If cheerio was warned about what he was doing and still did it anyway, not much can be done as it was his choice to do it. In the big picture, he'll live guys... lol
Hi ! I would like a voucher code for S1 license..
I keep hope !
If you want a code you need to do more work than that
Firstly, why? Sell yourself! Tell a little about yourself, your ways of racing and so on. Secondly, the stats. Take a look how the other memebers in this thread sorted it out, and try follow them - then you stand a much higher chance to win a upgrade voucher
Quote from Kurtisone :Hi ! I would like a voucher code for S1 license..
I keep hope !

You'd have a beter chance if that wasnt your first post and if you've played demo for a few years with good stats.
Quote from Omar1 :You'd have a beter chance if that wasnt your first post and if you've played demo for a few years with good stats.

he has pretty good stats for a new comer, ratio wise a lot better than yours.. he is playing quite a lot too, and it would be good to buy s2 to someone who actually is still excited about the game.
First, thx a lot Robilon and The Very End.
Then, I play with psx wheel, I love this game because it's a really simulation !.. Yes, it's a simulation. Better than Gran Turismo (It's my opinion). I love cars since my childhood ! And pleasure to drive, in this game, with 'warning', start/stop, and the community !
Just, I love this game. It's awesome ! Not in graphics like others games on PS3 but in the gameplay ! My car, XRG. And the turbo version, I would like this car, I would like S1 license just for this car and others cars and tracks, of course. I'm not good in setup but I do my best !
Quote from Kurtisone :First, thx a lot Robilon and The Very End.
Then, I play with psx wheel, I love this game because it's a really simulation !.. Yes, it's a simulation. Better than Gran Turismo (It's my opinion). I love cars since my childhood ! And pleasure to drive, in this game, with 'warning', start/stop, and the community !
Just, I love this game. It's awesome ! Not in graphics like others games on PS3 but in the gameplay ! My car, XRG. And the turbo version, I would like this car, I would like S1 license just for this car and others cars and tracks, of course. I'm not good in setup but I do my best !

Now that was better, thank you

To quote your stats
Quote :
Total stats:
Travelled distance: 1376 Km
Fuel burnt: 272 Ltr
Laps: 248
Hosts joined: 55
Races won: 6
Second: 10
Third: 4
Finished: 28
Qualifications: 0
Pole Positions: 0
Drags / Wins: 0 / 0

The only concern is that you a fairly new, and the total driven distance is not that high atm. But if you continue doing effort online in the following time, and at same time show dedication, then there is a possibility.

Again, it's not up to me to chose, but a friendly guy which is active and has a good attitute can win even if the ideal criterias is not meet
Quote from Robilon :he has pretty good stats for a new comer, ratio wise a lot better than yours.. he is playing quite a lot too, and it would be good to buy s2 to someone who actually is still excited about the game.

lol idc im not a great racer...
By any chance, can I get an upgrade to S1? I do know about the existence of the game since it first saw the daylight, and it fascinated me from the begining because I've never owned a wheel to play race sims and this was the first game that gave me the feeling of having the wheel in my hands (as in, I'm playing it by mouse). Lately I started to play it a lot, and about 2 weeks ago I was doin 1.39.00 or so on Blackwood and I was always like what the..?! Why they all go much faster than me no matter what I do? So I decided to pay more attention to the track, and there you go, got my PB to around 1.35.

My stats aren't great, but I'm proud of them and the only reason I would like an S1 licence is because I want to drive the FXO Turbo. Probably best car in this whole game.

I don't mind if I won't get one, as long as you guys make me aware of this thing. I'll keep playing it and maybe someday I'll be able to upgrade it by myself.

Thanks in advice! Have a good day.


