The online racing simulator
The New iShot
(42 posts, started )
#1 - Migz
The New iShot

Right a while back i was wondering what apple's next idea after the iphone would be and i was thinking well they havent made a camera yet. So i kept thinking about how it would look, how it would work ect.
And then i though well ive got a bunch of programmes i can use to design the whole things. So thats what i've got here A W.I.P iShot designed by me.

Some photomagraphs:
Warning this was designed using Google Sketch Up which is an extremely pants programme but it is extremely easy to use which is why i decided to use it, seeing as even though i have 3ds max i cant use it for its too confusing lol.

The basic layout of the front, this is probably going to be changed majourly as its based off my digital camera front, tbh it looks exactly the same. I also doubt apple would have anything this ugly on the front lol.

Layout of the back. This would be all touch screen.

The side with the slot on top for memory card. Then just underneath the slot to put the ipod wire in to charge it and then next to that there may be a mp3 slot so that you can listen in to videos or perhaps let it play a few songs?

The button to take the photo's

And heres a couple special ones :O

Show casing the iShots (hopefully) amazing zoom which is able to take photos up to 1-5 metres away with pixel perfect accuracy, gone are the days of blurryness in zoom.

And a closer one showing the zoom

The iShot size is close to that of the iphone.
Height: 61mm
Width: 115mm
Depth: 11mm

The software that is going to be used on the iShot is going to be designed by me using a programme of mine called game maker.
This is NOT the acctual software that would be used by it, this is just so you could see what it would be like to use it.
Im going to start designing this much later when ive finished the 3d model.

Everything you say may/could be changed, such as the look of the camera itself to the camera part itself to even the name as iShot sounds like iS**T lol and everytime i say iShot i always feel like singing (I shot the sherrif but i did not shoot the deputtyyyy )

So what dyu think about my lil project?

Disclaimer: May i explain that i do not work for/with apple or the people who make iproducts such as ipods and iphones.
May i also explain that any link betwen my iShot and any actual product in development is purely coincedence.

So is Apple already working on this, and you're just brainstorming what the final design will look like?

If they haven't already announced it, I'd seriously consider registering that trademark in your name. Once it's yours, you can make a lot of money when they're forced to buy it from you.
All those apple fanboys are going to buy one and the first thing they're going to do with it is make photos of themselfs/each other, right?

This is my idea of the "iShot" then.

Sorry, I just hate the iCrap stuff
Nice design. Like Lateralus said it would be a great idea to register the trademark in your name for iShot perhaps iCam aswell or those kind of things they could use. Then maybe sell the name or watever to them for millioons ;D! Then your rich rich rich.

#5 - Migz
Quote from Lateralus :So is Apple already working on this, and you're just brainstorming what the final design will look like?

If they haven't already announced it, I'd seriously consider registering that trademark in your name. Once it's yours, you can make a lot of money when they're forced to buy it from you.

Disclaimer at the bottom im not working with apple so i have no clue if theyre working on this or even if theyre going to do this.

Im just a 14 year old boy with some spare time on his hands.
But i would buy the trademark and copyright ect but meh no clue where to get it from?
And this is the opposite to the final design, this is the first design, im probably going to rework the whole thing i dont like the camera lensy bit.

Quote from morpha :All those apple fanboys are going to buy one and the first thing they're going to do with it is make photos of themselfs/each other, right?

This is my idea of the "iShot" then.

Sorry, I just hate the iCrap stuff

Its alright, took me about 20 seconds to understand that picture though. But yeah fair enough i may change the name lol.

Quote from evilpimp :Nice design. Like Lateralus said it would be a great idea to register the trademark in your name for iShot perhaps iCam aswell or those kind of things they could use. Then maybe sell the name or watever to them for millioons ;D! Then your rich rich rich.


Like i said i may do and then yes get rich xd hopefully lol.

Ive now decided maybe iShot isnt a very good name if anybody can think of any other names then fell free to do so.

So far i have:
(oh only one thing )
Uhh, I doubt Apple would use external storage, I think they'd be more likely to use onboard storage with an iPod connector as the way to get stuff on and off.
Well..... How innovative. It looks like every single other point and shoot camera out there.

Quote :And a closer one showing the zoom

What zoom? I haven't seen any controls there for a zoom yet. :nol2:

As for the "iShot" name.... I would put money on that being the name Apple would use.
I would imagine Apple have registered a lot of i* names. I doubt they'd think, right lets make a camera, obv we'll call it the iShot, oh wait now we're going to have to buy that name from someone.

Anyway, looks pretty good, very much like every other digicam out there but good work none-the-less.
#10 - wark
Quote from mrodgers :As for the "iShot" name.... I would put money on that being the name Apple would use.

No, it sounds too much like... iShot JFK or something.

Quote from Biggie Smalls :Who shot ya?

iShot ya!
#11 - Dru
what about iSee?
because it takes pictures of what i see
#12 - wark

or how about:

Apple's camera will only have one display and no camera at all.

It'll come with pre-stored images of different Apple slogans which the user can relate to and share their fun Mac Experience with others.

