Sim Touring Car Cup Round 1
(161 posts, started )
Excellent, excellent movie. Very well done and professional. Although Google Video and YouTube aren't the best quality, I definitely think they are the best solution. In my mind the best possible thing would be to post a vid on YouTube and have every LFSer view it, giving it a ton of hits. Hopefully enough to get on the "most viewed" list where it will get exposure to even more people who probably have never even heard of the game.

I agree that having both commentators in the same room would add tremendously to the production value. It helps take the load off of each individual and they can play off of each other as well. Hopefully this works out for you next race.

I would love to see more in-car/on-car cameras. In the last 10 years racing coverage has really gone all out with these cameras and they're used almost constantly. Let us see some views from slightly behind the driver out through the windshield, rear facing cameras during those close battles (or even better, during accidents), views from near the wheels as the cars are hitting the curbs, etc.

Overall, excellent job. I can't even imagine how much time and effort it took to put this together, and I can't wait to see a video like this for a longer race with pit stops and a bit more driver strategy.

Keep up the good work!
#77 - Jakg
Quote from Shinrar :But that J-Turn recovery helped you keep onto 2nd place, and was really quick reaction time on your part. You may not have gotten first, but I don't think anyone will hold it against you.

playing LFS at school with friends who WILL take you out aids your recovery from crashes!
Quote :In my mind the best possible thing would be to post a vid on YouTube and have every LFSer view it, giving it a ton of hits.

Please we need your hits, your votes, it added to your favorites and your remote links ! They all effect You Tube indexing on the searches
Quote from Becky Rose :Please we need your hits and your votes

Get the vids up there and not only will I view 'em, I'll send links to all my buddies as well.
I was watching (again ) and I suddenly had an idea for improvement.

Now, this being a sim, its mostly understood that not all of the camera shots would be possible in real life. This of course make sense, use what you have access to!

However, the in car views (34:33 - 34:40, noteably), the camera bobs around while inside the car... I don't play with cameras very much, but is it possible to elimite the bob? I would think it has to do with the g-forces (under the options menu) exerted on the car, but being at work rather than home, I can't test this.

I would think a Camera, IRL, would be mounted so as it wouldn't bob, but remain in a fixed position inside the car (so I guess a little bob and roll would be needed, because the cars pitch/roll under high-g braking/cornering, depending on the suspension). I mean, it wasn't such a big deal that it bothered me, but I guessed suggestions for improvement might be welcome

And note, if it isn't possible to eliminate it, oh well *shrug*. It still looks really nice.
I agree, but Becky has admitted her camera work wasn't too hot, but she's learnt a lot from it, so expect better views next time. I guess the onboard of Strobe was with shift-u, rather than a custom camera.

What I'd like in LFS is an almost limitless amount of car specific replay cameras. i.e the FXO has a passanger-side mounted camera (can the cameras also swap position depending on driver side), and a roll cage cam facing forwards, and a rear cam just in front of the back (so it's obviously on the car). Then custom ones for all the other cars too.

If they are only accessible in replays or spectate, then it stops having millions of views to cycle through when driving, but makes recording replays for this type of broadcast a whole lot easier.

The next step might be to have favourite keys, so ctrl-1 for example jumps to favourite #1 in/on that car, ctrl-2 to #2 etc etc.

Whaddya think?
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
I've seen some of those views before, so I know they're possible (through custom camera work I'd wager), but if they were actually hard coded camera locations (with favorite keys!) it would make people like Becky's job a lot easier.

It might also encourage more dynamic video work (I've notice a few people's 'first videos' are a little lacking in such). On the flip side, however, some people might complain that giving more than 2 or 3 pre-set cameras for cars might encourage people to use less custom camera work...

Personally, I think it would be a cool idea, but then again, my opinion is likely null and void until I shell out my 24 pounds (OT: Blasted exchange rate. Thats $45.06 right now. Oh well, it was up to $45.16 earlier today. Heh, I think its kinda funny that, for me, it really -does- become cheaper depending on when I buy it! Hrm. I'll have to ask around what exchange rate pay-pal uses on credit cards. Then I might be able to actually pay less for the game one day than another, whill the devs still get the same amount of money, heh. But should the day my wheel arrives comes, and I'm still licenseless, I'll be shelling out anything below $60 to get it, heh).
I've learned two camera tricks to improve the broadcast for next time that I didn't realise I could do in shift-u mode without the menu up, fov can be changed and I can use a few custom cameras for onboard shots.

Also i've produced a race director application that lets me watch the race in realtime from 12 cameras at once and pick which camera to follow - I cant tell you how much I think this will help in making the first rough draft. I'm toying with the idea of expanding it in the future to actually do the whole editing shebang.

