- Votes are allowed between laps 2 and the end of the race
#$InRaceLapsVoteMinMax = - Votes are always allowed
so it should work now like this
$InRaceLapsVoteMinMax = "-";
$VoteRestart = -200;
Event OnVoteRestartChange($PlayerOnTrack, $Vote , $Need) # Lapper Event
openGlobalButton( "bargr1",60,1,10,6,6,30,96,langEngine( "%{main_vote_restart1}%"));
openGlobalButton( "bargr2",70,1,20,6,6,30,96,langEngine( "%{main_vote_restart2}%",$Vote,$PlayerOnTrack,$Need ) );
Event OnVoteRestartReach($PlayerOnTrack, $Vote , $Need) # Lapper Event
closeGlobalButton( "bargr1&bargr2" );
Event OnVoteRestartZero() # Lapper Event
closeGlobalButton( "bargr1&bargr2" );
$VoteQualify = -200;
Event OnVoteQualifyChange($PlayerOnTrack, $Vote , $Need) # Lapper Event
openGlobalButton( "bargq1",90,1,10,6,6,30,96,langEngine( "%{main_vote_qualify1}%") );
openGlobalButton( "bargq2",100,1,20,6,6,30,96,langEngine( "%{main_vote_qualify2}%",$Vote,$PlayerOnTrack,$Need ));
Event OnVoteQualifyReach($PlayerOnTrack, $Vote , $Need) # Lapper Event
closeGlobalButton("bargq1&bargq2" );
Event OnVoteQualifyZero() # Lapper Event
closeGlobalButton("bargq1&bargq2" );
$VoteEnd = -200;
and 1 more thing
the minimum pb times ar so crazy hi that no1 can come into the !pb list do i need to change all those times in default>trackinfo file each after each?