XFG 0:29.870 1:06.730 1:33.330 WR-diff +0:00.520 3960 laps

XRG 0:29.750 1:06.370 h1:33.070 WR-diff +0:00.710 3340 laps

FBM 0:23.920 0:53.450 1:13.790 My previus profil....username vladazec97

XFG 0:35.390 1:08.940 WR-diff +0:00.980 920 laps

XRG 0:35.840 1:09.710 WR-diff +0:01.370 234 laps

32519 Km
Fuel burnt: 5930 Ltr
Laps: 8876
Finished: 445
Qualifications: 150
I drive on the mouse
I was a little bored with the demo
I drive two years
Rentner here,
Travelled distance: 46172 Km
Fuel burnt: 7856 Ltr
Laps: 12543
Hosts joined: 395
Races won: 835
Second: 430
Third: 276
Finished: 1939
Qualifications: 166
Pole Positions: 106
Drags / Wins: 0 / 0
Gp - 3 sectors - 3.3 km
XFG 0:29.860 1:06.640 1:33.090 WR-diff +0:00.280 6203 laps 1.17% fuel 1 Nov 2011, 18:05
XRG 0:29.770 1:06.270 1:32.940 WR-diff +0:00.580 4819 laps 0.97% fuel 5 Oct 2011, 20:57
FBM 0:23.600 0:52.730 1:12.580 WR-diff +0:00.800 1456 laps 1.17% fuel 26 Sep 2011, 18:39

Rallyx - 2 sectors - 1.8 km
XFG 0:35.620 1:08.980 WR-diff +0:01.020 62 laps 0.93% fuel 7 Sep 2011, 19:27
XRG 0:36.670 1:10.800 WR-diff +0:02.460 3 laps 0.7% fuel 11 Nov 2011, 20:45

Got no HL, well i like racing. Side-by-Side. Not alone trying to beat myself or any WR that wont be beaten by me at all.
Cya on track.
Quote from Rentner :Rentner here,
Travelled distance: 46172 Km
Fuel burnt: 7856 Ltr
Laps: 12543
Hosts joined: 395
Races won: 835
Second: 430
Third: 276
Finished: 1939
Qualifications: 166
Pole Positions: 106
Drags / Wins: 0 / 0
Gp - 3 sectors - 3.3 km
XFG 0:29.860 1:06.640 1:33.090 WR-diff +0:00.280 6203 laps 1.17% fuel 1 Nov 2011, 18:05
XRG 0:29.770 1:06.270 1:32.940 WR-diff +0:00.580 4819 laps 0.97% fuel 5 Oct 2011, 20:57
FBM 0:23.600 0:52.730 1:12.580 WR-diff +0:00.800 1456 laps 1.17% fuel 26 Sep 2011, 18:39

Rallyx - 2 sectors - 1.8 km
XFG 0:35.620 1:08.980 WR-diff +0:01.020 62 laps 0.93% fuel 7 Sep 2011, 19:27
XRG 0:36.670 1:10.800 WR-diff +0:02.460 3 laps 0.7% fuel 11 Nov 2011, 20:45

Got no HL, well i like racing. Side-by-Side. Not alone trying to beat myself or any WR that wont be beaten by me at all.
Cya on track.

I've been playing LFS since 2007. I really like racing(Not hotlapper). My favourite cars are FBM and XRG.
The reason why i'm taking part is all my friends have moved to s2, wish i could join them.
Made this account 2011-01-31. I think the stats for 1 year are quite good.

Travelled distance: 39348 Ml
Fuel burnt: 10210 Ltr
Hosts joined: 1288
Races won:
Second: 437
Thirad: 290
Finished: 2070
Qualifications: 50
Pole Positions:
Drags / Wins: 0 / 0

Gp - 3 sectors - 2.05 Ml

XFG 0:30.510 1:08.680 1:36.310 WR-diff +0:03.500 27 laps 1.46% fuel 27 Aug 2011, 11:14
0:30.080 1:06.900 1:33.680 WR-diff +0:01.320 1033 laps 1.03% fuel 7 Feb 2012, 10:40
FBM 0:23.640 0:52.650 1:12.450 WR-diff +0:00.670 12095 laps 1.19% fuel 23 Nov 2011, 15:22

Quote from VicaNo :tnx


That LFS account name of you already sounded somewhat familiar to me..

Now I remember why ... and-lukas5000pl-t137.html

Quote from VicaNo :Why not give the driver a license immediately, as silver has given us

Yeah why held soccer competitions, F1 races.. Why not directly declare winners and losers ... Spray champagne. Done.

