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S2 licensed
Quote from KeiichiRX7 :nothing changes when i press M.

Is it the way youre getting the Key?
Is it my 3monitor (2x on AGP 1X on pci) setup? I disabled the 3rd monitor, so that shouldnt be it.

Set "Full screen vertical sync" to "No", and "M"should work.
S2 licensed
Når man starter en butikk, eller en bedrift, gjør man dette ut ifra et behov. Man gjør undersøkelser for å se hvordan markedet er, hvilke behov som finnes, hvor målgruppen befinner seg, eventuelle konkurrenter osv.
Denne tråden kan vel sammenlignes med noe tilsvarende, og ut ifra hva jeg kan se er resultatet ganske klart. De fleste norske lfs-førere vil forholde seg til som den offisielle norske siden.

Grunnen til at det blir sånn, er nok fordi vil basere seg på dødt innhold. Altså faktaorientert innhold som målgruppen leser kun for faktaopplysninger. Et community har behov for diskusjoner, events o.l. og det er tydelig at Bård har skjønt dette da han fyrte opp

Når man kommer til design av en webside så har det liten betydning for sluttbrukeren om siden er designet med et CMS eller om webmaster har kodet dette selv. For min del har jeg livnært meg som webdesigner i flere år og føler jeg har kunnskapen til å kunne mene noe om dette. Det som ene og alene betyr noe for brukeren er om han treffer det han søker, om sidene er oppdatert osv. Om en bruker vil vite hva slags krav LFS krever, vil han få et svar hos, men har han da et behov for å komme tilbake igjen neste dag?

Min mening er at det ikke vil være behov for rett og slett fordi det norske "markedet" ikke er stort nok for to websider, og fordi at hvis det blir som blackfang sier, vil ikke innholdet skape den avhengigheten som kreves for å få et levedyktig nettsted.

Det er også noe i hvordan nettstedet blir presentert på. Det er lite gunstig å komme inn i et eksisterende miljø med et forslag som i stor grad baserer seg på hva noe i miljøet allerede har utrettet.

Og til slutt, hvis bare vil være et opplysningsnettsted, hvorfor da ikke gjøre dette hos LFSNorge som idag har størst brukermasse?
S2 licensed
I've used TrackIR all the time i've raced in LFS, and i can't race without it. Also my keys at the wheel are all used for other things. Making TrackIR usefull depends on how good your TrackIR setup is, and one hint is to set fixed y-angle, and have the center area with zero acceleration.
S2 licensed
Just a reminder..
As said earlier, you neeed Ghostcar V1.1 to make this work
S2 licensed
You already have the split for the car ahead, and behind you. But it should be an option for how long the split-times would show. Like, "always, 30s, 15s, 5s".
S2 licensed
this works in norway aswell =)
S2 licensed
Ah, that explains..

"Simple Track" option in Graphics
S2 licensed
Exactly what does this option do?
I changed it last night just to see if this improved my framerate. As before i've used the "scenery" choice, but switching to "off" improved my framerate from 70-90 to 120-130 at 1600x1200. So, i tried to see what difference it made to the visible output, but failed to find any difference..

Sorry if this have been covered before in another thread.. (i'm at work atm, so i've not read the manual to see if it's covered there)

(Picture of the option-menu) ... id=11930&d=1151017899
S2 licensed
(Old News)
Gratts Bawbag!
S2 licensed
Sorry to hear this.. Inactivity is sadly a known issue.. Cya guys on track.
S2 licensed
I'm in if i see i hvae the tmie to do prcaitse
S2 licensed
if it's not on the list, could you add "sort by", so I could sort the servers by racers in server?
S2 licensed
This type of thing is something that should be implemented into the scripting part of LFS. Would be nice if Scawen allowed modification on the interface via scripts
S2 licensed
thats no bug. It's there just to display witch button you are pressing
S2 licensed
G M O!!!! great man! ^^
S2 licensed
Where is the difference (legally) between a digital copy (.avi), and a analoge copy (VHS)?
Or, if you send a VHS your doing the same "illegal" thing as if you uploaded an .avi somewhere?
So... that means that if you get a VHS by mail, your doing the same illegal thing as downloading a .avi via torrent?

bah... back to work
S2 licensed
I've made such a system myself for Team XFR some time ago. If you would like to have a look at it just PM me and i'll see if I could digg it back up

It's a great tool for teams or groups, so keep up the good work!
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Great idea.
S2 licensed
Happy Birthday mates!
S2 licensed
Nice work!

I'm prob. stupid, but I don't get it to work. Ghostcar runs, enabled, and outim enabled. dest 28888, src 31000. Hitting button does nothing
Last edited by Kleppa, .
S2 licensed
Well, couldn't agree more I don't think us norwegians are any better than the rest of the world, we just (as of today) have not got cought yet
S2 licensed
Yeah, Finns showed us that some time ago :P
S2 licensed
Not sure if they like it, but if you would like to see the broadcast in its own instance of Media Player, use this link:
(open it in mediaplayer)
Pay a visit to their site once a while, so their sponsors get happy
Last edited by Kleppa, .