The online racing simulator
Quote from mkinnov8 :Forgive me for not knowing much, but has the distance from the car changed when using the top down view in U22. Also, i get no sound whatsoever when using this view. Is that expected?

Windows XP SP1 |Nvidia nForce Audio

Which car and track condination are you talking about? That was reported in U21 and I thought I had fixed it for U22. I was testing with a FZ50 at Autocross Autocross.
Sorry, I didnt see it earlier, I thought that it had been removed for some reason.

The car and track was XFR Blackwood GP Reverse, XFR Aston Club.

If required I will post up a replay, but I dont know if it will be any good, as it may not be "reproducable" on other systems, as it it may be my pc, though It hasnt happened in any versions Pre U21.
#828 - dev
Sorry if i replied in the wrong thread.

Is there an option to turn "Replay not being recorded" off? It's buging me...
Minor error fix

[ EDIT by Scawen : thanks, I've put it in my U23 folder ]
Attached files
Commands_Russian.txt - 20.5 KB - 327 views
don't know if this is me being a noob, or if it's actually a bug..

but when i selected the FZR, and Blackwood, i didn't get the standard track, i just got the one and only layout i have from u20.. and i actually don't know how to get the standard one!

anyhow.. should layouts be selected when i've never used one before? it just happened to be in the layouts folder!
I think, /axclear is the command to get rid of it.
Quote from keltern :don't know if this is me being a noob, or if it's actually a bug..

but when i selected the FZR, and Blackwood, i didn't get the standard track, i just got the one and only layout i have from u20.. and i actually don't know how to get the standard one!

anyhow.. should layouts be selected when i've never used one before? it just happened to be in the layouts folder!

Yes, if you have a layout in your lyt-folder and you load the track it's on, LfS automatically loads that layout... It always has been this way (as long a I know LfS anyway)... Don't know why though...
thank u..
btw is there any way to permanently set the track back to layoutless without saving an empty layout first ?

those two problems (if mine really is one) should be fixed
One bug that has been lurking around LFS for years:
When a player changes his nickname after a race or qualifying, right before the start of a new race, he looses his position for the next race and starts from the back of the grid.

Quote from Vain :One bug that has been lurking around LFS for years:
When a player changes his nickname after a race or qualifying, right before the start of a new race, he looses his position for the next race and starts from the back of the grid.


You know it is funny you say that, but I reported this way back in S1 or early stages of S2 I think it was.

I think the only thing that was fixed was if you won a race, and changed your name afterwords... if the grid was set to reversed mode it would put you on the front of the grid :doh: And Scawen DID fix this, but it seems it is back again, because I have noticed that it does affect your position when the grid is set to 'normal'. Not sure if the reversed grid is still affected by this... but this is somewhat of an exploit if this still works.
Quote from Vain :One bug that has been lurking around LFS for years:
When a player changes his nickname after a race or qualifying, right before the start of a new race, he looses his position for the next race and starts from the back of the grid.


Yes, exactly that ruined a (league) race for me recently...
another bug thats bugged me for quite a while now is how the placement of the nicknames above cars is gforce dependant
Quote from Tweaker :Just noticed this. Not sure if it was existant in any early U Test Patches, but this I have never seen.

The driver's suit model dissapears when viewing from a distance in the FO8. If you use Shift+U it will dissapear with a certain distance or FOV you choose.

This here is 33 degs of FOV and full height.

heres a movie showing that bug,
Problems with translation strings: "Replay not recorded" can be the same in English for 2 meanings ("replay hasn't been recorded" and "replay is not being recorded now"). In other languages, Russian in particular, it must be said with 2 distinct phrases. So we need one more string.
For the people commenting a few posts back about long term things :

Yet again I must remind you of my request about the test patch threads...

PLEASE DO NOT use this thread as a feature request, or a bug report section for long term issues in LFS that you consider to be a bug or a problem.

The TEST PATCH THREAD is about TEST PATCH ISSUES. NOT feature requests for LFS and bug reports.

It's hard enough working on test patches, without being confused by off topic bug reports and feature requests. And then I have to spend time moving your posts to the relevant sections to try and keep this thread clean, and yet again writing posts to try to explain that the test patch forum is reserved for discussions about the test patch.

I've requested it dozens of times, we have a sticky here explaining that. It's on the first post in this thread. There is a warning when you enter this forum. We can't really make it any more clear than we already have done.

Thanks in advance for your cooperation.
Screen goes black after shift+F4
Never seen this bug untill u22.

When Im online and hit shift+F4 to go small-view, the window for LFS goes black.
I hear the game and buttons still working but can't see anything on the screen even if I hit shift+F4 again to go back to maximum view.
Only way is to shutdown LFS and start it again.
- Changing screen resolution in LFS doesnt help...
- This is not happening every time i hit shift+F4...

I will check my video and directx versions when I get back home...
I've got the same problem

Also, when in windowed mode, if i get a popup from msn or another application, something like this happens when changing screen in lfs...
Attached images
yeah I had the black screen after alt-tabbing I believe.
Don't know if this is the right place for saying that, but there is a bug in the italian translation (in U version too) of the clutchpack string:

- In english is Power and Coast
- In LFS Italian version is Posteriore (post) and Anteriore (ant), that in english mean Rear and Front
- The right translations should be "Potenza" (power) and "Rilascio" (Coast)

Hope it will be solved soon
A few bug in french translation too with Marshalls advises.
If we enter in forbiden area (around Marshalls) LFS said in french :
"X a franchi une zone a vitesse limitée" (X entering in speed-limited area)
Its better if you change this in :
"X est entré dans une zone réservée (ou protégée)"(X enter in protected area)

Scawen i using Marshalls to forbid possibilities to cut some chicans or large turns in french leagues.
It's not really the right place to discuss translations, but because they are clear fixes, I just went and changed them for you (Italian and French). So the fix will be in U23.
Sorry Sca and thx
Russraine : I have moved the posts about your graphics problem to the technical assistance section :

I don't think it's anything to do with the patch, as it is only affecting you. You are more likely to get some help in the technical assistance section. That kind of thing has been seen before...
XP Unlocking problem
I think there maybe an unlocking problem on my XP installation. I'll give some background info first...

I'm using three installs of LFS U22:

Main desktop - XP SP2 (custom built)
Main laptop - XP SP2 (hp TC4200)
Spare laptop - Vista32 RC1 (hp NC8000).

I've just experienced a third locking on the XP laptop (TC4200) for no apparent reason. I start LFS and it's in Locked mode. This unlocking hasn't occurred on my main PC, partly because I haven't been using it much, nor has it occurred more than once on the Vista installation. However, I am using two sound mods - PitSpotter and CSR Sound Remixer on the two XP installs, let me explain...

Just before the 3rd lock occuring on the TC laptop (and before I'd started LFS) I extracted a CSR soundset (XRR) to the \LFS\User Files folder. LFS was then locked when started. Now, I wouldn't have thought that this would have caused a lock, but I'm worried that using third party mods, especially sound ones could be interfering with U22, seen as there are sound changes in U22. I don't know, this could be a red herring, but I think I may remove these two mods for awhile and see if it happens again. It would be interesting to see if anyone else has been getting more than usual locks with this kind of configuration.

Also, as a result of this, I've drawn up a Change Log for recording ALL changes that I've applied to my LFS folder. Feel free to use yourself if you like.
Attached files
LFS Change Log - TC4200.doc - 32 KB - 334 views
LFS Change Log - Template.doc - 27 KB - 371 views
LFS Change Log - Template TXT.txt - 1.7 KB - 282 views
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