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Quote from johnstonkarting :Can I use outsim data in the insim? I can't figure out how.

Similar to insim, you can listen for packets on a specified port.

You have to enable sending data though:

-> lfs/cfg.txt and somewhere at the bottom:
OutSim Mode 2 // set to 2 for game and replay, 1 for game
OutSim Delay 1
OutSim IP
OutSim Port 29998 /29999 is insim Standard, but select any
OutSim ID 0
OutSim Opts 0 // set this to which packets you want -> all are "1ff"

Check your files: lfs/docs/OutSimPack.txt and lfs/docs/insim.txt for more info.

Hope that helps Smile
S3 licensed
Quote from Alex High REVS :I will try it, but if its not working I'll let you know here. It's not urgent if...

Update is published. There are just a few tweaks to the button/controls system.

1 Mayor change is the collision warning. It's calculation are switched from Brake distance to brake strength (m -> m/s^2) which should be more accurate now, but there are still a few small bugs. Ill get to that the next time Smile
/axis command
S3 licensed
Hey Partypeople.

Do any of you know if there is a way to use the /axis command with mouse axes?

I was thinking of /axis mousex steer, just like you can use /axis 1 steer... You can set it in the controls-settings, but I did not manage to make it work with a command and the docs do not mention it as well.

S3 licensed
Quote from Alex High REVS :Hi Rob, I have a small problem with PACT. The AEB wont calibrate, the collision...

Hi there,

I finally got the time to take a look at the Program again. I will publish a small update in a few minutes, where you can use the following methods:

Mouse Steer in LFS:
- Use Mouse as steering, use mouse buttons as brake/accelerator
- Use Mouse as steering, use any keyboard-key as accelerator

Keyboard in LFS:
- use any button (including mouse buttons) for accelerating, steering, braking

Wheel in LFS:
- use any wheel/controller axes for accelerating, steering, braking
- if you use your mouse axes as a controller, unfortunately LFS doesn't currently support /axis mouse_x brake for example, therefore you can only use mouse axes with mouse steering.

Hope that helps.

Is there any scenario, different to those listed above, you still need to work?

Best regards
S3 licensed
Quote from subUwU :Hello, keyboard right now is unable to auto brake, the system automatically and...

Yes, exactly that!

I am deeply sorry, that it takes so long, but i am sooo busy with University at the moment, that i cant really find the time!

I'll post here, when i get the time to update it finally, because this literally takes hours and days haha Frown)
S3 licensed
Hey Ladies Wink,

as this was requested by some of you. There is now a standalone Version for only Siren/Strobe.

For now thats the only thing it does. Ill add all of the other Cop functions like automatic siren activation in chase or automatic fast siren in dense traffic at a later date.

So if any of you need that. Feel free to try it Smile.

If you encounter any bugs, feel free to report them here Smile.

Btw. For now it uses all available lights as standard. However, in the next version you'll be able to set which ones you want used.
S3 licensed
Hey everybody,

I knowww its been a while, but I think, I am at a point with the new version where I can let you guys try out some stuff.

Therefore, you can find the new version on Google Drive now ("PACT Driving Assistant 2 (ALPHA 1).zip").

Please read through these notes before testing:

This is a very early version of a complete rewrite of my program (which i have spent too much time on but thats a story for another day haha)

Therefore, some features will not work or work only partly (Yes, i will fix them, but i dont think they are so dramatic that i need to keep the version from the public still):

These include:
- A custom made gearbox setup for the automatic gearbox is not automatically saved permanently. You can however manually edit the text file where "known cars" are saved, any then you'll be able to load a gearbox setting without setting it up every time. (PACT Folder -> data -> gearbox.txt).
- You CAN add multiple gearbox - settings, for example for different setups for each car. (Not more than 5 for now). For that, go to PACT Folder -> data -> gearbox.txt and add a second CARNAME_SETUPNAME to the list. I have added a second setup for FZ5, so you guys can just copy that, so not much brain power needed haha.

Obviously make sure to keep the spaces and basic layout of the file like it was before, otherwise it cannot be read by my program...

- You can change most key bindings in the Menu, however multiple character stuff like axis "12" for braking, is not yet supported, please use controls.txt for that.

- Parking emergency brake does not yet work.

- Bus Simulation does not yet work properly.

