Ok..lousy title..so i watch too much bugs bunny 
I've noticed that just about every server i ever joined doesn't have an administrator present.
Yesterday i was on ASN, there was one guy who in one lap:
Pushed me out in T1, then slammed into someone's tail, slammed into someone else tail, slid off the track taking 1 person with him in the process, tried to get back on track and wadda ya know he takes someone out again, tried again to get back on the trackand takes another one out, slide of track..get back on...slide off.
So i was thinking, although some might say this is sorta harsh on new people, maybe we could have some form of "automatic unwanted person" remover.
Lets take BPGP as an example, if you can't do a lap in an FZR with a laptime
of below for example 1.20 you basically should be practising offline.
*The admin gets to set a cetain minimum lap time which he thinks is acceptable, for example 1.20.00 if he has a heart for new drivers, 1.12.00 if he only wants faster drivers, and so on.
*The admin can set this time as a general overall time, or he can specify a minimum laptime per car type.
*The admin can also choose to set this time,or maybe a seperate time, as the minimum qualifying lap time.
*The admin can then set the number of race laps the player has to drive faster than the required race lap time, for example 7 out of 10 laps.
*When a player fails to meet these minimums the admin can choose to either
-remove the player from the race and from the server for an administrator chosen length of time, 10 minutes, 30 minutes, whatever the administrator sets.
-remove the player from the current race but leave the player on the server so he can try again the next race.
-remove the player from the current race but leave the player on the server for xx more races...where xx is the number of races that the player can try again and fail again. For example, if someone messes up 3 races in a row they'll be removed from the server.
*The admin can set how many times a player is allowed to enter and/or leave the pit by pressing a shortcut button, as in...the player entering the pits without actually drving into it.
(And now for the part which i'm sure mostly everyone will hate
*The admin could set a minimum first lap laptime, failing to meet this laptime could result in any of the above.
That would make surviving T1 much more important than it is now.
Anyways, all this would require a decent intro screen informing the connecting player of the rules and minimums on this server. And each and every option should be the admins choice. An intro screen with server info would be a welcome thing anyways.
Maybe all the above is too harsh, or just a shitty idea.
But the least thing out of it could be that people would be inclined to practise a certain circuit offline, instead of doing their practise online and causing havoc.
I have nothing against slower drivers, but when i lap someone 3 times in a 10 lap race i really wonder what they're doing on that track.

I've noticed that just about every server i ever joined doesn't have an administrator present.
Yesterday i was on ASN, there was one guy who in one lap:
Pushed me out in T1, then slammed into someone's tail, slammed into someone else tail, slid off the track taking 1 person with him in the process, tried to get back on track and wadda ya know he takes someone out again, tried again to get back on the trackand takes another one out, slide of track..get back on...slide off.
So i was thinking, although some might say this is sorta harsh on new people, maybe we could have some form of "automatic unwanted person" remover.
Lets take BPGP as an example, if you can't do a lap in an FZR with a laptime
of below for example 1.20 you basically should be practising offline.
*The admin gets to set a cetain minimum lap time which he thinks is acceptable, for example 1.20.00 if he has a heart for new drivers, 1.12.00 if he only wants faster drivers, and so on.
*The admin can set this time as a general overall time, or he can specify a minimum laptime per car type.
*The admin can also choose to set this time,or maybe a seperate time, as the minimum qualifying lap time.
*The admin can then set the number of race laps the player has to drive faster than the required race lap time, for example 7 out of 10 laps.
*When a player fails to meet these minimums the admin can choose to either
-remove the player from the race and from the server for an administrator chosen length of time, 10 minutes, 30 minutes, whatever the administrator sets.
-remove the player from the current race but leave the player on the server so he can try again the next race.
-remove the player from the current race but leave the player on the server for xx more races...where xx is the number of races that the player can try again and fail again. For example, if someone messes up 3 races in a row they'll be removed from the server.
*The admin can set how many times a player is allowed to enter and/or leave the pit by pressing a shortcut button, as in...the player entering the pits without actually drving into it.
(And now for the part which i'm sure mostly everyone will hate

*The admin could set a minimum first lap laptime, failing to meet this laptime could result in any of the above.
That would make surviving T1 much more important than it is now.
Anyways, all this would require a decent intro screen informing the connecting player of the rules and minimums on this server. And each and every option should be the admins choice. An intro screen with server info would be a welcome thing anyways.
Maybe all the above is too harsh, or just a shitty idea.
But the least thing out of it could be that people would be inclined to practise a certain circuit offline, instead of doing their practise online and causing havoc.
I have nothing against slower drivers, but when i lap someone 3 times in a 10 lap race i really wonder what they're doing on that track.