Uploaded 2 hotlaps.
Gz winners
Hi all (san77) DELETED by san77
(zvone798) DELETED by zvone798
Quote from zvone798 :Online statistics for: zvone798

Total stats:
Travelled distance:81164 Km
Fuel burnt:12965 Ltr
Laps: 21888
Hosts joined:111
Races won: 1497
Third: 1000
Pole Positions:9
Drags / Wins:0 / 0

Yea, right :bannana_g
Total stats:zvone798
Travelled distance: 5275 Ml
Fuel burnt: 1693 Ltr
Laps: 1884
Hosts joined: 901
Races won: 12
Second: 50
Third: 39
Finished: 457
Qualifications: 4
Pole Positions: 1
Drags / Wins: 0 / 0
Here i am
Mastahx )))
who are you talking to me or
Quote from zvone798 :Total stats:zvone798
Travelled distance: 5275 Ml
Fuel burnt: 1693 Ltr
Laps: 1884
Hosts joined: 901
Races won: 12
Second: 50
Third: 39
Finished: 457
Qualifications: 4
Pole Positions: 1
Drags / Wins: 0 / 0

Ok send acount name or pasvord
DO NOT SEND account details! They are private, no matter what. Username - sure, you can send that around, but not the password.
You never know which guys you may happend to stumple across on the internet, so better be safe than sorry.
You are confusing me
Quote from zvone798 :What

What What??

You create unnecessary topics... and you do not normally talk
Hello guys
Thanks again for S1 licence ..... it is AWESOME......

i cant explain how happy I am..... )

see you on cargame.nl S1..... )
Go for it buddy.... ;))
Quote from san77 :Total stats:
Travelled distance:21456 Km
Fuel burnt:3563 Ltr
Hosts joined:443
Races won:155
Pole Positions:1
Drags / Wins:0 / 0

Gp - 3 sectors - 3.3 km
XFG0: 30.120 1:07.100 1:34.030 WR-diff +0:01.290 5406 laps1.21% fuel17 Oct 2012, 21:28
XRG0: 31.300 1:09.270 1:36.990 WR-diff +0:04.630 12 laps1.04% fuel11 Oct 2012, 23:43
FBM0: 29.640 1:03.700 1:26.430 WR-diff +0:14.740 21 laps1.32% fuel8 Nov 2011, 06:26
Rallyx - 2 sectors - 1.8 km
XFG0: 35.840 1:10.130 WR-diff +0:02.170 97 laps0.92% fuel9 Sep 2012, 17:13

I will try, who knows, maybe...

Very clean and prudent driver..... also my teammate in (BRT)...... )
Quote from jopapuba :Thanks again for S1 licence ..... it is AWESOME......

i cant explain how happy I am..... )

see you on cargame.nl S1..... )

Quote from jopapuba :Thanks again for S1 licence ..... it is AWESOME......

i cant explain how happy I am..... )

see you on cargame.nl S1..... )

Good stuff
Most people come on at the evening (including me), so let's have a race in the MRT someday
Quote from The Very End :Good stuff
Most people come on at the evening (including me), so let's have a race in the MRT someday

we raced yesterday on Fern Bay when general was also there......)
Quote from jopapuba :we raced yesterday on Fern Bay when general was also there......)

Oh we did?
What is your racing / nickname?

Edit: Ahh saw it!
Lets do some racing today!
Quote from jopapuba :Thanks again for S1 licence ..... it is AWESOME......

i cant explain how happy I am..... )

see you on cargame.nl S1..... )

hey hey hey, mate I'm glad you made it. Wish you good racing and thanks for support.
Quote from LynxRV :

Man , how you want license without any times,laps,wins etc.You nave no chances in my opinion.

P.S Now i'm improving my pbs and make more kilometres, laps and races,but I driving only in weekends.If any contender for license want to drive with me,pm me or follow me(I only drive in AirAttack's servers).GOOD LUCK to all contenders
Quote from ventspils_619 :Man , how you want license without any times,laps,wins etc.You nave no chances in my opinion

Check page 15 we have won a lisence
(Frunze118) DELETED by Frunze118 : got s2
Quote from Frunze118 :theodu69, and many others - i understand your desire, but :

Decent reputation - oh, ok
Driven over 30000 miles (50000 km approx.) online -
Finished more than 1000 races -
Uploaded at hotlap to LFSW which should be within 107% of WR +
Active player (if you've played a lot in 2005 and haven't touched since, you might not stand a chance) +

Anyway you havent most important part - Driven over 30000 miles

See bogdani's stats! He hasn't got any hotlaps and he have only 6000kms+
He join the game on 2011
And he won a S2 lisence

Anywone can get it.