New WIP Kyoto Ring banner still confused [with solution]
First of all thanks Eric, new Kyoto Ring looks magnificent!

"XR Autosport"banner have been changed, however from the screenshots that posted, I find the kanji on them still confusing.

They are:
  • XR Autosport
    XRモーターカー スボーツ

  • Advanced Motoring Group
    アドバンスド モータードライビング クラプ

  • ENGEXX Turbo
    ターボ 工学

  • Kyoto Suspension Systems
    懸濁液 競技場
So let's fix it~

XR Autosport
XRモーターカー スボーツ
XR is good, also sport.
But モーターカー usually means small railroad maintenance vehicle in Japan.
See me (Yellow one)

So what should Auto translate to?
オートor a word we familar with:自動車.Thumbs up
XR Autosport
- XR otto supottsu

Advanced Motoring Group
アドバンスド モータードライビング クラプ
モータードライビング appears to mean "motor driving", but I can only see from a classic car driving tour. Could be モータリング.
クラプ means either club or, well...crap, depend on original word.Omg omg omg Should be グループ.
Advanced Motoring Group
アドバンスド モータリング グループ
- adobannsudo mottarinngu guruppu

ターボ 工学
ターボ of course means turbo.
工学? Engineering. So what does "engineering turbo" means lolRazz
So ENGEXX should be translated directly from the Japanese exonyms: エンゲックス
エンゲックス ターボ
- enngekkusu tabbo

Kyoto Suspension System
懸濁液 競技場
This should be the most funny one both in Japanese and Chinese(Japanese Kanji and Chinese HanZi are similar)Tilt
懸濁液 means Suspension liquid. Big grin 競技場 means stadium and I have no idea why it related to word "system"...Shrug
So all wrong. Correct one:サスペンション システム
As for Kyoto, It could be 京, or 京都 as a city name.Wave
Kyoto Suspension System
京 サスペンション システム
- kyoto sasupennsyonn shisutemu

As the "湖 京都 競技場" sticked at the starting light area of KY3 (0.6U/V), Lake, Kyoto, Stadium. And there are indeed lakes there.
#3 - Eric
Quote from kagurazakayukari :
First of all thanks Eric, new Kyoto Ring looks magnificent!

"XR Autosport"banner have been changed, however from the screenshots that posted, I find the kanji on them still confusing.

They are:
  • XR Autosport
    XRモーターカー スボーツ

  • Advanced Motoring Group
    アドバンスド モータードライビング クラプ

  • ENGEXX Turbo
    ターボ 工学

  • Kyoto Suspension Systems
    懸濁液 競技場
So let's fix it~

XR Autosport
XRモーターカー スボーツ
XR is good, also sport.
But モーターカー usually means small railroad maintenance vehicle in Japan.
See me (Yellow one)

So what should Auto translate to?
オートor a word we familar with:自動車.Thumbs up
XR Autosport
- XR otto supottsu

Advanced Motoring Group
アドバンスド モータードライビング クラプ
モータードライビング appears to mean "motor driving", but I can only see from a classic car driving tour. Could be モータリング.
クラプ means either club or, well...crap, depend on original word.Omg omg omg Should be グループ.
Advanced Motoring Group
アドバンスド モータリング グループ
- adobannsudo mottarinngu guruppu

ターボ 工学
ターボ of course means turbo.
工学? Engineering. So what does "engineering turbo" means lolRazz
So ENGEXX should be translated directly from the Japanese exonyms: エンゲックス
エンゲックス ターボ
- enngekkusu tabbo

Kyoto Suspension Systems
懸濁液 競技場
This should be the most funny one both in Japanese and Chinese(Japanese Kanji and Chinese HanZi are similar)Tilt
懸濁液 means Suspension liquid. Big grin 競技場 means stadium and I have no idea why it related to word "system"...Shrug
So all wrong. Correct one:サスペンション システム
As for Kyoto, It could be 京, or 京都 as a city name.Wave
Kyoto Suspension Systems
京 サスペンション システム
- kyoto sasupennsyonn shisutemu

As the "湖 京都 競技場" sticked at the starting light area of KY3 (0.6U/V), Lake, Kyoto, Stadium. And there are indeed lakes there.

Thank you very much! Thumbs up That's very helpful. Smile
Quote from Eric :Thank you very much! Thumbs up That's very helpful. Smile

No problem~

Oh also the Bridgestone Arch have same issue with “motorcar” モーター車 from XR. Bridgestone does have motorsport tyre category, so ブリヂストン モータースポーツ タイヤ Bridgestone Motorsport Tyre should be okay. If it is for road tyre just simply use POTENZA ポテンザ brandSmile
#5 - Eric
I will correct that too, kagurazakayukari.
Thankyou for your help.