The online racing simulator
Quote from Flame CZE :Do you have a FPS limit enabled (misc options)?

He said he has not. I noticed that a while ago, but as long as FPS is ok in race itself I don't care about camera view of lonely track. Afaik, it should lower your FPS on every track from this view.
I can confirm that spectating while no cars are on the track locks the fps to 40, which is probably the same fps used for the LFS menus, so it might actually be intentional. Movement does seem oddly choppy though, for some reason.
Eh,sorry i forgot to say:
Windows XP 32bits sp2
NVidia GeForce 8500 GT
Here is what I got going out of bounds in the carpark:

Quote :*** WARNING: Unable to verify checksum for C:\LFS\LFS.exe
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for C:\LFS\LFS.exe
Funktion: LFS
004c69ea 58 pop eax
004c69eb 6c insb
004c69ec 8b0db0e88900 mov ecx,[LFS+0x49e8b0 (0089e8b0)]
004c69f2 8b5154 mov edx,[ecx+0x54]
004c69f5 895520 mov [ebp+0x20],edx
004c69f8 8b55f8 mov edx,[ebp-0x8]
004c69fb 33c0 xor eax,eax
004c69fd 8b5d20 mov ebx,[ebp+0x20]
004c6a00 0facd010 shrd eax,edx,0x10
004c6a04 c1fa10 sar edx,0x10
FEHLER ->004c6a07 f7fb idiv ebx
004c6a09 8b0db0e88900 mov ecx,[LFS+0x49e8b0 (0089e8b0)]
004c6a0f 894168 mov [ecx+0x68],eax
004c6a12 a1b0e88900 mov eax,[LFS+0x49e8b0 (0089e8b0)]
004c6a17 8d5024 lea edx,[eax+0x24]
004c6a1a 52 push edx
004c6a1b 83c018 add eax,0x18
004c6a1e 50 push eax
004c6a1f 6888e78900 push 0x89e788
004c6a24 e827ec0000 call LFS+0xd5650 (004d5650)
004c6a29 a1b0e88900 mov eax,[LFS+0x49e8b0 (0089e8b0)]

All I had to do is get the car out of bounds and press V - crashed upon reaching TV view.
Replay unplayable, enclosed.
Tested in Z - no crash.

Good luck!
Attached files
Z17 crash.spr - 40 KB - 341 views
mille sabords_BL3_XRT.spr - 13.9 KB - 339 views
Quote from Amynue :
Rotate flickering bug happens to me as well.

Having the same issue.
SO3R track keeps crashing in Z17, not sure if it's the patch or server.
Quote from exspeed :SO3R track keeps crashing in Z17, not sure if it's the patch or server.

i'm also using Z17, and i didn't notice any problems on my end tonight (LX4 on SO3R).
Quote from bunder9999 :i'm also using Z17, and i didn't notice any problems on my end tonight (LX4 on SO3R).

Yeah, seems okay now, it was somekind like a wave, me, Todd and some other guy had crashes often.
Quote from bunder9999 :i'm also using Z17, and i didn't notice any problems on my end tonight (LX4 on SO3R).

Same here.

Also, the FPS problems from patch 16 seems to be away too.
LFS Crashed for me @ the car park (500servers test server)

I hit the barrier to get on the other side to go on the roof.
Also getting a crash in the car park. Get out of the park and cycle through the cameras.

Problemereignisname: APPCRASH
Anwendungsname: LFS.exe
Anwendungszeitstempel: 4ac6506f
Fehlermodulname: LFS.exe
Fehlermodulzeitstempel: 4ac6506f
Ausnahmecode: c0000094
Ausnahmeoffset: 000c69e7
Betriebsystemversion: 6.0.6002.
Gebietsschema-ID: 1031
Zusatzinformation 1: 64ea
Zusatzinformation 2: cce9f653dd0f8eec446de52154d2f82d
Zusatzinformation 3: 844c
Zusatzinformation 4: 4ed52b10ec9f048f765c136c6db6011f

Is that the right crash address? Otherwise some Vista user would have to show me how to get the proper one.
Strange bug, I was driving on Fox Junkies and there was track change. In menu was written AS3 so I changed set, but then after restart I was the only one on FE3 (previous track) and after few corners I was spectated by server. I saved MPR, but there I am driving somewhere in the universe and the other drivers are driving on AS3.

Attached files
fox junkies wtf.mpr - 56.4 KB - 362 views
Quote from Makao :Strange bug, I was driving on Fox Junkies and there was track change. In menu was written AS3 so I changed set, but then after restart I was the only one on FE3 (previous track) and after few corners I was spectated by server. I saved MPR, but there I am driving somewhere in the universe and the other drivers are driving on AS3.


Wierd :S
that one sounds familiar, but isn't test patch related, iirc.
That's an old bug.
Quote from SilverArrows77 :and also not being quite enough delay between /end and /track in the insim apps procedure.

wouldn't that just prevent the track from changing on the server? somehow i don't believe insim is the problem for that bug.
I have the crash problem with the BL3 too.

I can reproduce the crash, too. Happens on this line:

004C6A07 idiv eax,ebx

ebx is in this case 0, when I change it to 1 LFS continues running in some cases. The value in ebx is most likely FOV related, as it changes when zooming in/out manually, or when the TV cam auto-adjusts the FOV due to the car distance.
Quote from Makao :Strange bug, I was driving on Fox Junkies and there was track change. In menu was written AS3 so I changed set, but then after restart I was the only one on FE3 (previous track) and after few corners I was spectated by server. I saved MPR, but there I am driving somewhere in the universe and the other drivers are driving on AS3.


one friend have the same problem :-/ . He was playing in one track of AS and when the server changed to AS3 he still running on the other track of AS
Quote from geeman1 :That's an old bug.

Maybe, but I just downloaded test patch yesterday and this happened to me first time.
LFS has crashed a few times lately

AppName: lfs.exe AppVer: ModName: lfs.exe
ModVer: Offset: 000c6a07

I had heli cam then changed to tv cam

dunno if it helps

Edit: Got it now, be outside the track, then change to tv cam, it crashes
Edit2: i see other people above has also posted about this. I didn't know
Ok, I hope this is not already known.

But after sitting in the Driver menu I saw that the LOD reduction on the cars was lowering the detail on the cars viewed in TV mode.

I have all lfs options at max and the Dynamic LOD reduction set a 0.00.

After asking others and the fact that they saw the same it seems this seems to be bug.
Attached images
lfs_00000022 copy.JPG
lfs_00000019 copy.JPG
Quote from adamlfs :Ok, I hope this is not already known.

But after sitting in the Driver menu I saw that the LOD reduction on the cars was lowering the detail on the cars viewed in TV mode.

I have all lfs options at max and the Dynamic LOD reduction set a 0.00.

After asking others and the fact that they saw the same it seems this seems to be bug.

He is correct , it looks like its Reloading the Car Texture, Because on a mini (uf1000) is re-texturing after around 1 sec, and a xfg / xrg takes around 4 seconds.

Its very easy the reproduse this one . you can do it with IA and Multiplayer cars. and your self
Quote from SilverArrows77 :no, it issues /end command to all connected users..then delays, and begins its /track change...

Shouldn't the InSim wait for a TINY_REN? That should solve it
Quote from adamlfs :But after sitting in the Driver menu I saw that the LOD reduction on the cars was lowering the detail on the cars viewed in TV mode.
I have all lfs options at max and the Dynamic LOD reduction set a 0.00.

I can confirm this, I can reproduce this too in Z17, in Z it's OK.

Just go to driver options and the car detail lowers.
This thread is closed

Test Patch Z17 (online compatible)
(332 posts, closed, started )