Sim Touring Car Cup Round 1
(161 posts, started )
Sim Touring Car Cup Round 1
Full coverage of the first round of the STCC Sim Touring Car Cup at South City Sprint 1. 33 Laps of TBO class racing with support races and commentary coverage.

My thanks go to the STCC team in producing this video, particularly Tristan Cliffe without who's assistance this video would never have finished production; Matt Gunn for his assistance in stewarding at this round; Sam Hopkinson for providing the race server; Michael Allam for hosting and of course all the drivers who took part and the other staff who contributed in the background without whome there would be no STCC at all.

Races are monthly so you get to watch the stars of the STCC all over again in a few weeks time

Streaming Link: You Tube Google Video

400mb Version File Front Ling:;5511740;;/
100mb Version Direct STCC Link:STCC Round 1 Download (100mb).
(please download [right click, save as] rather than stream where possible, thank you).

The best quality video playback can be found by downloading the dedicated Google Video player
Excellent, getting a good speed too
#3 - Vain
Absolutely fantastic coverage!
Really, this is outstanding!

Just finished watching it all, great stuff, was a bit like watching Motors TV on Sky

What happened after the race with Redman? as he seemed to push past Horvath for 2nd place
Great stuff! Really surprised me how well it was done. Only things that catched my eye were that there was no mentioning of the nationalities of the drivers or tire brands used by each car.

Great stuff, watched it through and enjoyed it
We wont be locking drivers into tyre brands until LFS gives different performance stats for different brands, but I take your point on the driver nationalities as there isn't an introduction for each driver. The next round will have more to cover in the pre-race coverage so we'll cover a few drivers at each round or something like that, if you want to find out who's from where the information is available on the entries list of the website: (*SPOILER*)
#8 - filur
Really impressive, great video / commentary / coverage.

Only thing i didn't like was the alternative (high res?) textures on the short bits from Aston, combined with low resolution and compression they sort of turn into a single-color featureless surface.
It's hard enough remembering driver names, corner names, positions, the lap your on, the car your driving, and the livery it's got, the gaps, the previous incidents in the race that need commenting on etc etc. To be quite honest once I'd had a go at that I had no room in my head for nationalities.

But I'll try and mention them a bit more next time. As Becky says a longer pre-race build up, where a few drivers are looked at, maybe a profile or two, that sort of thing.

What would also be cool is a scrolling grid display (like on the Telly), so each driver can potentially get another mention.

But despite the shortcomings I'm quite pleased with the first go.
Awesome coverage It took quite a while for it to get online, but it was definitly worth the wait. I cant image how much work this must have been. Anyway, thumbs up for all those involved making it
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Edit: Oh, and the video's final frame looks like a public information film. If the caption read "Look both ways at traffic lights" it would be perfect![/QUOTE]

Or: "Don't drink and drive"

Please release a hi-res version. Who cares about the file size, e.g. some GPL race reviews I've seen are easily 400-500 mb. Under 90 mb for a ~40 min video is simply not enough for a good quality.
I will soon be starting a publicity drive for the series which in turns creates a bandwidth issue, a few thousand downloads of a half gig file is simply beyond my means, i'd be happy to accept your sponsorship though . A 450mb version of the footage already exists for the drivers and will be going out tomorrow, and I also have an even higher quality DVD version which will be released periodically during the year.
If you can't find a hosting for it you can always use freeones...

For example Up to 1gb and unlimited bandwidth afaik.

but I noticed there were only around 13 drivers, are there still open spaces?
Quote :If you can't find a hosting for it you can always use freeones...

I have not sucessfully downloaded an LFS movie from a free hosted site in over two months and I find them very difficult to use, some are so badly written they wont allow two users with the same ISP to download the same file (IP tracking finds cache server). I would not want to put a potential viewer through that much grief, so in order to get a higher quality version out I am going to produce DVD's. They will not be expensive, a few pounds only.

Quote :I noticed there were only around 13 drivers, are there still open spaces?

There is currently a waiting list, but it isn't that long so you can sign up. Download the entry pack and sign up on the forums, read the rules, and when a space is available we'll sort out car and number.
exceptional awesome

great work with coverage. i like the commentary which seems to be live at first.
i wonder if we could have stream like youtube at lfsnews. i'll be glad to see championship coverages there as im less interested in quality than quick access

one thought: you can comment tire temps and damage amount too.
Quote from Becky Rose :I have not sucessfully downloaded an LFS movie from a free hosted site in over two months and I find them very difficult to use, some are so badly written they wont allow two users with the same ISP to download the same file (IP tracking finds cache server).

Great, so you didn't even look at the page? Believe me, Filefront is different. Recently it started to offer free uploading services but it has been for some years a game demo/movies mirror download site. I agree that most of the free sites suck, I just don't understand why people still uses Crapidshare so much when there are so many better sites.

Look: ... /;5502061;;/fileinfo.html

I just uploaded that to test the uploading. You need to click only two times, no ads (if you are smart enough to use ad blockers and any other web browser than IE), no restrictions, but sometimes you have to wait in line for free dl slots but that happens very rarely. Download managers are also supported.

Quote :I would not want to put a potential viewer through that much grief, so in order to get a higher quality version out I am going to produce DVD's. They will not be expensive, a few pounds only.

I'd rather click 10 dl links and wait 5 mins than buy a dvd even if it costed 2 cents.
I looked at it, but I have an aweful lot more to do before I turn my attention to the 'want it all for nothing' crowd. I need to sort out the Google Video which involves finding and learning suiteable software or codec, clean up the raid array of all the rushes, archive the HQ versions, do the intro & pre-show footage for round 2, upload the drivers version, goto my parents and pick up some boxes, and then sunday there's another round, a week of scrutineering, camera work, then another week of editing. Then there's LFSCompanion, and I want to produce some new software for grid graphics too if I get a chance, oh, and I work a 70 hour week. Maybe a driver will leak their version for you when once it's uploaded.
Absolutely amazing!! Very well done! Congratulations guys, this must have been really hard work! It'just like watching the Eurosport or Motors TV.. great
I have some suggestions for the future movies.. It would be nice if there are more onboard coverages, they are great and looks real, or some rear spoiler camera coverega, you know just like in Real coverages. Otherwise, once again, really great stuff!!
#21 - Jakg
hmmm, i think you oculd do with some more in cars thought, and some slo-mo closeups of "good moves" and crashes (ie my infamous one!) would look quite good

PS - Self promotion here, didnt J. Green do well?

From the comments I see I should expect something good
I've just watched the first bit, and apart from the fact I think I sound like a fool (either because I am, or because a recorded voice sounds different to how it sounds in your head), it's quite enjoyable.

Okay, so it's obvious Becky and I weren't doing the commentary at the same time, but it's not too bad. You can tell I was watching a low(ish) res version because I missed a few tell-tale brake lights and what have you.

I'll watch the rest later, but I've got to go to my rehearsal now, but big thumbs up to Becky for the first effort. I'm actually looking forward to Round 2
#24 - Vain
@Tristan: You're doing better than most F1-commentators, if that helps you.

Nice content but video is crappy because of its low quality.
I know it would be of huge size if you made a higher quality but... well my opinion - great content.

Sim Touring Car Cup Round 1
(161 posts, started )