I really was looking forward to this cup, and thought it would be a nice calm enviroment were it would be possible to have some proper racing. I also trained a lot for the 2 events i took part and of course i did improve. I took it really serious and thought so would the others.
Today i saw how much you really care about racing other human people... You pay absolutely no respect to eachother, you dont even care about reading the rules for the cup... I mean safety car was out and someone didnt pay attention and rushed to the front(which is a absolute do not under sc), on the way there he damaged several cars including the leaders one. Under real life conditions this player would have been blackflaged immediatly. This was one of the guys who never was on free practice session and came to late to the qualifing. i mean what is he thinking of? Im god, or something?
But its not only this one incidient... Its just how unrespectful people are, like they park on the track while others are practicing or are drifting trough the pits, they are not paying attention to the Race Control, honking wildly randomly around. Thats just not proper racing, or have seen some real racing where after a practice session someone instead of going back to pits is driving in the wrong way crashing all the other and just means thats alright because practice is over

There areeven guys who dont show up to any practice session then come to qualy and beg for a setup from the fastest guy around, come on, this is a competition, the others are working hard for their sets... and even if you hand one over to them they do not even say thx or something. This reminds more to the demo servers than to beginner league.
So i hope you have a good time but without me i dont wanna be part of this little kindergarden anymore.
There were also some nice and friendly guys out there like MistaTea, Hammond, CaptainSlow, Dekojester, Hyntty (if i forgot someone,sorry!) and of course the people from DR which all took it serious. I wish you all the best and thank you for racing. I hope you can get the others to grow up!