The display will be multi-touch so you can rotate and zoom the slogans.

The battery cannot be replaced or recharged.

You cannot upgrade the memory card as it's soldered on the PCP.

And the write lock has been engaged.
Quote from spankmeyer :Apple's camera will only have one display and no camera at all.

It'll come with pre-stored images of different Apple slogans which the user can relate to and share their fun Mac Experience with others.

The display will be multi-touch so you can rotate and zoom the slogans.

The battery cannot be replaced or recharged.

You cannot upgrade the memory card as it's soldered on the PCP.

And the write lock has been engaged.

But what happens if apple already had the ideas before u and spost ur ideas won't you kinda screwed then?
Quote from spankmeyer :
You cannot upgrade the memory card as it's soldered on the PCP.

Daaaamn Dave I didn't know that you like to get wet... man, you just smoked angel dust... PCP, Sherman Hemsley, love boat...
#17 - Migz
Quote from wark :No, it sounds too much like... iShot JFK or something.

iShot ya!

That'd be a good slogan lol.
Who shot ya, iShot ya *takes picture* lol
yeah maybe i should change the name.

Quote from mrodgers :Well..... How innovative. It looks like every single other point and shoot camera out there.

What zoom? I haven't seen any controls there for a zoom yet. :nol2:

As for the "iShot" name.... I would put money on that being the name Apple would use.

The iphone is touch screen.......... the ipod touch is touch screen......... so therefore the iShot would be touch screen?

Quote from dawesdust_12 :Uhh, I doubt Apple would use external storage, I think they'd be more likely to use onboard storage with an iPod connector as the way to get stuff on and off.

Hmm good point, ill delete out the memory card slot.

Quote from Chrisuu01 :But what happens if apple already had the ideas before u and spost ur ideas won't you kinda screwed then?

Urm no? Well i would be screwed in the fact what im doing is pointless, although tbh its pointless anyway lol.
Quote from Lateralus :Daaaamn Dave I didn't know that you like to get wet... man, you just smoked angel dust... PCP, Sherman Hemsley, love boat...

Having witnessed a Mac fanboy tell me his book would have never been as good if it had been written on anything other than an Apple branded machine... so yeah... I've begun to wonder if the Macs do contain traces of PCP.


iShot the Sheriff?

Sorry, had to

Dont like the 'i' range of products, they are no more than fashion accessories, ecspecially the ipods.
#21 - Migz
Quote from spacedskunk :iAyeYetAnotherOverpricedPieceOfCrap

Dont like the 'i' range of products, they are no more than fashion accessories, ecspecially the ipods.

what if they underprice it?

They are? well maybe the ipod touch and the iphone, but all the other ipods defintly are not... people arnt judged on wether they have a normal ipod or a mp3 player....
Quote from Migz :what if they underprice it?

They are? well maybe the ipod touch and the iphone, but all the other ipods defintly are not... people arnt judged on wether they have a normal ipod or a mp3 player....

Oh really? That's why a lot of people call it an ipod now instead of a mp3 player?
I can't stand the stuff either, there are other brands who offer the same product, for less money, but they are left out because the masses only know what an ipod is.
Quote from Migz :what if they underprice it?

They are? well maybe the ipod touch and the iphone, but all the other ipods defintly are not... people arnt judged on wether they have a normal ipod or a mp3 player....

My experience tells me that the Creative Zen is much better, and that people with Ipods tend to have both a nano and a normal ipod, and always want to buy the latest one, like a fashion trend, where people want to wear whats

I'm probably being a bit short sighted but I guess I prefer quality and performance over looks
I can't say anything about the product "iShot" or any of the other products but I am never ever buying anything from Apple after watching their current advertisement schemes. Its one thing to compare the PC and MAC like they did in the first couple commercials, but complete bashing is NOT acceptable for any company in my mind. Its too much like politicians and the such. Look at their news "Vista Blues" commercial, doesn't even say one thing about Mac, alls it says is "Vista Sucks" and is (*most likely*) falsely saying that PC is losing members because of it - maybe some, but not tons.

Regardless, I felt the need to rant and this topic was the perfect place to do it. Its not the price alone keeping me from buying iProducts from Apple...
#25 - Jakg
Quote from Migz :They are? well maybe the ipod touch and the iphone, but all the other ipods defintly are not... people arnt judged on wether they have a normal ipod or a mp3 player....

The iPod is not a good MP3 player - it's usually overpriced, under-performing (i.e. Sound Quality).

Quite why I need a colour screen on an MP3 player astounds me. Or 80 GB of Music - who the funk has that much?!

The fact is that people buy iPods because they are iPods - because "IPODS r the best!" or because the headphones "...are better than £100 headphones" etc.

They sell well because they weren't aimed at geeks at the start - other MP3 players soon caught up and surpassed them, but the masses ignored them.

Now the word "MP3 Player" and "iPod" are used interchangeably now. Pull out something like a Zune and you get "is than an iPod?" etc



The New iShot
(42 posts, started )