To be honest I am not following this .. Silver must have a really bad karma or is really desperate to win this years forum poll.. Otherwise I do not know

Quote from :Funny...

That LFS account name of you already sounded somewhat familiar to me..

Now I remember why ... and-lukas5000pl-t137.html

Yeah why held soccer competitions, F1 races.. Why not directly declare winners and losers ... Spray champagne. Done.

To be honest I am not following this .. Silver must have a really bad karma or is really desperate to win this years forum poll.. Otherwise I do not know


you have some problem with nice people? or you always like this
Rentner and Raksakas - the two of you are not going to upload a hotlap? Its a fine feature of LFSworld and you can use the hotlap analyser and other tools to see how you can improve your time. Just a heads up since you might find it useful...

I'm not rich enough to buy voucher for Vlada1997, Rentner, Raksaks and zooom555 - so if I dont get in touch with you, keep and eye on this thread (and your inbox). If someone is willing to sponsor a voucher, I'll get them to contact you.

Luki is zooom still around? His last race was a couple of months ago and he's not been online lately...

Quote from :
Silver must have a really bad karma[...]

Huh, what do you mean?

Quote :[...]is really desperate to win this years forum poll.

Thanks for that
Quote from Vlada1997 :New
XFG 0:29.870 1:06.730 1:33.330 WR-diff +0:00.520 3960 laps

XRG 0:29.750 1:06.370 h1:33.070 WR-diff +0:00.710 3340 laps

FBM 0:23.920 0:53.450 1:13.790 My previus profil....username vladazec97

XFG 0:35.390 1:08.940 WR-diff +0:00.980 920 laps

XRG 0:35.840 1:09.710 WR-diff +0:01.370 234 laps

32519 Km
Fuel burnt: 5930 Ltr
Laps: 8876
Finished: 445
Qualifications: 150
I drive on the mouse
I was a little bored with the demo
I ride two years

Quote from Silverracer :Luki is zooom still around? His last race was a couple of months ago and he's not been online lately...

i know about he last time online was like 3-4 months, and I told him about all this thread, but probably he didnt recived my message... If he dont give any signal of life this week then probably he's offline for longer and this chance gone away... too bad for him

If you ask for it ?

DONE (only XRG with a little grass but that was no biggie).
If you need more, let me know.

Still don´t like that kind of driving

Edit: Did XFG to by now, cause i really dont like it hehe.
Quote from Franky.S :you have some problem with nice people? or you always like this

Well no...

But Vicano is acting in a way that this is absolutely normal and that more people just need to give away licenses. Who needs competitions blabla.

I mean wtf.. Go work??!! Back when I was 11 I earned 12 pounds on a day with washing cars

I bought sweets for that but that is a different story.
Quote from CheerioDM :...

feel free to speak out if you have something to say

I agree with cargame, but silver is sometimes just too much of a nice guy ^^

With a bit more time the right guy might have gotten the voucher
Quote from JazzOn :feel free to speak out if you have something to say

I agree with cargame, but silver is sometimes just too much of a nice guy ^^

With a bit more time the right guy might have gotten the voucher

Did I say that out loud?
No. Just trolling.
Don't tell Flame.
Quote from CheerioDM :Did I say that out loud?
No. Just trolling.
Don't tell Flame.

Seriously, what are you on about with these posts?
Quote from Rentner :Hi,

If you ask for it ?

DONE (only XRG with a little grass but that was no biggie).
If you need more, let me know.

Still don´t like that kind of driving

Edit: Did XFG to by now, cause i really dont like it hehe.

This fella looks promising.

New day, new HL.
Did a not really good lap with FBM, too.

Thanks for the thumbsup, Frank and sjava.

Cya on track

Damnit, many thanks at first.
Just dont know what to say then, Thank you Silver!!!

This is totally awesome. I really like this game. You made my day(week ? , year ?)Dunno.

Cya on track
Congratulations Rentner
whether a fourth license
Silver, is this still running?

If yes, i uploaded XRG hotlap.
Tried FBM also but couldn't make it faster than 1:13:50 ..
Yes, still running! Good luck with the hotlap(s)!
So tomorrow I will upload the HL xfg and fix it xRG
XRG After much hassle I drive hotlap 1:33:03 and this is my pb (I drive 56hotlaps,after much hassle was worth it)
XFG HL 1.33.70 tomorrow fixing pb with xfg
Rallyx BAD HL 1.10.52
Is it enough or even fixing up ?!?!?!????