Long time away for me, have had and still got real life issues going on, I'm glad to see i left the [AA] servers in good hands, You, Boost and many others, I'm hoping to get back some time in the near future and check out all your new work but untill then kep up the fantastic work your doing.
I hope you still get time to race on the servers whilst doing all this work on AIRIO
Gekkibi, I'm sure you want good clean racers to take part, I/we have been running Two LFS demo servers for quite a few years now and I can vouch for, wOoOzZy, FAburner and slen as being just that, good clean racers, they have been coming onto our demo servers for as long as I can remember and have always been clean, polite, respectful and helpful to new racers.
Maybe other server owners can vouch for other demo racers?
I agree with the Welsh one, we've done this on our demo servers a few times, some really good guys in there coupled with some real t*ts, not done it for a while though funds don't allow.
Here's a copy of our cfg from our demo server, I've changed the extension from cfg to txt so i could upload it, change things to suit your needs also, it has a long list of swear words for the bad language filter you can remove or leave them as you wish.
It is correct as it's working fine on our server, it looks like the forum may have put some huge spaces in between the the lines so if you copied and pasted it won't work, (it was only an example of ours), to make it easier for you just make it one long line, no spaces before and after the | symbol although it is easier to have separate lines for each message.
I see in the third screenie you have set paramteres, i've not done that. I have my cfg's in the bin folder, then as you have done point to the LFS.exe and the same as you in the working directory, that's the only difference I can see.
He's a licensed player but was in our demo server, all players in pbdemo.txt are prefixed demo.name then name underneath that name even licensed players.
One of our admins changed his name whilst in pits from "[AA]Silver77" to "[AA]Silver77-afk" then went to spectate came back to find all his pb's had been wiped, doesn't happen if you change name in spectate, is this a correct thing to happen? also happens if you are driving as a team.
Anyone managed to get webstats working with lapper 5.01, worked fine with 4.0, Ive uploaded the updated webstats but it produces this. "Could not open file pbdemo.txt" and the same for S2 except different named pb.txt file of course.
We have it running on three servers, two S2 and one Demo, change the insim ports in each lapper cfg and each LFS cfg, we have Demo = 29999, S2 server1 = 29998, S2 server2 = 29997, make sure each lapper insim matches each LFS insim ports. We also had to change the ip adresses also.
We have a problem with webstats now, we didn't before, have updated to monks new webstats and we now get "Could not open file pb.txt" on the output page for the stats.
So far m8 it's working quite well, myself and Silver tried to get the rotator working on the demo between BL2R and BL2, 4 races of 8 laps, qual=0, bias 1 then rotate, unfortunately it rotates after one race, we can't figure out why as silver had it working fine on his own pc.
The output of the xml files, vcom is on drive "E" and im trying to output the files to C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\out with this command, output_directory=C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\out; is this possible as it seems not to work.