Before i go into any of this, i would just like to let you know that i own a PS3, so in no way do i have a hatred towards the PS3.
@ atlantian. So what if the PS3 has 8 cores.(even though it only ever use's seven. One is reserved for redundancy anyway, so it has no use while playing a game) The PS3 is'nt as powerful as you think atlantian. For example, i have crysis on my PC, and i can run it on very high settings, with 8xAA and 16xAF, 2560x1600 res AND DX10, yet i can still average 60-70fps. Now, crysis will not be able to play on the PS3 at all (if crysis was available on the PS3...). Consoles will NEVER be as powerful as PC's. I mean yes, if you got a pc with the same specs as a PS3 processer and graphics wise (PS3 has a 3.2ghz processor, and 256mb gfx), then the PS3 will most likely beat the PC if you got them both the same game on the highest settings. This is only mainly due to the fact that a PS3 has a simple OS and not alot else to process while playing a game, yet a PC has numerous things like monitoring temps, keeping your OS running, keeping your graphics card running, and many other things that you dont know. Dont believe me? Press ctrl+alt+del and have a look at the long list off things it is processing in the "processes" tab. Thats what the PC has to keep running while your playing a game, yet i bet a PS3 does'nt have half the ammount of that. And while im shocked you disagreed with him (maybe you have'nt played forza?), tweaker is right. Xbox360 has the best console semi-sims/sims like forza. Forza feels alot better and more realistic than that crap they call gran turismo, plus, xbox games look alot better than ones for the PS3, as the xbox use's AA (it use's 4xAA in most its games afaik?) and yet even though i spent all this money on this bloody PS3, i am yet to see any game with AA. I know that all the ones i own for it atm dont have AA, which is a let down.
I love my PS3 to bits, its great to have my mates round, we all get drunk, play some music and play stuff like Juiced 2: HIN (VERY ARCADEY, but great fun

) with them, but for sims, its better just to boot up the PC. So, to answer your question atlantian, the PC is better for sims. Way, way, WAY better.
Oh, and stop making these stupid damn threads.