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Quote from cypher1024 :All I can say is WOW!!! It looks amazing.

I stumbled across this thread while looking for inspiration for my own cockpit. Mine wont be nearly as detailed though. I think I might be able to solve two of your problems!
- Eliminate the need for a keyboard and
- Fill up the double DIN (stereo) hole.

My idea is to put a blanking plate across the stereo hole and fill it with 8 or 10 buttons/switches - one for each essential function (traction control, speed limiter, ESC key etc). Connect them all to one of these, and you're good to go!!

I'm going to do the same thing in my cockpits (yes, I'm stupid enough to build two of the damn things). The little circuit board in the link above is basically just the brains of a keyboard, but with a whole lot of screw terminal inputs so it's really easy to work with. All you have to do is wire up your buttons and switches to it, and when you press them, the computer thinks you're pressing a button on a keyboard.

The only downside is that you don't have a full keyboard so you can't type messages in multiplayer.

The button box in the stereo hole was what i was planning, ive since lost interest in the cockpit as i have no time due to my job, i even considered selling it, but can't go through with it because of the headache it was to make it, so its definitely staying with me for when i eventually have a rumpus room i can throw it in. My original intentions where button box in stereo area, and attach a swilleng arm for the keyboard on the right hand side, so when your not using it it swivels in, and when your playing you just swivel it out, and use your right hand for the KB/

Now its just sitting in a corner of my room in hibernation
S2 licensed
unless your going to move it 20x per week, why would you waste your time with metal?
S2 licensed
Quote from dopna12345 :i am also in the build of my racing cockpit and i was just wondering seeing yours gave me some ideas but i was just wondering how you make the pedals come down like that do u turn the pedals upside down and adjust the settings in lfs or..

please reply


It was just a matter of opening the pedal casing, and turning the pedal pads upside down (they are just screwed to the arm of teh pedal). no adjustments needed in LFS, as the same pedals are being used for each action. (acc/brak/clut)
S2 licensed
Quote from CSU1 :Is that a tin of Ambrosia Creamed Rice ! yummy

1 * tin of Ambrosia + 1 * blue pan = Sim racers Dinner/mobile loo

Thats a paint tin!
S2 licensed
Yes, i do like the paint scheme, wasnt sure how it was going to turn out, but everything so far has pretty much come out as i wanted it to, although i did want to put a door on the unit for a more enclosed feeling, space didnt let me though unfortunately
S2 licensed
I have been veryy busy at work doing 7 day weeks...It will get finished one day, although my list of what i want to do to it, is slowly getting smaller and smaller
S2 licensed
Got some motivation to do a little more on it today
S2 licensed
I get an error message when i try running slicks, how can i use slicks on the xrt?? its the same error message as on pg1 of this thread, JIT debugging or something
S2 licensed
no updates apart from it being in my room, i bought some white paint and have a tonne of stickers for it, but have been extremelley busy with work so havent had a chance to get around to are a couple of videos of my 6yr old nephew driving manual with it, kids got some talent
S2 licensed
shifter is a g25 one, i just ccut the section where the button panel is so i could mount it in the factory position, and used a aftermarket g/ probably doing a button box where the stereo is later down the track though....
S2 licensed
the gauge only going to 7k is a slight problem, but it still reaches 9k at redline so it is doable.....

No handbrake, i use lfs mainly so no need atm, but can easily be incorporated later on..... but the seat is fully adjustable

S2 licensed
Its been painted black after i took that pic

It's definitely not for sale, i don't ever want to make another one of these again, they are a friken PITA. Im glad its done now, as looking back its a shit load of work.

You know if you had to pay someone, i think a figure of well over $1000 would be needed to justify it. (NO NOT SELLING:razz

Like mentioned previously its all small stuff needed to finish it off, im going to use the existing g25 button box for now, but ill probably make a button box for it.

still need to make the monitor, keyboard and speaker mounts. and some more stuff that i cant think of right now. But its pretty much come out how i was hoping it would
S2 licensed
Quote from klingon :how u gonna type?

ahh yes lol, i will be having a swivelling board on the right had side of the cockpit, the kb will just sit on that....the mouse im still working out what to do...
S2 licensed
The cockpit ended up costing me a little over $500 aussie dollars, and thats not including the g25. The dash was $250, seat was $130, and the rest covers paint, timber etc.

So i think you can see why i dont think ill be getting the guages to function (not any time soon anyway). From what ive found, it seems it will cost me another $500 odd dollars to get the guages to work. For me thats too excessive.
I just want to use it, i have not played LFS since i started this thing in early december !!

Thanks to everyone for all the positive comments, makes it more worthwhile!
S2 licensed
no they arent, i cant justify the price it costs to get them operational
S2 licensed
Well here are some updated pics of the cockpit.

I still have to do a little more but you get the idea.

