thanks for tht, bit of wrong subject and in the wrong forum, but u seem to know wot ur talking about so could u tell me what the best wheel would be to get for £30-40 as i am getting s2 soon.
A setup itself is not "fast" it's the way you drive it. There are alot of sets out there which the creator can drive fast but anyone else is miles behind, so the "fastest" set is one which you've modded to suit you and do what you want.
And also, Kev is right but he hasn't tried adding a stripe in his WR attempts or he would have 10 by now.
Well I didn't measure anything scientifically, but one drunken evening playing NFSMW at a friend's house we put 16 (16!) Kenwood stickers on a Punto, and it reached speeds well in excess of 150mph.
Poor lewis has been put down by you lot already! Poor sod
He has been a Demo driver since april I started the same time almost as him (he showed my LFS), wow he needs to get S2
1st off james i aint been put down jst provided with the reply's to my question.
I wasnt after the fastest setup for the track i was just interested in how fast i could get the xrt to go (top speed) i mean is there a way of getting it above 145 mph ???