You can save 3dsmax files as previous versions, and I'm sure anyone who got his hands on one version of vray can pretty much find the latest one too.
P.S. You don't have the latest 3d studio max.. I do. It's the 2009 one.
By your post i can understand you are not willing to learn the right way, you are just asking for the easiest way to render your skins. If you just want some skins rendered just post to the proper thread and i'm sure somebody will render them for you.
If indeed you find an easy way to do the renders yourself, im pretty sure you are gonna get bored after 4-5, and stop. So what's the point?
Are you willing to learn some new software that has TONS of uses, or are you just bored waiting in the Render-My-Skin thread's queue?
The only way to make your own renders is to have the geekiness and experiment with 3dsmax more and more till you get what you want.
You can do it all in 3dsmax,
I'd recommend reading this tutorial:
It would save us alot of time.. There's stuff we cant just explain in a forum post, you need screenshots and stuff in order to understand. If you complete these tutorials, im pretty sure you'll be able to do the stuff you want.
After all, if you dont learn 3dsmax's basics, then whats the point? You're gonna do 3-4 lfs renders and get bored.
Most of the people here use Autodesk 3D Studio Max + Brazil for the easy renders. If you still want to use 3dsmax and go more advanced, you'll be using 3dsmax + VRay. If you want a freeware 3d app, you'll be using Blender.
Well.. i tried it for 15 mins. Its totally different than 3dsmax but its interface is very simple. Now, about modelling a car or something, i dont see any way how to. Any idea if there are any tutorials around?
Yep, what Jakg said is right.
Btw, if you didnt understand anything in blender, what makes you think you are gonna find 3dsmax easier?
For you, and everybody else who is planning to use 3dsmax for LFS renders i'd recommend reading Autodesk's tutorial:
(or at least the first 2 chapters) in order to get a basic idea of the user interface.
Since im working on 3d stuff on daily basis (mostly architectural visualisations), i guess making my own thread is a good move.
Yes yes, i know about the glass, i was playing with the IOR setting and forgot it at 1.7