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FWD: "A Virgin's Plea"
(74 posts, started )
#1 - Lible
FWD: "A Virgin's Plea"
This is my first pointless thread at the forum so far.

Actually I want to know what our forum's members think about these things that have become quite popular recently.

Quote :So, here's the story - I'm 25, and to this date, have never been laid. Yes, it's sad, but it's true. The whole story, however, is far more interesting than just the lack of sex.

When I was 21, I was engaged to be married to a woman I thought I would be with for the rest of my life, and the two of us had chosen to wait until marriage to have sex so we could share something special with each other. But when I was 22, just six months before our wedding, I discovered that she had been cheating on me and sleeping with another man. Needless to say, I was crushed. For the last 3 years I haven't really been able to bring myself to start dating again as the pain of that betrayal still runs deep inside of me. But as a man, the overwhelming urge to have sex is just starting to get to be too much for me to handle, and so I made a bet with one of my very hot (but also very platonic) female friends - if I can get 5 million visitors to this website in 30 days, she has agreed to help me with my "problem". If I can't get to five million in 30 days, I have to be her personal servant for a week, doing anything she asks me to do.

You see that ad there?
He gets money for that.

All your doing is making him money, gg
#4 - JJ72
even if its true, what a loser?
I bet if he looses he will get sex anyways... being servant of a girl
Lolwut, virgin at 25 yrs? wtfomg.
what's wrong with being virgin at 25?
#8 - Jakg
Most guys just... aren't.

Plus it's just a "man thing" - man must have woman, and if man does not have woman by 25 then man fails at being a man.
I kinda like the idea of not visiting the site and making him a servant for that biatch for a full week :rolleyes:
Quote from Jakg :Plus it's just a "man thing" - man must have woman, and if man does not have woman by 25 then man fails at being a man.

What do you mean? So the second a male puts their penis in a vagina, they instantly become a man?
Quote from wheel4hummer :What do you mean? So the second a male puts their penis in a vagina, they instantly become a man?

Not necessarily into the vagina

so sorry
#12 - Jakg
Quote from wheel4hummer :What do you mean? So the second a male puts their penis in a vagina, they instantly become a man?

In the eyes of a lot of people - yeah.
Quote from Jakg :In the eyes of a lot of people - yeah.

Only in the eyes of men though. I don't think women really care if a man is a virgin or not. The slutty ones say that they like virgin guys.
hmm.. im 14 and i don't care for girls much... but this guy is just stupid.. hmm.. yes pointless reply
i wont fck with a friend, just to become a "man"... maybe when im married...
Quote from chanoman315 :i Wont Fck With A Friend, Just To Become A "man"... Maybe When Im Married...

Right! :d
#17 - Jakg
Quote from wheel4hummer :Only in the eyes of men though. I don't think women really care if a man is a virgin or not. The slutty ones say that they like virgin guys.

"the slutty ones"?

Remember for a girl that it's a big thing, as they know that the "first time" will be the one that ever next experience is compared to...
Quote from mutt107 :Right! :d

im serious, even if i like her. Because first i respect her...
#19 - Jakg
I think he means he wouldn't do it just for the sake of doing it (i.e. just so that you can say you have).
Quote from chanoman315 :im serious, even if i like her. Because first i respect her...

im not saying "right!" as in right like your going to do that...
im saying it cause i think the same.
#21 - JJ72
age is not the thing....

you just don't plead for sex, does should you pay for it.
Quote from mutt107 :im not saying "right!" as in right like your going to do that...
im saying it cause i think the same.

sorry for the confusion
Sex is overrated.

Not in the aspect that it's a fun thing to do, especially when you're in love with the person you do it with


in the whole "special" and "respect" kind of thing. To reproduce is a very basic urge, similar to breathing and eating. Thus, it really shouldn't trouble anyone more than munching a sandwich or taking a deep breath.

Of course, it should happen consensually, and with protection to prevent deseases and pregnancy (unless you really plan on conceiving a child).
Quote from wheel4hummer :Only in the eyes of men though. I don't think women really care if a man is a virgin or not. The slutty ones say that they like virgin guys.

Don't be silly, a virgin doesn't know what he is doing the same goes for virgin women, they have no idea what to do so although it is good, it is rubbish sex. You want someone with experience so it is great.
... reminds me, today American Pie was in television here

hmmm just money making, like the guy whose girlfriend would upload naked photos of her self if a million visitors visit the site of the guy... or a couple who wanted to sprint naked all over the field of the Soccer/Football World Cup's finale. Misteriously these two sides disappeard after I was about the 499.000th visitor. I think there was some sort of sponsor who just gave money for every visit, and before they "have to do it" the site is offline, because they have enough money.

To the point that a male virgin is not a man... that's bullshit (please mark this day I use such a swearword!). It is such an stereotype... on my mind, a man is defined first by his feelings. If you're a Drag-Queen and you're feeling like a woman, you are a woman, out of my perspective, even if you fullfill all biological criterias of the other sex. Although the "sociaty" says something, it is not right all the time.

FWD: "A Virgin's Plea"
(74 posts, started )