i'm really LFS addict and it would be great to have s1 or s2, i play LFS almost every day, 2-4 hours, so it would be very cool to try s1 or s2......
my username is jopapuba, and in game name is Jopapuba (BRT)
i have driven FBM for almost a year and my pb is 1,13,34,
then i moved to xfg and xrg
thanks in advance.....

Online statistics for: jopapuba
Total stats:
Travelled distance:81163 Km
Fuel burnt:12965 Ltr
Laps: 21826
Hosts joined:1116
Races won: 1497
Third: 1073
Pole Positions:0
Drags / Wins:0 / 0
Gp - 3 sectors - 3.3 km
XFG 0:30.190 1:07.170 1:33.840 WR-diff +0:01.100 6604 laps 1.2% fuel 31 Aug 2012, 17:32
XRG 0:30.330 1:07.160 1:34.290 WR-diff +0:01.930 740 laps 1% fuel 25 Jun 2012, 09:04
FBM 0:23.850 0:53.240 1:13.340 WR-diff +0:01.650 14367 laps 1.23% fuel 5 Jan 2012, 16:55
Gp Rev - 3 sectors - 3.3 km
Rallyx - 2 sectors - 1.8 km
XFG 0:36.860 1:11.280 WR-diff +0:03.320 113 laps 0.85% fuel 16 Jul 2012, 17:33
XRG 0:39.030 1:14.480 WR-diff +0:06.140 2 laps 0.74% fuel 16 Jul 2012, 17:48