#1 - axus
LFS community GTR2 Demo try-out?
Hi guys,

I'm not the biggest fan of ISI engines but I think we ought to try out the GTR2 demo which is coming out in 2 days. It will be 512MB and should be available at 9am GMT.

It will consist of 2 GT cars and the Barcelona circut.

For those who are keen to try it out, lets state our views on what they have put together in this thread.
I have seen the future!
GTR2 will look awesome, have a good damage model, and should be fun to drive, but let's face it, anyone who has drive LFS with a wheel, will not be dropping it for any other racing game!
It has arcade mode....yyyyw. But I guess that after you test the demo and play LFS next time you remember why you like this more than GTR.
I won't pass judgement until I play it. How you can say what a games like without playing it is beyond me.
I doubt they have improved hugely from the part 1. But I test it before I give out my last opinnion
#7 - Jakg
i was gonna try it (have GTR, havent played it in a while because ive lost the disc, but if anyone knows how to get arond that, PM me!), but 512 mb sounds quite a lot!
I heard on the grapevine that they were very disappointed with GTR.

So it may be an improvement.
I will try the demo - I always try new sims. I will probably download the full game and try it, or buy it and take it back. I have a personal need to know what I'm missing, and what other people see in these things, so I will be playing it.

But I know for a fact that it'll be poo! The question is "How Poo?"
Quote from spankmeyer :"i have seen the future :bananadea

I literaly loughed out loud when i saw your post dude! you are teh awesomest!

wtf i ajm stil laugnhing!!!!!!!
Quote from axus :Hi guys,

I'm not the biggest fan of ISI engines but I think we ought to try out the GTR2 demo which is coming out in 2 days. It will be 512MB and should be available at 9am GMT.

It will consist of 2 GT cars and the Barcelona circut.

For those who are keen to try it out, lets state our views on what they have put together in this thread.

WoW! 512 mb for just 2 cars and one track? must be all eye candy, isnt a full LFS install with all cars and all tracks, built in skins & and some sets only 138Mb? and that includes realism at no extra weight
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
StarForce is the worst idea for copy protection known to mankind. They say it helps to boost up game sales due to being really hard to crack, but for most of the people it has had the reverse effect and made them boycott games with StarForce protection (I'm one of those people). I was seriously going to buy Flatout 2 (just like I bought the first one) until I heard and became shocked that it had SF protection.

I'm all up for having better copy protections, but if you uninstall a game, the copy protection should go with it. That didn't happen with SF protection last time I had to interact with that crap, it stayed in my operating system until I actually downloaded another program from the internet that removed it.

And about GTR2 itself.. if the demo has SF on it, I'm not touching it with a 10 foot pole. No matter how good (or propably bad) it is.
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken

you wouldn't believe the bloat that comes with programs these days.

A completely empty program ( void main(){} ), with MS VC++ gives a 6KB executable. That's a pretty lot for nothing. it ought to be like 8bytes (a jump to an exit routine) or something, but nooooooo... the minimum size of a win32 application is 1024bytes. That alone is not a lot, granted, but consider that anything one codes has about 2 to 3 orders of magnitude of crap along with the necessary stuff.

I have a complete IDE on my calculator. It has a compiler, assembler, dissassembler, editor (with macros, templates etcetc), 2 debuggers. It is 70KB.

your PC's notepad.exe is 68KB and, setting aside all the bugs that a text editor shouldn't have, it can't even edit binary files.
Oh, the Starforce, Im glad you mentioned it...uh. I think Im going to pass that demo just because of that. The developers of that software and companys using it in their products should be shot on sight. I think it's hacking in my computer without my permission. That cant be legal and its terribly rude and insults me and why in the hell they haven't allready been sued? They get away because some tiny print in the license agreeement? GRRRR! It's rude. The funny thing is that everything they try to do to prevent piratism won't work, it slows them down but someone will eventually hack it. Starforce just irritates the normal user- well, not the normal because they don't know a thing- the gamer that knows something about whats going on his/her computer, and then get pissed off like this. I like to keep my computer clean - boycott against everything with SF!

