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Japan earthquake & Tsunami Warning for pacific ocean
Just seen it on the news, hope everyone is ok.

bit more info. 8.9 magnitude sending a 10 metre wave into sendhai ( i think thats correct)
Oh wow... gonna be worse than 2004...

E: Glad that I was proven wrong.
Quote from Silverracer :Oh wow... gonna be worse than 2004...

I don't think so. Japan is hugely much more prepared to earthquakes/tsunamis today than South East Asia was in 2004. They always had strong regulations on buildings etc. And the tsunami mainly hit the Northern area, which is the least populated in Japan AFAIK.

Don't get me wrong though, awful stuff indeed.
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] :I don't think so.

Sincerely hope so, don't forget that the tsunami is approaching a number of countries in the Pacific area (the waves are said to be higher than most of the low lying populated islands)... By now most countries have received advanced warning and people have time evacuate... unlike Sri Lanka back in 2004...
Quote from Tomba(FIN) : not nice

Big enough for this to Be posted by google

Tsunami Alert for New Zealand, the Philippines, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Hawaii, and others. Waves expected over the next few hours, caused by 8.9 earthquake in Japan.

Now that is the way the internet should be used.

Be safe people.

Hi Tomba

Quote from AtomAnt :Big enough for this to Be posted by google

Indeed. That's what caught our attention and managed to call in relatives and pass on the news... A message like that from Google is more effective in passing on the news as opposed to internet/tv/radio news programs...
Quote from Silverracer :Indeed. That's what caught our attention and managed to call in relatives and pass on the news... A message like that from Google is more effective in passing on the news as opposed to internet/tv/radio news programs...

Agreed, 6am here top news from cbc.

7 meter high waves...this is tragic..BC is expected to be hit in the next 2 hours.

Buckle Up and be safe.
OMG the pictures coming out of the area are just destruction, they have a Nuke plant going critical...a fire at a major oil unloading dock...I am speechless

We're praying for you all.

Wake anyone you know in that area and tell them to run for cover.
Just in tears here watching...where the hell is superman.

If that Nuke plant doesn't respond to shut down soon, they figure it will be Major problem...and New Zealand is expected to be hit with a 7 to 9 meter wave in short time..

This just may be the end of new Zealand...

DUSTIN..don't be silly and think this won't affect BC...the early warning bouys have lit up.

GOES sat is best for info.

Please wake up peeps and tell them to prepare.
Quote from jwardy :Just seen it on the news, hope everyone is ok.

bit more info. 8.9 magnitude sending a 10 metre wave into sendhai ( i think thats correct)

Yes and out of the 53 Nuke plants on Japan, one of the biggest is not responding to shut down...

Now one of the Major dams is in fear of collaspe.

Stay on this story and forget about games...

CBC news for coverage
hearts with anyone affected by the earthquake,look after yourselfs guys
Japan now is offical declearing nuclear disaster situation. Tho the nuclear power plants still are not destroyed, they can't manage to reduce the heat that is building up. If this continue it will be a tjernobyl (wrong spelled) situation. There are several thousand people around the nuclear power plant that is beeing evacuated as we speak.

The wave the approach is moving around 900 km/h and is measured to be around 9meters high.

I wish you the best of luck, and crosses my fingers that the nuclear plants will manage and the wave not beeing so brutal when it hits land.
Quote from The Very End :Japan now is offical declearing nuclear disaster situation. Tho the nuclear power plants still are not destroyed, they can't manage to reduce the heat that is building up. If this continue it will be a tjernobyl (wrong spelled) situation. There are several thousand people around the nuclear power plant that is beeing evacuated as we speak.

The wave the approach is moving around 900 km/h and is measured to be around 9meters high.

I wish you the best of luck, and crosses my fingers that the nuclear plants will manage and the wave not beeing so brutal when it hits land.

It will be bad if they do not get a handle on the one nuke plant that seems to not be under control....

The very end might not have been a good choice for an LFS name at this point :P

Praying on all six knees, being an Ant and all.

Yeah, I agree that username is not really suitable here

There is live video of Hawaii now, where the Tsunami is going on. If I understand right it's something that can keep going on for two hours now.

The nuclear power plant situation is still unclear
im safe probably, luckily my home is far away to kanto region

E: here im still watching news if there is another quake to hit japan hope its not on my region
Hawaii I beleive has been spared. In Pearl Harbor there was only a .5 meter serge, and the max serge there was less than a yard. They are still under a warning, but they beleive that they have mostly avoided it.

The issue with the Power Plant is that when the water goes back out it will be less capable of cooling (as it uses to water to do so). I don't think that there is anything to do there but watch and wait. It may have been damaged by the wave as well.
Quote from Cornys :Hawaii I beleive has been spared. In Pearl Harbor the was only a .5 meter serge, and the max serge there was less than a yard. They are still under a warning, but they beleive that they have mostly avoided it.

Hard to say, the water goes back and forth now, hopefully things will stay calm now.
Yeah, it would actually help if it would come back into shore a little bit more and it would allow it to breath. I actually think they had got it shut down anyways from what they reported on CNN. They are just not sure if it has a leak? (That was what they were saying anyways however reliable that is)
Something happend with the broadcast, now seems like a conference is starting???

The geolog man said clear out that it was not safe, and that the Tsunami still can be deadly if it comes a great wave, hopefully this is not the case.
I was watching some footage of when the wave came in, and I was totally speechless. While the water was not very tall, it just kept on going and going, completely swallowing up anything in its path!

Lets all hope it ends soon.
well i'm already sick of those news, i mean, people in japan live with the earthquakes, they know about this dangerous situation could happen anydays and now the whole world is all like "holy crap, never been so bad before"... its even more worse that day by day plenty of people die in africa because of hunger and bad organized globalization
Omg :'( poor people
let hope that they can survive and can rebuild their lives
Quote from reason0809 :well i'm already sick of those news, i mean, people in japan live with the earthquakes, they know about this dangerous situation could happen anydays and now the whole world is all like "holy crap, never been so bad before"... its even more worse that day by day plenty of people die in africa because of hunger and bad organized globalization

since when its our fault that africans have shitty conditions? always with the africans. leave a one bit of rice and theres a comment "african would live 500years with that, eat the shit!"