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S3 licensed
Great news Scawen can't wait to see what people do with the new autox/openworld layouts, there's some talented people out there thats for sure!!

Just a quick question, is it possible that when u rework the F9 tyre diagram key it remembers whether it's displayed on the screen or not from race to race? (or track to track, i'm not sure i just know that occasionally i keep having to look away from the screen to turn them back on lol)

..if you could do the same with the 4 key (racing line) that would be just awsome

Big thanks for patch guys
S3 licensed
ahh ok, so the problem was with my player name Quack!! - no problem, i can change that, thanks sam

as you know, i can't change my lfs username, i was just suprised your admin requested me to do so...

i shall try again, this time i will play as "Dougal" hehe

thanks again sam
oops,i mean Dougal lol
Problem with player name
S3 licensed
hi there,

i just came back to LFS from a long time out and i thought i would give CTRA aonther try :-/

i just joined CTRA 1 and waited 5-10 minutes for the race to finish, and then joined the next race from the rear. i had only done half of a lap when i han an admin message splattered across my screen. After typing $notes it said that my name Quack Dougal (with a space) is not valid and to choose something more aptly named. I was playing with the name Quack!! (which i have done for a long time now) but my LFS account is registered as quackdougal (no spaces).

i tried to get an answer there but i think as the race had just restarted, no one was answering, just lots of smiles from other drivers lol.

so does this mean to now race on CTRA i have to spend another 25 quid to create a new licence that is named conventionally - i really hope not lmao

thanks in advance
(quackdougal - no space )
Last edited by quackdougal, . Reason : typo
S3 licensed
just one more question, i know its possible to spectate a driver who hasn't scored enough driftpoints, but is it possible to spectate someone if they dont complete a lap under a certain time as well?

i was thinking of knocking up a speed drift server

S3 licensed
wow, thanks for the nice reply guys but i can only really speak for server 1 being copper lol.

i would think it sad if you drove out the higher licenced players nor would i want it as CTRA offers the best racing there is Nod tho i did like the points to the next deserving driver lol.

seriously, once an hour let copper / bronze race alone, it would give those of you with silver and above a chance to spectate us, maybe even a bit of help and advice or just a long deserved loo break. if a normal race is too long, then just give use a 3 lap special, i'm sure 3 laps an hour wouldn't drive everyone away lol heck i should think it could even be quite funny...

once an hour, just let the coppers/bronze race :-)
S3 licensed
would this be possible, ok yes i am no where near as good as you guys, but under the old system, i was able to chip away and earn the odd point here and there but since the x system i haven't been able to earn a single point lol.

not that i'm dissing the system, i love what u guys have done here but it just seems to be a bit unfair that the race server 1 is always populated with silver/gold licence holders and i'm sure all newcomers, not just me find this intimidating

i think it would be nice if lets say, just one race per hour or so was restricted to copper/bronze licence only. as a trade off maybe silver/gold could also have there own race (cos there always seem to be enough of them, lmao)

anyhow, its just a suggestion, plz dont flame me lol

S3 licensed
don't be sorry, without lapper drift servers would not be the same lol.

stupid me, i should learn to read the readme's properly.

(it might still be not a bad idea tho, lol...)
S3 licensed
hi all and happy new year!!

i have a small question about new authoring system, i run a single s2 drift server from home, is it possible to restrict cars allowed by driftscore gained. ie. everyone starts with the XRG, then when they scored enough driftpoints, they can then drive the XRT, and so on ?

thanks in advance
S3 licensed
how about the Dutch Carver?
(top gear vid)

(official site)

then look at this video i came across (imagine a carver skin for outside views, just concentrate on the inside view)

that would be so mental, and in real life, the carver is driven with a steering wheel

...well theres no harm in dreaming, lol



arrgh, beaten by Kegetys :ices_rofl
Last edited by quackdougal, .
S3 licensed
thankyou Gai Luron for a fantastic program

i have a small request, would it be possible to put in the next version of lapper the option to warn/spectate/kick players with extremely high pings?

(at least i hope its a small request lol)
Pictures of Layouts when loading (shift-U)?
S3 licensed
hi there, i have just discovered layouts and i have downloaded loads of them. problem now is i can't remember what most of them are lol

i was just thinking, wouldn't it be nice if they had a little picture come up when i click on them, as opposed to having to load them up to see what they are?

sorry if this has been asked before, i did search

S3 licensed
how about the Dutch Carver? (crazy idea i know, lol)

(top gear vid)

(official site) ... Item.asp?S_ID=21&nc=1

... drifting would certainly be interesting, if at all possible

S3 licensed
I was pleasantly impressed with the drift track as its quite forgiving to a novice like me (though the first right hander did take me a little to get used too, lol). some nice long curves where not even I could fail to have it sideways!!

two points, its a bit too "red & white" and there are no checkpoints set so lapper will not save driftscores, but on the whole its an enjoyable track (with plenty of room to get past noobs like me :tilt.