This was the "What really grinds my gear: Part II" (the first one was the engine tuning earlier today)
#15 - Jakg
oh no, if it has sf it can **** itself, im being treated like a criminal thanks to starforce, so i wont even try it!
sad thing is its actualy quite easy to get around, bit more hassel then average, but the pirates can still play the game. It just fecks about with people who paid money .
I somewhat doubt my PC will like it, the GTR press demo was the last ISI that worked for me, and that was crap even though it had Spa and the Morgan. The rFactor demo gave me about 3 fps whatever I did and the GTL demo liked rebooting my computer whenever I selected the E-type, the other cars worked but at a bloody low fps.

Are they actually including the physics engine in the official demo this time?
Quote from ajp71 :IAre they actually including the physics engine in the official demo this time?

No, thats another 512mb download or provided with Patch 1.01 :ices_rofl
i will try it out, but just like before, i enjoy LFS and everyone else does. i think it will feel alot like toca 3, which i like, but i still play LFS more. well see what happens. but im not dropping LFS at all. the best game come from small organization because they do it right, instead of being budgeted on salaries. i know, i worked for a gaming company, that is why i also play LFS
Quote from thisnameistaken :It'll probably use StarForce copy protection, just like the GTL demo did. I never actually got to play the GTL demo because it rebooted my computer a few times before I figured out WTF was going on, and then of course I uninstalled it along with the malware that had piggybacked in on it.

**** them. :irked:


For those of you who don't like the ISI style of physics engines, you will be dissapointed. That's fact. This is the same physics engine the first GTR game had, and it is the graphics engine that rF has IIRC. Damage will not be all that great, because no one has ever made it look good on the ISI engine yet. No one. I don't consider a body panel falling off and exposing low-poly internals a good damage model, but maybe I have high standards.

I'll only try it when someone confirms that Starforce (and other copy protections) are not present in the demo. I severaly doubt that, though.

[EDIT] Just checked out the site. It's GTR1 with 5 news cars (Viper Comp Coupe, Maser MC12, Nissan Z, TVR Tuscan?, and BMW M3) and a new graphics engine. They're pulling an EA Sports it seems...
I will definetly try out the demo, have to see what the competition is up to.
Quote from ShannonN :WoW! 512 mb for just 2 cars and one track? must be all eye candy, isnt a full LFS install with all cars and all tracks, built in skins & and some sets only 138Mb? and that includes realism at no extra weight

But remember LFS has mostly lo-res textures (and if the real reason for that is to keep d/l size down, I really don't understand why). For example compare DoN's hi-res sky textures to the default... 13 MB vs. 3 MB.


recent official vid:

vids from some beta version:

If GTL was blamed to be "GTR with new cars", I must say that this looks like GTL with new cars. Although audiovisually it's great looking and sounding. And that gear changing animation is cool.
#23 - Jakg
ouch, theres no difference between that and gtr looks wise, and yes it sounds amazing (the Maserati), but it doesn't sound like that IRL!
My S2 U folder is 879mb

The stuff that should grow in size (mpr, spr, set and two skins folders) are only 260mb so it's mostly the texture addons as well as the music pack that have added to my file size. LFS gets it just right because on the standard textures and low graphics settings most computers can run LFS (CPU dependant).

I don't get why I struggle with some games,

BF2 - low FPS in 800 x 600 minimum everything

rFactor MP test - non-exsistant frame rates

GTL demo - crashed when I selected the Jag other cars 20 fps day, about 2 fps at night

GTR press demo - no problems, respectable framerates on decent quality (back on my Radeon 9000!)

GTR demo v2 - crashed when I choose race weekend on the menu screen

nK Pro - very low FPS seeing as ASS said my card should be able to do 45 fps without fail on online grids all the time, I can't get that reliably offline, online less than 10 fps

GTP mod - lowish details, fine except I get 45-60 fps normally down to 12 when I open the pit instructions window, very odd behaviour. All other Papy NP.

RoR - no problems at all get reasonable fps, maybe too low to race at times but not a problem for trucks, never looked but I'd guess always 25+

RBR - runs fine, bloody long loading times though

It all seems my PC has some kind of major problem with some new games, yet others run effortlessly.

P4 2.8 ghz, 512 mb RAM, Ati Radeon 9600 Pro, Philips 5.1 soundcard

Clean and free of background apps.
Quote from Jakg :and yes it sounds amazing (the Maserati), but it doesn't sound like that IRL!

Sounds crap to me, the same repetitive sample with some annoying whining over the top.

LFS community GTR2 Demo try-out?
(386 posts, started )