- The automatic siren and suspect tracker do not yet work. However siren and strobe do work, but need to be operated using the buttons. (Collision warning and stuff like that will of course also be turned off in cop mode). And the siren will automatically switch to fast siren if there is a lot of traffic around.

- There is no automatic indicator turnoff yet.

- There is no ACC yet.

- And i am sure you guys will find a bunch of bugs, that i haven't noticed yet, since i did only the very minimum for testing the program, because i really wanted it released.

- I didnt test a lot for mouse/keyboard users yet, but ill add everything thats missing in the next version.

Only german and english are fully supported languages for now, with the others you will just see default strings, where there is no translation for now.

If you happen to find any bugs, issues or just have a suggestion for improvement, please let me know here, i really appreciate the feedback!!

If an update is available (and the code i have written does what it is supposed to) you will also be notified in game!

I hope you have fun playing around with the new version.

Have a nice sunday guys!
Last edited by Rob2003, . Reason : typo
S3 licensed
Quote from Countess :@Rob2003 Any information about the releasing date? Had been in some hard times with crashes as my reflexes are quiet bad.

Well actually, yes i can give you some news. As you know, I've been working on a complete rewrite anddd it seems like there is light at the end of the tunnel.

I think i should be able to release a beta version within the next two weeks (which probably will still have a few bugs, but in general it should work much more stable than the current version with 0.7E)

Sorry, that it takes so long, University, Work... yk just the typically stuff that keeps you busy.
S3 licensed
Quote from drifter811 :I'm fairly sure I set everything right in the. txt. I'm using a mouse with keyboard for throttle and brake.

Ah well, but there we have it... It's a issue on my side. If you have set "mouse" controls in LFS, my program assumes that you use mouse left and mouse right for throttle and brake. Obviously it should also consider other keyboard bindings.

I am working on a new version, it'll be fixed as soon as possible!
S3 licensed
Quote from drifter811 :Hey! I have an issue with the collision prevention. It shows me the red symbol on the screen, but it doesn't slow my car down. Any help?

Hi there,
That is most likely due to a wrong setting in the controls.txt file - or your method of control is not supported (which is not likely tho).

Did you set everything in controls.txt?

If yes - what type of controller do you use?
S3 licensed
Aight, thanks. Didn't notice that one.
Delete unused/old mods
S3 licensed
Just moved my Lfs to another hard drive and noticed, that it has 20 GBs.

Then i had a look at the mods folder, and almost every mod is in there several times.

Maybe it might be a good idea to add an option to automatically delete old / duplicate mod versions to save memory.

Merry christmas everyone!
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :That's in D60

Awesome, thank you so much! Your work is really appreciated. The speed at which you are able to publish these updates is absolutely mad - in a very good way! LFS
S3 licensed
Quote from kristofferandersen :I've been playing around with it and i haven't been able to figure it out either.


Is there a reason why you specifically need to use the arrow keys? Isn't there another way around it?

Well thanks for trying anyway! Smile If this is added with one of the next updates, the question is not relevant anymore, but in case you are interested - or bored, idk haha -, i still wrote my reason behind the question haha:

The reason I have to use the arrow keys is that some users of my program are for sure going to be using arrow keys (and i do too when testing the program with keyboard - i typically use a wheel for normal playing).

In the new version, I am trying to improve the emergency braking interventions, which work good for wheel/controller users, but are a little hit and miss for mouse and keyboard users, as I didn't pay too much attention to that up until now. The problem is mainly that if I release a button in my code, let's say the "S" key, when a user uses WSAD for driving, i cannot (or at least i didn't find an elegant way to so) find out if the user is still pressing the key, since the latest event is a KeyUp Event that my program sent. And while i override the users keyboard, i am not really able to keep track of whether he is releasing the "S" button, since my program is still overriding "S" and it is pressed all the time, as i cant really distinguish between real or synthetic keyboard events the way that i generate them.

That's why I thought that I might be able to implement a similar logic to the Wheel/Controller emergency braking. That way I can change the assigned button in LFS quickly while the braking intervention is in progress and reset it afterwards (which works really reliable for Controller/Wheel for years now). That way i can easily keep track of the users actual inputs on the brake key, as i am overriding a spare key of some sort.

I hope that makes sense (even though it was unnecessary to explain all of that haha). That was my reason behind the question.
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :The /key command can only take a single character.

