The same happend to me two days ago.
I was frightened as hell when it happend, was on CTRA server btw.
Anyway, my number plate has allways said "Norway" but then suddently it changed to "W00t" as I looked at it in middle of race. I was frightened and whent to options to see, but still there stood that my number plate should say "Norway". I had to remove it completely, and write it one more time before it whent back to normal.
I did not think any more about that, tho it was strange, but then it happend 5 mins later, and this time it was like 4 chinese letters on my number plate.. I really don`t know why it happend :/
But I have a wild guess whats may be wrong, it seemed that it happend when someone exited the pit. I`m not sure at this, but twice it happend was righter after someone joined the race.
Someone else experiences this?