1. No communication = risk of nothing going on.
And you can't tell me I'm wrong. Just check the www.lfs.net homepage. There are news every 6 monthes (except for the Scirocco). No communication can clearly indicated that : either there is nothing going on / either there are really bad news and people shouldn't be told about to preserve the LFS income. We do not ask for much. We do ask for a periodic information (could be every month, or every month and a half, I would not like to have the devs do a daily newsletter and it would turn their work into more of a reality show than a gaming development).
Plus, the communication could boost the developpers productivity ? How ? This is simple : tell everyone you're almost finished with the detachable parts model and you will receive more than 200 posts like "Keep up the good work !", "Go Scavier Go !" or "Scawen, please make love with me !" in less than an hour. Of course, some people will bitch about the fact that it isn't released yet, but it is better to have 90% of support than 90% of opposition. C'est bon pour le moral. (saying my home language words in italic like in the books is simply orgasmic). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=twDhig0L97Q
2. Live For Speed's updates take long to come.
It is true, but we can't deny that they are well appreciated. As time goes by, Scavier will attack itself to feature that are harder to program. But what is feelable is that most of the time, the improvement in each patch are mostly coding improvement, and not really content (in sense of cars/tracks/etc). Which can lead us to think that Eric is barely working. Since this number two is the number of perhapses, I will risk one : Perhaps Eric is hardcore working to have the S3 content amazingly rich. If it is the case, that would go back to point 1 : a bit of teasing like "Hey community, I have done 75% of the S3 content, but I won't give you any information about it untill it is released in a couple of monthes or by fall 2009" would be greatly appreciated, create a positive stress among the community, more talking, more interest from potential S2 buyers --> More cash.
People are negatively stressed, because slower updates lead them to think that S2 is starting to stagnate.
3. We are right to suggest the increase in the labour force.
Because with the simple equation : Labour Force = X(Content) + Y(Physics) - Z(Individual Profit). If we double the labour force, we will have : 2(Labour Force) = 2X(Content) + 2Y(Physics) - 2Z (Individual Profit). I have to say that X, Y and Z are likely to be between 0 and 1 or an exponential number so that X = r(e^x), Y = t(e^y) and Z = u(e^z).
r and t are coefficient in the importance given to that field, and x and y are the productivity in each field. About Z, it isn't like this, but it was fun to write it like this.
The only thing in that model is that there are only 2 variables that affect the sales : Content and Physics.
So if Sales = A(Content) + B(Physics) + C(Content x Physics)
(A is the coefficient of people who buy LFS for the content, B for the physics and C for both of them, so basically A are long-time demoers that buy S1 or S2, B are demoers, and C are people who bought LFS after a small tryout in demo).
If the Labour Force increase, you will have more subscribers because of improved physics and diversified content (which will reach a broader market share). And Live For Speed would have better financial ressources. Of course, it won't if the labour costs more than it produces, but there is no model who can calculate this.
So either you think in term of costs, either you think in terms of future earnings. This will be the difference between a good ressource manager and a good development manager. Either you stabilize your earnings/expenditure ratio, either you invest more (time + money), to improve your earnings in the future.
Since Scawen, Eric and Viktor are development managers from day 1 (LFS was extremely risky and would cost a lot of time/money), they should not become ressource managers, which will lead to the great stagnation of LFS, but as opposed to that : invest more, like they did in day 1, to improve the quality of their baby.
Just to reply to the rant against old time players. You are wrong. You are wrong, because you are deeply wrong. You are deeply wrong because you are extremely wrong. And you are extremely wrong but you contradict yourself in your own post. I know it's hard to focus for posts that long, but if you manage well, you can pretend to beat me in the "long'arse posts" community year end award. (Which isn't yet running, but I hope people will recognize my dedication).
You say : why should they care about old timers, because they don't give any money in the present for the devs. They actually do care about old timers, because the newcomers do not seem to bring them enough money.
Why ? Simply look at the Scirocco, which is a clear example showing that they were paid really well by VW to include it in. If their subscription cash pool was sufficient enough, they would have chosen a car that reflected better the spirit of Live For Speed, such as the Race About : independent, performant, sexy, future-oriented.
I am not ranting against the Scirocco, and I even think that having a 2000ish mass production turbo FWD with TC will be fun to test spin.
It just shows that they wanted big cash, and they also pleased people waiting for new content. It proves that they care at least as well about the old timers than about the new comers.
I posted the link to the video for some specific reasons and not a random creol music video :
1) It is a very good illustration of my point : more communication = more support = more productivity. From 1:05 to 2:00, a guy cuts fruits. It seems really painfull. However, people come to support him because they know that he is doing it to please them. So, they come support him, and he cuts fruits faster. And someone even comes after to help him. Without communication, it would take more than a minute to cut enough fruits, he would be pissed, not enjoy the party and people would not be as impressed when he brings a whole tray of fruits, than they were when they were waiting for him to cut them, because they knew he was.
2) It is a sheer music that will reduce the tension here and increase the friendliness of the people !