if you want to be safe make a cron job that restarts the server every 24 hours and make sure if you host more then 1 server that you use a different user for every lfs server (something with sharing the 'wineserver' process seem to make things worse) that should make the server mostly stable and online 24/7
other then that it doesnt work so bad, sure a linux/bsd binary would be *very* welcome though (hint hint at the devs )
looks like the wine/lfs server has crashed, i restarted it so they should be both back online again (this problem happens once in a while, no way around it unfortantly)
edit: if it happens you could /msg me on irc, if im around i can restart it directly then (as im usually quite often online there
It seems this problem is gone (for me) when you run every lfs server as its own user. i still restart the servers at 6am and i might try not to do that to see how long it stays good but so far the servers are used pretty much all day and evening and it hasnt crashed yet.
So my advice for linux lfs server hosters who also have these problems, just make a cronjob that restarts every day and make sure you run only one server per user (i think it has something to do that else wineserver shares resources)
its a linux server indeed (dopez racing server) and i seem to have this problem allot now, i also restart the servers daily at 6:00 but around 14-15:00 when much people are playing on it it already goes down again, to be honest im out of ideas what to do about it, restart it twice a day?
i'll try to compile a cvs version maybe something has been fixed in there
it would be nice if one of the programmers can give an official statement about this, if we can expect a linux server version, or if they could look into the trouble like that the server crashes after a day or two (server is seen but no one can connect)
pretty much all the people i've met on my server had no problems sending their setup (and that helped allot for me too and i dont mind passing them on either (though sometimes i forget from who i got them, but at least i'll tell them i didnt make it myself )
i run a road car only server and i'd consider myself quite a n00bie i usually set the qualify time to 60 and just drive around, mostly gets a few people on there who (most of the time) give me helpfull pointers what i might be doing wrong on the track.
thanks for the hints, but within two hours i sent an email to lfstech i got a reply and one more unlock (thanks Victor!)
my problem was more config related, i had to reinstall and i just thought i was really sure i only unlocked twice (else i wouldnt reinstall so easy
so my problem is solved
about the laptop, maybe you could report this problem to the email address in this topic so they could look into it, sounds like a bug somewhere in the bios/drivers of your laptop that make you pc appear as a different pc after suspend/resume
maybe a simple cron job that restarts the lfs server at a time its not used so much would at least be a temporary fix? (i've seen this problem too and i think i'll just try that for now as a fix)
i ask because i bought my S2 license this month and im sure i only unlocked 2 times (second time on my faster pc but this got screwed up and reinstalled) so i figured i should have 1 unlock free this month but lfs tells me i have no unlocks free this month :/
they are too unstable for my taste, i use xorg cvs and compared to xorg 6.8.2 its probably double performance (on cards older then radeon 9250 though) you can give the r300 driver a try but thats probably not going to work for anything else then quake3 at the moment
lets hope we can get it playable under wine or cedega
my load isnt that high, its when i look with vmstat i see that the system uses around 20-40 percent and user is only at around 5 or so, and this was with only 6 people on a demo server.
i found it just strange its system and not user that is hitting the cpu.
I've noticed quite high system load (not user/process load(!)) when the LFS server is almost full but since i host the server on linux with wine i figured it might be just wine or something, maybe its related? (i saw you didnt enable show kernel times in the task manager, maybe you could check that?)
I never had much luck with Cedega, I've had a few timedemo's and ran the CVS version and most of the time i wasn't able to run any games.
Also using Xorg DRI instead of ATI's drivers probably will not help either, but it's a laptop and i prefer stability so ATI's drivers aren't an option.
So maybe i have more luck with wine some day, until then I'll just dual boot as that works just fine..
I've done some more testing in wine but on my laptop with a radeon 9000 32mb using Xorg cvs.
I get at most 10-25fps in the demo, using a pc with geforce 6800 i got nice playable fps, but only when there arent any cars and when you select a view that doesnt shows your own car (either use force view or only the (front) wheels view.
Lets hope the wine team is able to get some improvements
i also tried playing it under wine with limited success, it does seem to run with the latest wine but almost unplayable slow (10-20fps) with every graphics setting at lowest
it would be very interesting if the game also has opengl support but so far i havent found that option (i guess its a pure directx game?)
maybe this question has been answered by the developers already, but is there any interest into porting this game to linux?