To be complete it should really accept all the legally assignable keys.


(minus some reserved keys... don't worry about the strange names, internal constants)

I've made a note to look if this can be enabled in the next day or two but there are higher priorities still.

Yeah, that would be awesome. And yes, sure, I know it is not a high priority thing Wink!
S3 licensed
Quote from rane_nbg :I'm not sure, but I do know that arrow keys, shift, alt, ctrl, tab and such have a special way of usage, since they don't have an asci character representation.

Yeah, I am aware of that, but since other commands support "up", "down", "left", "right", my best guess was that it would be the same for the /key command, which either it isn't, or I am just not clever enough to figure it out haha.
Question for /key command with arrow buttons
S3 licensed
Hey there,

came across an issue with the /key command (or at least i cant figure it out).

For my Driving Assistant, i sometimes need to set the braking key of the user to the "down" arrow for example.

How in the world to i set that via the /key command haha?

/key down brake does not work... And i have tried almost every possible other way of spelling it, but i cant get it to work.

/press command works with key "down", and the /key command works like /key m brake, to set the brake key to m...

But setting the brake key to one of the arrow keys... I cant figure out how.
Any tips?

Best regards,
S3 licensed
Hey everyone,

i made a short little trailer for the new version i have been working on. This is just a very tiny fraction of the things that are added/improved.

I think i am able to publish the first beta of the new version soon.

Enjoy Smile

PS: If you got any suggestions, or things you want to see in the new update, let me know Wink
S3 licensed
Very small and not at all important, but also easy to "fix".
The commands.txt file in the docs do not contain the lights commands yet, maybe you can add them there for the release Smile
S3 licensed
I also do prefer the old version with the bars inside the tires a lot more.
S3 licensed
Quote from Kanade :Hello, low beam/high beam speaks more to international users, which sounds better in the sake of standardization (and to non UK resident ears).

agreed. Dipped is something you do not recognize as a non native speaker (like me as a German for example)
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :Hi Rob, I've tried to reproduce it, using default setup and it didn't happen for me.

12 laps at Aston North, 4 AI in Pochete
1 and 2 at level 5
3 and 4 at level 4

They all chose to start with 31% fuel for 1 stint, estimated 2.2% per lap.

1 and 2 finished the race with 5.5% left in tank. 3 and 4 finished with over 6.5% in tank.

So I'm not getting the same result. Could your result be related to the setups they were using?

Ohhhh, i just see its the required pitstop (didnt notice that until reviewing the replay). I have attached the replay now. They dont manage to stop within the pit boxes when they have like 1% of fuel remaining and they just continue without the pitstop and then run out of fuel on the outlap. The ones that were set to difficulty 5 made the pitstop without any problem. (and yes they were also using the default set Smile)
S3 licensed
I have just noticed a small bug, as i have been doing quite a bit of racing again lately...

The AI seems to not always take the correct amount of fuel for races. I just had a race with a friend of mine and AI (mod: Pochete 118 GT3) and the AI cars that were set to difficulty 4 ran out of fuel 2 laps before the end of the race (12 lap race on Aston North, they ran out in i think lap 10). Interestingly the AI set to difficulty 5 finished the race without a problem.
S3 licensed
Quote from subUwU :there is a problem with mine, idk if its my laptop or the files. I followed all the steps also in the video. changed the controls file, /insim 29999, ive done everything but the only thing that works is light assist. hide mouse wont even work. please help ;-;

Edit: I just had a look at your post in the other thread. I believe it is probably due to the cfg.txt file. Either you didnt save it after editing, or you accidentally edited OutSim and not OutGauge. If you could attach it, i can take a look Smile.

Hi there, could you describe the issue a little more?

Can you also attach your cfg.txt from the lfs folder maybe?

Which controller type do you use (mouse, keyboard, or wheel)?

If i have the info i might be able to fix your problem Smile
Last edited by Rob2003, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Flame CZE :There is InputSteer value available in radians.

From OutSimPack.txt:

struct OutSimInputs
float Throttle; // 0 to 1
float Brake; // 0 to 1
float InputSteer; // radians
float Clutch; // 0 to 1
float Handbrake; // 0 to 1

You can receive it, your "OutSim Opts" value must include OSO_INPUTS bit (16) in hexadecimal.

Oh awesome, i didn't know that. Ill try that, thank you so much!!