So I went to see it yesterday. And overall, idk, was it my mood or what, but I really enjoyed it

+ The car choice was IMHO very well. There was like few cars that I didn't like, and they were not the main character ones. I mean all the muscle cars, the subaru, the hondas, skyline.. awesome =] + There was this one moment with charger and subaru cruising through a mexican city I think, and

the sound

and then a nice car fetish shot. where they are on top of a hill, charger + subaru,

Seriously though, the car action was...

and the CGI was really well done, well except the tanker rolling.. which you can see in trailer, and the run through the mines was well, yes, unreal. and you knew there was some cgi there, but it was well hidden. The car chase through city was really awesome

+ there was like only one nitrous moment in the whole movie =D and it was short, and not overdone too much. Overall the car chases were realllly nice. they looked fast, they felt realistic, there was all kinds of bumps and bruises. It was proper action movie stuff. Ok the sadness , and the drama, was abit too much, and Vin Diesels emo face was rofl

but overall. A solid 7/10 from me, definetly an improvment on parts 2 and 3. And actually felt like a polished 1st movie, which has kinda changed it's tone, but felt realistic in it's own world and quite plausible. There really weren't too many teeth grinding moments. there were few ;D but really. A solid installment

If you liked any of the previous 3, I really don't see a reason, why you wouldn't enjoy this car fetish, oh.. women were.. ;D nice.. not to say more, it was like watching a car porno and then there were women there too ;D
Oh, and seeing Han was awesome yet sad :/ He didn't have a big part in the movie.. Also, rofl @ the charger being rebuilt ..

quite a few times xD and. yes, the car scenes, were proper, and actually better than in any previous ff.. and thank GOD for the little cgi, or me just not being able to see it.. but the car scenes were as awesome as the crash in ff1