I also learned I need lots more camera's, ideally double what I used at South City, but this isn't possible both from the point of view of my hard drive space and in terms of time constraints, however I will endeavour to have more cameras closer together next time.
#85 - Jakg
my mouse keeps clicking on the link and i cant stop it!

306 Views and counting
#86 - Tube
excellent work there, Becky and Tristan!
and whoever else might have been involved.
May I add in another plus point. The fact that you kept the same camera angles throughout. I didn't really like the cut's to the chase view o rthe internal view, they have promise and fully utilised could be a good addition to your camera POV's, but overall the camera positions where spot on. Allowed continuity and allowed the viewer to keep track of the action. A good note was made that you felt at times the camera moved away from the action. Something Tristan actually mentioned once or twice during the commentary. It's not something huge as we all have to deal with that in the real life coverage as the director and the commentators (In F1 for example) are rarely in cahouts so you could say that it added to the realism as mistakes are all part of being 'real'.

Again, let me reiterate, a top notch job. And I will be wanting to be racing myself in the league pretty soon just so I can hear Tristan say 'Funnybear' over the T'interweb.

Again, top rate job that can only get better as y'all find your feet and confidence. I hope you get some greater reward out of this other then just community kudos, which you have in bucket loads by the sounds of it. If you want a scripter or copywriter just let me know, I'm sure I can find some knuckets of uselessness around here somewhere . . . .

Go you guys . . . . .
wicked great and professional- i love it...could even be on real Tele
Quote from Funnybear :Again, let me reiterate, a top notch job. And I will be wanting to be racing myself in the league pretty soon just so I can hear Tristan say 'Funnybear' over the T'interweb.

Heh. Though, funnybear, I suspect (judging by everyone else's names) you'll have to modify yours a little (Such as, F. Bear), so I doubt he'll say your full name. Though, I'll admit, it would be funny to hear .

Then again, maybe they'll let you stick out with the full name. Afterall, it is their race, they can do what they want .
#90 - Jakg
real name is forced F. unnybear
Quote from Jakg :real name is forced F. unnybear

Sir Funny to you

I'd certainly like to see a track presentation in the next part. And it could be more "professional" since average LFSser has a higher understanding of racing lines in general, even if the target viewer audience might be a bit wider. But it is just a wish, you of course do what you see best, STCC devs

And where were the grid girls?!
btw if you do driver profiles in the upcoming videos show their license name too not only their real names

Quote from Funnybear :May I add in another plus point. The fact that you kept the same camera angles throughout.

jup that was rather nicely done ... i especially loved the camera which was looking down on the s/f straight from high up

Quote from Hyperactive :And where were the grid girls?!

oh dear you know beckys posting history on the girls in the tubes subject dont you ?
Quote from Shotglass :oh dear you know beckys posting history on the girls in the tubes subject dont you ?

I have no objections if there happened to be few (one) grid men too. And did I already mention the pre-race interviews with the drivers and car presentations and city/country presentations and track histories and weather forecasts and ...blablabla
I am aware that at 10:42 this morning the site was hacked. At 10:44 I got the main site back up (I was using it at the time and spotted it!) but it'll take me slightly longer to sort the forums.
#95 - Jakg
Quote from Becky Rose :I am aware that at 10:42 this morning the site was hacked. At 10:44 I got the main site back up (I was using it at the time and spotted it!) but it'll take me slightly longer to sort the forums.

yeap, not sure WTF happened to the forums!

EDIT - Stcc.bansheestudios is ok, but the main banshee studios domain is still screwed :S

EDIT 2 - Some of the STCC pages are also still showing the "hacked by DeLT@ForCE" thing, although i cant see what the point is in hacking a website just to do that!

EDIT 3 - ^ i was wrong, the link i clicked points to the forum, and that is still down ^
They've taken out the control panel access to the back of the site which makes it harder. It looks like every site on the host has been hit so the update I am currently publishing will likely be overwritten by a backup.
The more pages hacked the more pages come up on a google search when you type in the hackers name, the idea is (and this is how they measure the size of their manhood) that the more pages that come up on a google search the better you are as a hacker.

The irony Banshee gets way more hits than most of them with a search and we're legit . This is the 3rd time in a year i've been hit like this though .
Nice video and commentary, was a long video but i didnt mind watching it all
I dont know if this has been said or not or even it possible to do but an idea i had watching it would be to put the split times on the screen to give indication of time between drivers.
#99 - SamH
Call security! I wanna shoot them! That hack is ancient. Whoever is responsible for the web server on the host needs some basic lessons on security patches
And my November avatar will probably be me chucking away 1st place in gif format, although im sure to make an even more spectacular bungle of it tommorow!

Sim Touring Car Cup Round 1
(161 posts, started )