Total stats:
Travelled distance: 2755 Km
Fuel burnt: 476 Ltr
Laps: 589
Hosts joined: 206
Races won: 8
Second: 16
Third: 13
Finished: 119
Qualifications: 2
Pole Positions: 1
Drags / Wins: 0 / 0

XFG 0:30.540 1:08.080 1:35.250 WR-diff +0:02.510 464 laps 1.2% fuel 6 Sep 2012, 17:15


Updated stats
Travelled distance: 2405 Km
Fuel burnt: 470 Ltr
Laps: 329
Hosts joined: 70
Races won: 9
Second: 19
Third: 4
Finished: 40
Qualifications: 0
Pole Positions: 0
Drags / Wins: 0 / 0

XFG 0:36.750 1:11.590 WR-diff +0:03.630 63 laps 0.88% fuel 12 Sep 2012, 13:57
Hi all!
I really want to get s1 and and it is my dream for more than 3 years:P
I was not able to play for more than 6 months because my computer was broken
But I took lfs since 6 months and I'm back at my highest level!

<== Apr 2009

Total stats:
Travelled distance: 7275 Km
Fuel burnt: 1564 Ltr
Laps: 880
Hosts joined: 924
Races won: 30
Second: 46
Third: 37
Finished: 184
Qualifications: 16
Pole Positions: 2
Drags / Wins: 0 / 0

I now play with a team in rallycross [LFT]

XFG 1:46.170 WR-diff +0:13.430 18 laps 1.4% fuel 11 May 2011, 12:58
XRG 1:38.430 WR-diff +0:06.070 58 laps 1.17% fuel 16 Sep 2012, 21:46
FBM 1:17.520 WR-diff +0:05.830 96 laps 1.21% fuel 15 Sep 2012, 16:17

I do not like bl1
But i love Bl2 :P

XFG 0:35.820 1:09.920 WR-diff +0:01.960 596 laps 0.95% fuel 26 Jun 2012, 19:50
XRG 0:43.220 1:28.730 WR-diff +0:20.390 16 laps 0.8% fuel 27 Jul 2012, 19:41
FBM 0:41.900 1:14.520 91 laps 1.3% fuel 14 May 2011, 22:43 And fbm too

I have a lot of experience on the car games.
I almost played a need for speed the wholes including the dreaded gran turismo from 1 to 5.
I hope you enjoy
Hi guys, thanks for posting.

Competition is currently slightly on hold, but hopefully things might pick up soon. Keep posting and I'll get in touch via PM when some more vouchers become available.

Good luck!
Good to know! I haven't played a lot in the past few days cause I've got a wedding coming on (my sisters, not mine haha) and I had no time, but I will get my hands on this game again soon. Hopefully I'll be getting an S1 aswell. Too bad there's not an S 0.5 licence available, cause I would have asked for the least.

Have a good day.
Thank you
I am very active, at least 3 hours per day.
A little less Monday to Friday
Hello all !!
I have been playing lfs for long time and i'm hope to be upgrade from demo to s1 lic , i was going to buy S2 but i didnt find it here in Egypt as the game is not that popular here and i hope to win because racing on demo for months with the same combo of track/car is getting boring, and i want some new challenges and heres my stats :-

Total stats:
Travelled distance: 30425 Ml
Fuel burnt: 7702 Ltr
Laps: 10636
Hosts joined: 1617
Races won: 478
Second: 567
Third: 389
Finished: 2358
Qualifications: 0
Pole Positions: 0
Drags / Wins: 0 / 0

FBM 0:23.610 0:52.830 h1:12.830 WR-diff +0:01.140 10661 laps 1.23% fuel 18 Sep 2012, 12:34

and i also play for MRC Team , Thanks
and i also play for MRC Team
Join Date: Mar 2012
Quote from theodu69 :and i also play for MRC Team
Join Date: Mar 2012

Nah mate , i joined this site Mar 2012 because i didnt know it , you can check Mrc website and stats too i have been in Mrc for a long time
Any news regarding our requests?
You news you lose.
Next post with good stats gets a license.
I'll run this for 10 mins.
Edit: I guess that didn't work.
Quote from bogdani.cojocaru :Any news regarding our requests?

Hi, I'm afraid your stats are still quite a way off compared to some of the other people who are waiting for a voucher.

If (and when) the voucher(s) becomes available they'll be sent to the r:qacer who is judged to be most deserving and currently active.

If I were you, I'd race a lot in the meantime (and try and have a go at getting close to the WRs in hotlap mode).

Good luck and best regards!
I think Theodu69 get a voucher.