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S3 licensed
Quote from Trev084 :This is LFS, Tard.

You Necrobumped a 5 month old thread to call someone a tard. Super slow sunday, eh?
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Quote from mutt107 :
turn 10's twitter
Quote :
Turn10Studios Pirates and illegitimate pre-release players will be bummed. Forever.

That sounds really painful.
S3 licensed
Quote from TAYLOR-MANIA :Ha

Oh, this is lame.

Right that's it, you're not getting in it.
S3 licensed
If they do this then I'm going to start my own internet. I shall call it "The outernet"
S3 licensed
I've hardly touched LFS or any other sim in ages for that matter. But it will ALWAYS have a place on my hard drive. Even if the Devs announced tomorrow that LFS wasn't being developed any more I'd still keep it there and fire it up from time to time over the years just to remind myself how much of a masterpiece it is. Even if we had fully immersible holodeck technology I'd keep an old 22" monitor and an old dualcore gaming rig with a G25 in the wardrobe just to play LFS every so often.

For the people bitching about 24 quid.... please, I was in a bar the other night, bought a round of drinks for 6 of us and never even seen change out of a twenty. Get a paper round or something if moneys that tight
S3 licensed
Quote from tezuka :the geforce 9800gt costs $104 on tiger direct & im sure it can be found for an even cheaper price.

Thats the card you want :d

the 9800gt directly competes with the hd3870 single slot and the nvidia is a tiny bit better. They're both the same price now so i say buy the nvidia

S3 licensed
This is a good place to find deals on all sorts of stuff...
S3 licensed
Give it another year and we'll see this type of technology really come down in price.. ... duct.php?prodid=MO-060-HY

I'd say you'll pick up a 22" 3D monitor next christmas for under 250 euros pounds or whatever.
S3 licensed
wow.... 17! I've ate tins of beans older than that.
S3 licensed
Wow, just wow, at some of the whingeing going on in here. The LFS devs are a dying breed and people who are crying their little eyes out because the Scirocco wont be available until after the holidays could do well to remember that. Were lucky that LFS not only exists but continues to expand.

heres something to put things into perspective for yas.
S3 licensed
Im seriously considering getting both the wheel and the pedals. My DFP has served me well, and I've thought about getting the G25 for a while now, the original Porsche wheel caught my eye also but I guess the DFP has been so faithful to me that it's hard to justify dropping 150-250GBP on some new racing hardware when you've got a trusty setup in front of you.

Definately considering it
S3 licensed
Piddys Eastern Creek Laser scanned track that was released lately for rFactor would be amazing in LFS. Other than that I'd like to see either Spa or Laguna Seca.
S3 licensed
Quote from DratsaB :

Hey, heres a funny thing. Over at the Lockon Forums they also have a "Bloom" thread going, its scarily similar to this one . Hell, they even have their own Tristan

I wasn't spamming it... much.... honest.....
S3 licensed
I haven't even tried it yet but if it doesn't support Trackir for leaning the bike into corners and adjusting body position then it's a massive fail.

Still, good to see a decent bike sim rearing its head for the wheelnuts among us.
S3 licensed
Quote from garph :but you'll miss out on the higher FSB and cache

doesnt have any impact on games.
S3 licensed
This rig will get you to 3ghz no problems whatsoever on stock cooling and voltage. Add a decent cooler and you'll get 3.3ghz on stock volts.

By Bramski25t
S3 licensed
Quote from Jakg :Is it me or do all the "orgasm pics" just look blurred to hell?

Aren't things supposed to look a little dreamy after one though?
S3 licensed
Quote from NitroNitrous :I don´t like how it looks, it is all orange painted. Live for Orange

As I said, two clicks of a mouse in a warmth filter produced that just to show how easy it was to dramatically change the whole look using only the colour palette, I could have made it pink, brown, blue or look like a photo negative. My point is that we have tools available to make LFS have some natural lighting, I'm not trying to make it look like Live For :banana_raD.I.S.C.O :banana_ra just more natural or at least more immersive.

If we had someone who knew a bit about colours and how to edit the BMP file properly then we could get some pretty natural looking lighting and colours. The tools are there.

S3 licensed
Quote from ACCAkut :Won't start now, can't find " d3d9_26.dll "

Is your directx up to date?
S3 licensed
Quote from Electrik Kar :Looks way too contrasted and dark here still. Maybe someone will come up with something a little more reasonable, as nothing I do seems to make any difference.

Quote from mcintyrej :Same - I've tried messing with all of the settings and I can't see which ones work, other than the saturation one that only goes mega-saturated.

Yea when you're using the custom colour palette some of the options are disabled.

Good thing is though is that you can load the enbpalette.bmp into photoshop and adjust the levels very easily and effectively in there.

I thought the cockpits were a bit too dark too so I adjusted the dark levels of the enbpalette.bmp and ran a warm filter across it in photoshop and it brightened things up in game and gave it a better contrast a cool filter gave things a more blue hue and it felt cooler, I prefer the warmer feeling. Try it for yourself if you have any photo editing software, just remember to save the enbpalette as a 24 bit bitmap image.

Heres some screens to try and show the difference and a copy of the enbpalette I adjusted. I strongly recommend adjusting the palette to suit your own taste though as its very easy and even if you hate bloom you can still use the custom colours with it off.

All shots taken in Blackwood on a cloudy afternoon.

Before After

S3 licensed
Good news guys, theres been an update for the mod that allows us to use all the features of the directx9 version. this is excellent news as it means we can adjust the colour saturation and gamma levels and you can also make custom 3d colour palletes in 3ds max.

Motion blur is working but its a bit hit and miss, I still need to play around with it. I'm not sure about shadows and reflections yet either as I'm using another reflection mod in LFS. I'll check it in more depth later.

Theres a link to the file with the extension to make it work in LFS attacheded below. Have fun playing around with colour saturation settings and post any interesting configs you might make.

S3 licensed
Quote from Electrik Kar :It's too inflexible atm.

I found that it was also difficult to get a good balance between single seaters and tins too and that some tracks and times of day were more effective than others. It would be cool if different bloom profiles could be hotkeyed so you could change them in game.
S3 licensed
Ok here's what I've come up with after some tweaking. What I've done is practically zero'd out most of the bloom, changed the gamma levels to give a more contrasted image and altered the bloom adaptation levels to try and emulate the way your vision adapts to light when you go under bridges and large signs.

It took me a while to get a good balance between the open wheelers and the tin tops because of the darker cockpits in the tinnys but I'm happy with where Im at so far.

One thing I have noticed is how much the quality of the sky texture can effect the way the light acts, I think I have the best ones available but I've noticed my westhill sky is a lot better than south citys, although south citys dusk is superb. I might look into trying to make different skies for different effect.

Try out the new file especially if you don't like the glowing cars look the bloom can give off as It's almost tweaked out in this version.
S3 licensed
Quote from Jakg :Can anyone upload this to the forum?

cRapidshare is being crap again for me.

Sorry bout the Crapidshare mate, I forgot the LFS forum allowed attachments.