The online racing simulator
RBR - How to not DNF?
(86 posts, started )
If you can do the final rally school lesson in under 1:20 you're better than I am. It took me a couple of dozen attempts when I first got RBR, and now I've reinstalled it I can't get under 1:22!
Rbr is the best rally sim ever made.The magic in rbr:u have to be carefully,brake early,and play fast with the steering.And read the notes when the track is loading,lot of good stuffs in there
Quote from deggis :I also recommend doing some ffb and wheel setting tweaking for RBR... from out of the box it has possibly some steering lag and you're probably not using "suggested" ffb settings (unlike LFS, RBR needs Spring Effects too). Click here.

Yup, it makes a hell of a times came down a lot after those tweaks.
Quote from deggis :
I also recommend doing some ffb and wheel setting tweaking for RBR... from out of the box it has possibly some steering lag and you're probably not using "suggested" ffb settings (unlike LFS, RBR needs Spring Effects too). Click here.

I followed those instructions, thanks for posting the link. I will try the settings tomorrow, because I don't want to piss off my parents for using my DFP late at night. (I guess they can't sleep to the sound of wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee wheeeeee wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee)
I will upload a couple of videos I made of my best stage runs, they might be useful for you.
Quote from thisnameistaken :If you can do the final rally school lesson in under 1:20 you're better than I am. It took me a couple of dozen attempts when I first got RBR, and now I've reinstalled it I can't get under 1:22!

Haven't played RBR for ages... 1:19.82
Bah, RBR with 540 is easy and fun as hell, it's not hard at all.
Quote from Blackout :Haven't played RBR for ages... 1:19.82

Now you just need to get a little faster at LFS.
#34 - JTbo
Can't remember my Rally school time at all, but what I know is that I was in top 10 at rbr rank on that track some time, some finnish stage I was 4th really long time, but then these no lifes started to play and working man is no match for them

But damn it took loads and loads of practise to make even half decent time on some track.
One short track in USA was almost whole time full throttle, I could not match even nearly to fastest times, was really odd.

But I think that I never changed setup or car either, it was always Subaru that I drove.

I'm now quite sure there is lot more than year since I tried it, might be good time to test it again.
The most important tip: Be easy on the throttle. in my very first season I did rarely drive in a gear higher than 4.
#36 - JTbo
My RBR freezes on menu screens, quite randomly, can't get into driving
Have you patched it to 1.02?

On my old computer it used to crash to desktop between stages sometimes, even with the 1.02 patch, but it hasn't happened yet on this computer.
#38 - JTbo
Quote from thisnameistaken :Have you patched it to 1.02?

On my old computer it used to crash to desktop between stages sometimes, even with the 1.02 patch, but it hasn't happened yet on this computer.

Yep, fresh install and 1.02 patch, sometimes I can set a bit of controls sometimes freezes before I can choose player file, but won't let me on track

I did read something about putting older MB drivers and such, but really won't do that, I prefer that my system does work in everywhere else rather than system working only in rbr

Some say underclocking gfx card would help, but I'm not going to mess with timing of my card, they have set it properly in factory.

Maybe it is just that my hardware is incompatible, annoying really, also annoying how game can't be made so that it would actually work no matter what parts there is in machine.

Must try to find some tricks, maybe there is something that makes it work :P
Yeah, the menu is very unstable unfortunately. Back when we tried the online championships, I never made it through one session, because the menu would always CTD when switching to the next stage.
#40 - JTbo
Well, not going to try anymore, lost all favorites from my browser even browser was not running when last time menu decided to freeze (only reset button will help), just reminds why I hate computers nowdays.

If I would like to run 1 stage RBR it costs me a half day to try to get it running and another half to fix problems it causes and still I'm not unable to drive
Unlucky JT
have you tried both the nonsse and the sse version yet ?

btw if youve got an amd dual core you really need either the amd or the ms fix for rbr
#43 - JTbo
Quote from Shotglass :have you tried both the nonsse and the sse version yet ?

btw if youve got an amd dual core you really need either the amd or the ms fix for rbr

Plain old AMD64 3200+ with Nvidia mobo chipset and Ati gfx card, guess it is too problematic for game. I have tested without SSE and with it, can't tell any difference

Seems to be that I can't use RBR, unless I don't build other machine and that is taking bit too much time already, even I would have parts here
Check the RBR section in and search it (after the server move, search in rscnet actually works now). There have been lots of threads regarding mystic freezing problems.
I never really got into RBR that much, so I used the basic setup and only tweaked the gear ratio. I will upload my videos, they are not perfect runs but they show that you need to be able to recover from mistakes as well as stay on track. Oh and when you cross the line the rally isnt over, you need to get to the timing bit, several people have made the mistake of crashing after crossing the line.
#46 - JTbo
Look and behold, I got it to run

Now, thing I did was to edit richardburnsrally.ini file from root of game folder.

Mainly render quality, particle quality and set windowed helped for me :P
ConstantForceMultiplier = -60
Depth = 32
ForceFeedback = false
Fullscreen = false
MinDepthBits = 24
MinStencilBits = 8
ParticleQuality = high
RenderCarShadow = true
RenderQuality = medium
RunIntro = false
RunStartup = false
Sound = true
UseCubicEnvironmentMaps = true
UseEAX = false
UseSoftwareAudio = true
UseTripleScreenBuffers = false
WaitRetrace = true
XRes = 800
YRes = 600

It is great that this works as it is Rally Finland going on, tomorrow I will drive past many rally stage IRL so need to practise if happens that I make wrong turn and Grönholm is behind, I certainly don't won't to slow him down, however if it is Loeb then it is another story

edit: Oh yes, my record of Rally School seem to be 1:14.75, might take few practise rounds to get there, though
edit2: In case someone suspects my time here is proof of it
I finished the first rally of the new season that I started. I accidentally ran dry gravel tires in the rain, and I realized this when I tried to do a scandinavian flick at a 90 degree turn, and I kept going straight when I turned the wheel, right into a tree stump! Needles to say, my engine became air-cooled after that incident.

BTW: Anyone get an annoying graphics error with lines accros the textures? I think it has to do with mipmapping, possibly...
Attached images
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :I never really got into RBR that much, so I used the basic setup and only tweaked the gear ratio.

Yeah I mostly stuck with the default setups but I used to tweak the damper mounts, adjust the radiator and change the door shapes.
Quote from wheel4hummer :IBTW: Anyone get an annoying graphics error with lines accros the textures? I think it has to do with mipmapping, possibly...

You must have AA or AF on. It's been a bug since it was released.

Luckily it still looks great without AA/AF.

Also..if you haven't got it yet i'd recommend RBRMod V2.14
RBR Audio

RSRBR 4 is a programme that enables you to use any surface on any track and has a huge collection of cars, but i cant find a valid link for it at the moment...maybe someone knows where to download it?
This might help you out some, a little bit higher fov and a mark on the steering wheel.
Extract IMPREZA03.rar to Richard Burns Rally\Cars and make backup of your original files if you want to change back.

Screenshots included. (cockpit.rar)

Looking at your replays it looks like you need to steer more and be more aggresive. More sideways as mentioned by someone in this thread.
Attached files
IMPREZA03.rar - 227.9 KB - 136 views
cockpit.rar - 1.2 MB - 158 views

RBR - How to not DNF?
(86 posts, started )