The online racing simulator
ohhhhhhh, nice, thanks a lot
Just a suggestion Soeren.

The camera choice at the start can be - ahem - interesting. I suggest the ability to select a camera as the start camera which would be used until 3 (?) seconds after the lights go green.

EDIT : Just realised it's not the start of the race, it's the first few seconds after you press shift-U.
Btw, here is my camera-set for oval.
Attached files - 259 B - 1132 views
btw is it possible to have it on autocross layouts as well? i mean lfs provides cameras there but these are too close to the ground when using barriers and stuff so they hide the cars...
Quote from Fischfix :btw is it possible to have it on autocross layouts as well? i mean lfs provides cameras there but these are too close to the ground when using barriers and stuff so they hide the cars...

You would probably need to make a PTH file, which would be nigh on impossible probably.
hm probably. but how does lfs go around the problem. you know there are the default cameras...
It just uses a number of cameras based on where the car is - LFS TV director finds out where the action is, works out which camera to go to and so-on - it needs the PTH files.
ah okay...
Quote from duke_toaster :You would probably need to make a PTH file, which would be nigh on impossible probably.

there are PTH files for autocross layouts available already, no need to create your own PTH files. You can download all PTH files from I have not included these PTH files because I am not sure how TV director behaves on autocross layouts.

sorry sören, but for AU1 there is no pth file available at that link. only AU3 and AU4. allthough i don't know what AU3reverse and AU4reverse is. as the dragstrip has no reverse layout as far as i know. and i cannot select them either in the dropdown of tv director when i copy those files into the tv-director

i've just found the documentation. looks like lot of work to make his own path files...
Fischfix, it's because the PTH file is a map of the track. The drag strips (2 and 8 lane) are tracks with a set route (albeit a point to point one with no corners). AU1 and AU2 aren't.
ah okay.. and what is the AU3 and AU4 reverse then?
Any chance of an update for the new InSim?
nice job but i would like one that i can play on one comp and watch on the other and plus it keeps tellin me unacknolged packet
thats because it has to reworked to the new Insim protocol from the latest patches.
oh ok i thought it might be something like that
Hi guys, hi Soeren,

after I found this sweet tool here I fell in love.
I mean I like your tool very much.

Although it still has much room for improvements it gives me a chance to watch a ESL-EPS race with no tabbing through the field but not missing a close and interesting battle.

Besides hoping for a official release of patch X, I also hope you will improve your program and get it compatible to X because I would love to see the action of a 32 cars starter field and the ability to zoom a bit closer thanks to the new FOV of 10 (see my post here: )

Now I want to make some improvement suggestions and report a (known) bug which came up while I edited some cameras (Note: I am not familiar with programming insim stuff, so I don't know if it's possible to do):

IMPROVEMENT: If you try one of my camera sets from above link you will see that they are made for giving an overview of what's going on instead of giving a "cool" look (no objection on this way of positioning cameras but the most time I like it my way).
Probably you will notice (like me) that sometimes when the cars come nearer the overview gets lost because the camera doesn't zoom out enough.

And that's exactly my point. I want zoom out.
I don't know why the TV director does mostly zoom out only to a FOV of 25 to 30. I don't know if you can change it or it's a LFS issue.

Now to my suggestion:
I would like to have in the camera edit mode the ability to manually enter the FOV to which the camera zooms out.

Short story: Once I made my own track in NASCAR Season 2003
I found a camera edit tool for this game too. It did'nt have a GUI but for each camera I was able to set the FOV for the start node, end node and an additional node which position was right in the middle of the two other nodes I think. So I was able to zoom at beginning of the camera movement. Zoom out while the cars coming nearer to the camera position and zoom in once again while the cars approaching the start node of the next camera.

Confused? See the attachement and I think you will understand.
Like I said before, I don't know if this is possible to do with insim.

BUG/FIXING: The thing is that sometimes (mostly when the camera is in some height and the car comes close to the camera position) the camera can not focus on the followed car. I mean that the camera goes down so the car is only half visible on top of the screen. Most people and you should have already noticed this.
Maybe my upper suggestion could help here.

IMPROVEMENT: Another suggestion is a thing which maybe could be made in the future.
I read somewhere that scawen works on insim to allow you guys to put buttons and stuff ingame.
I wonder if it would be possible to manage that the position list and the finishing list could be displayed in Shift+F mode (most of the time I watch in this mode because all the arcade stuff like map names over cars ... aren't much TV like). Maybe this could be turned on/off with a small button

That's it for now.
I hope you will improve this nice program in the future.
Thanks for attention.
It makes me smile that I wrote the whole stuff in english while we both are from germany . Hope you guys out there where able to follow my text without going mad.

the end


Attached images
new cam edit.jpg
Any chance of an update to patch X?
Quote from duke_toaster :Any chance of an update to patch X?

no, unfortunately not. Shortly before Scawen started to redesign the insim interface, I have started to rewrite the internal structure of my application to get a clean separation between the GUI and the insim part of the software. This is really necessary for some features I am going to implement in the future. Due to this situation the current state of my source code is very unstable and nonworking in most cases. So I have to finish this task before I can continue to implement the new insim interface.

Nevertheless there is a chance that you can use the old version also with patch X

You can use the current version with patch X too. Download the Insim Gateway to enable old insim addons to work with patch X. Hopefully this helps waiting for the next TV Director release.

with kind regards

Soeren Scharf
Quote from Soeren Scharf :You can use the current version with patch X too. Download the Insim Gateway to enable old insim addons to work with patch X. Hopefully this helps waiting for the next TV Director release.

with kind regards

Soeren Scharf

great! works fine.


does not work all the time as posted in the other thread. (gateway)
Yes, sometimes needs some persuasion to work, and sometimes it stops, but it does work. We used this tool before for some of our TV broadcasts on AutoPlus and eagarly waiting for the next release. Thank you Soeren!

LFS TV Director, Release 0.3
(647 posts, started )