If your going to make in-car cameras mixed in as well, could that be a choice for the user?
Chat commands for TV mode:
i = Internal views only
t = Track cams only
TV = views swap Randomly between internal & track cams
Its just I really dislike internal views for replays. I like to be a crowd spectator. Having three choices would suit everyone maybe.
AND, You could have an option to swap the focus car.
L=Leader (or maybe 1,2,3,4... position select)
A=Action car/Select a different Action car (the normal random mode when no action)
L=Lock to current Car in view
P=Lock to previous car (P2,3,4...=Lock to 2,3,4 cars previous from current)
N=Lock to next car (N2,3,4...=Lock to 2,3,4 cars next from current)
R = Normal automatic random cycle mode
R0 = Lock to any random car right now
R15=Random car every 15sec
R30=Random car every 30sec
Edit camera mode
AND, a chat command to toggle the edit camera mode on/off, maybe "E" from inside LFS, so we can edit camera's on the fly.
Dont get me wrong, the mod is fantastic. I just mentioned commands like these in case your looking at further development and want some ideas.
edit: oh, and one more thing, Instead of using basic chat message, could it use a /x message so that other users dont see the camera commands you type? I know its meant for replays mainly, but sometimes you just want to watch some live racing in TV director. The /x commads make you see a message like "unknown command" but thats better than spamming everyone else's screen with crazy looking text such as, L... R.....T.....R15 etc.
I had a few online people think I was reciting the alphabet whilst using this tool.

Well, you got some free advertising I guess.