If anyone wants to have a go i'm hosting atm (Crazy Drifting -UK).

great effort Newtonyo, & thankyou

S3 licensed
+1, considering most cards nowadays come with dual outputs (even if u have to go to maplins and spend £10 on a DVI>VGA adaptor)

love the large map idea blackbird
S3 licensed
ok i'm a plonker, its ment to be this way lol (reasons in link above)

please feel free to remove / lock / whatever thanks

S3 licensed
Ahhh i see, thanks guys i feel such a muppet now lol

i've just found out as well that all though autokick works fine in the race, once the race is finished, autokick no longer works leaving the possibility to cheat at driftscoring (in lapper) wide open.

aww well, i can see now why thats just the way it is, i will check the lapper thread to see if they have come up with any workaround there.

thanks alot guys

S3 licensed
when i found LFS they were already on S2, and untill i saw this i didn't even realise there was an "old" Blackwood, so its a +1 from me, even if its just to see it for myself, lol

S3 licensed
thanks krammeh, i wasn't sure if this was known about as i could find no reference to it anywhere, so to be on the safe side i posted in the bug report section, hopefully it will get looked at when the dev's have the time

S3 licensed
Quote from duke_toaster :here's a suggestion for an R/L track in LFS - what about the Birmingham Superprix circuit that was used in the early 90's?

lol that made me chuckle Duke, but seriously tho, from what i saw on Central News the other week, most of the councillors that where against the racing in Birmingham have U-turned on their decisions, and now they want it back. There seems to be a lot of interest to bringing this back, so if Scawen's quick and does it before the the real event gets officially re-launched, they might be able to skip paying a licence fee for it

ok, so i'm biased (from the "2nd city" too, lol)

i googled > this <

Last edited by quackdougal, .
Wrong way=spectate bug in practice mode?
S3 licensed
today i was trying to enable spectate for wrong way drivers and i could not get it to work for toffee, so i re-installed x10 and went through the options 1 by 1 untill i came to the laps setting.

/laps=0 (practice mode, autokick would not work)

/laps=10 (race mode, autokick worked fine)

this is how it worked for me, if not the same for you guys then sorry for the false alarm, but i thought i'd better post here just in case

Quack!! (QD)
origional help request in the LFS hosts forum
S3 licensed
don't worry guys, solved it

the autokick won't work in practice mode (0 laps) changed it to a 10 lap race and its working fine, very strange lol

S3 licensed
hmmm strange silver, lol its definately x10. (i did try as u suggested as well)

i'll post the .cfg here (admin pass removed), maybe someone can spot something

// Example host configuration file
// How to use: LFS /cfg=setup.cfg
// Lines starting with // are ignored

// host name
/host=^1Driftin ^7for ^4Dummies ^

// optional: password

// optional: admin password

// optional: InSim port

// optional: local specified ip address

// a high number below 65536

// demo/s1/s2

// no/yes/hidden

// BL1/BL1R/BL2, SO1/SO1R/SO2, etc

// weather

// cars allowed - see README.txt

// max guests that can join host

// slots reserved for admins (0 to 8)

// max cars in a race

// max cars (real+ai) on host pc

// max cars (real+ai) per guest pc

// smoothness (3-6) number of car updates per second

// qualifying minutes, 0 for no qualifying

// number of laps, 0 for practice

// if laps not specified: hours

// 0=no/1=low/2=high

// nogfx/invisible

// no/yes: can guests vote to kick or ban

// no/yes: can guests select track

// no/yes/ban/spectate: wrong way drivers

// no restart within X seconds of race start

// no restart within X seconds of race finish

// no/yes: allow join during race

// no/yes: pit stop required

// no/yes: allow car reset

// no/yes: force cockpit view

// fixed/finish/reverse/random: race start order

// optional: welcome message up to 200 chars

// optional: text file listing allowed tracks

// optional: message log file

// MPR autosave (0=off / 1=manual / 2=auto)

// optional: MPR folder

Last edited by quackdougal, .
S3 licensed
thanks for the reply Krammeh, i tried as you suggested (i entered /autokick=spectate into chat window, whilst logged in as admin), but nothing - i even restarted the server but no joy

thanks again, i'll live with it for the moment

wrong way drivers=spectate will not work
S3 licensed
sorry if this has been asked before, but i couldn't find it lol

when i set wrong way drivers to kick or spectate, it does neither, it just shows "WRONG WAY" in white, letting peeps drive wrong way all day long, lol

i'm running x10 dedicated and its the same in demo or S2.

i initially thought it was slapper, but its the same without it running.

here is my line..

// no/yes/ban/spectate: wrong way drivers

it used to work, what gives?? has this happened to anyone else? what have i done wrong??? lmao

thanks in advance
S3 licensed
funny you should say that AA, last night i went to play UT for the first time in ages, and a lot of servers was running a new protection called UTDC. when entering the server (for the first time) it wanted to install a checker locally on my machine, and when i clicked OK, it shut down UT, pretty much like LFS restarts after an update. i'm presuming that having it running locally as well as server-side it can check alot more - at least i hope it is, lol i'm no expert.