I agree almost completely with Funnybear, and have just one addition in relation to nikimere's post further up.
When it comes to the license issue, it's a big circle. You pay the fees and add the car to the game in the hope the plebs go "Ooh, I wanna drive a Lambugetti Fasterossa!" and shell out the green. The idea is that the devs make more from that than the initial cost.
Right now LFS is an alpha-stage product admirally being put together by 3 guys in (engage artistic license mode, captain) basements, living off what pizza and coffee the fans can pay for, trying not to think of the market fight with the big guys (cough cough Smellytronic Farts) as they make what is undoubtedly the most accomplished and realistic experience you can get without risking arrest and imprisonment, motion sickness and a sticky, wrapped-around-a-tree-death.
If, when they're happy with the physics and the UI has been user-friendly-atised (woo new word invention!), the car names we all know slowly start to be replaced with names that are more recognisable (cough again bloody hell Jamesxing I Google'd and you could be right cough) and easier to remember then that's great.
But until then I'm happy with my amazing handling, Scrabble-winning XFUB GTs