I need to paint dotted lines and some black areas and plenty more stickers...
S2 licensed
i think i turned the wheel all the way to one side, then put the cog onto the rail, then checked to see the wheel ended up in the right place when turned the full rotation in the opposite direction with no extra teeth, took a couple of goes but it was ok.

When opening the case i did the same as you it looks like, took of all visible screws. Unfortunately the 2 (or 4??) screws towards teh front of the base (closest to driver) can stay stay in and still allows you to open the casing, but prevents that spring from popping out. Seeing you know where it goes now, shouldnt be a problem no more
S2 licensed
lol, i had the same problem when i opened mine up, took me 3 hours to work out where it went, i coulcnt find any info on the net as to its location. lession learnt, DO NOT TAKE OFF THE SCREWS THAT HOLD THE MOTORS. ....if you look at teh bottom of the plastic casing, under the cogged rail (??), there is a groove. it goes in that groove, i cant remember which way, but i think its tips of the spring facing down, its been a while since i opened it up so its the best description i can give. It basically puts tension on the cogs....if you can't work it out, post a pic of the internals and ill mark where it goes Also make sure the cogs and rail (best description i can think of it) is centered up before you put it back together to make sure your steering centres and turns properly.

and yes i got mine to working condition so you can do it too
Last edited by Rotatox, .
S2 licensed
Thanks mate, its almost there, the carpet and interior are now fitted, just a coat of paint and ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM

And ive changed my mind on the ferrari paint job, the new paint scheme will be revealed after its painted If what i have pictured in my head is anything to go by it should look pretty good
S2 licensed
Quote from wtf im nameless :Nice job so far

Two questions for you, if you don't mind.

1) You mentioned that you moved the wheel up to make more legroom. A few posts prior to that you mentioned that the floor to the top of the gauge cluster is 740mm. When you raised the wheel did you have to raise the whole dash too? If you did, what's the current measurement? I'm trying to compare yours to mine as im starting to install my dash today, but mine will be a little higher from floor to top of dash.

2) How sturdy is the wheel like that? Do you get any flex in the wood under hard cornering or when you have to whip the wheel around quickly to correct for oversteer??


1. No, the dash is at the same height. I notched out the beam to raise the wheel about 30mm. As a result of this the wheel is sitting slightly closer to me now (and is more comfy), i had to lentghen the piece that the wheel sits on as i couldnt cut the guage cluster any more.

2. The wheel is about as firm as you can get it. no movement, or none that you can actually notice. mind you those beams are thick enough to hold up a house. If anything the only movement is the wheel is itself. not the timber its attatched too. Same goes for the rest of the interior, is as sturdy as a real car, you dont have to tippy toe around it scared of breaking something
S2 licensed
Here are some pics i took now of the internals. Ive bought carpet for it, and have rounded the edges off, carpet goes in after that.

Paint scheme ive decided on a ferrari Red, with green/white/red pin striping and plenty of stickers eventually. I know it aint a ferrari interior but im hoping it will still look good
S2 licensed
Quote from blackbird04217 :I can't wait to see some photos and wish you all the luck on this project, sounds like lots of fun

not fun FRUSTRATING lol......btw don't expect pretty photo's of inside, its a mountain of pieces everywhere....the outside looks nice though . Cars have screws in all the wrong places
S2 licensed
Quote from bladegt :| so far behind.....
could you post any photos/guide/how to for the wheel mounting and the gears? what parts did you use to make the wheels axis long .........

It will be too hard to explain how i mounted the wheel and gear shifter. its more a trial and error thing. I will get some photo's up of the internals. As of now all the timber is complete, finally getting underway with it agaain. Ive re adjusted the steering wheel higher to a more comfortable position. and fitted the back sheet of timber. I was going to buy the carpet today but just too tired to go to the hardware . I'm getting very itchy to play lfs again as i havent played it since i started this thing about 3 or more months ago
S2 licensed
dont sweat guys, i havent given up on this thing, ive lost a serious amount of motivation to complete this. I want to make sure everything is comfortable, as i still need to move steering higher up and pedals a little further back, so instead of slapping it together now as it is, i'd rather work on it when i feel like it so its done right.
I look at it everyday when i get out of my car so it never loses my attention....I havent played lfs for 3 months so its starting to give me the motivation ever so slightly

Updates will be done as soon as something is updated....and going by the views this threads had im pretty sure a few of you are keen to see the finished result (as am I)
S2 licensed
Quote from rainspecialist :wow that is nice i can see you put alot of effort into this but if i was you i wouldnt glue everything cause it wouldnt be able to be serviced
ex: god forbid your g25 broke and you were going to send it back for a new one how would you do that? my point. other than that its great! good job

I hacked the gearstick up, opened the pedals and took off the clamps in the steering box, so i doubt ill be getting a warranty claim lol.

Only the timber is getting glued, the g25 is still going to be completely removeable..i purposely designed it that way so i could easily buy another one and replace whatever broke