No motorways up my way so that wouldn't work in this area

Only been on a motorway twice and never had any problems/worries.
Even had a police car come tearing up behind me, tailgate me in the fast lane, then had the cheek to flash his main beam at me... moved out the way and he took off like a bat out of hell. No blue lights flashing... Then about 15mins later he was parked up on one of them patrol hills with a speed gun.
The one thing that definitely should be at least covered in a few lessons is driving in the dark. The amount of people who have no idea how to drive with cars coming in the other direction is insane. Every night I get stuck behind someone who has to slam their brakes on every time a car is coming the other direction. Do they not realise they should look towards the verge/kerb rather than directly into the headlights of oncoming vehicles...