Toyota needs to revamp its image and become something unique and interesting. They're the generic Formula One team. Their livery and corporate colors, and the whole feel of the team really, are bland and uninspiring. Trulli and Glock are OK guys, but c'mon, who is a diehard Toyota fan? It's just a faceless corporate monolith with no character or passion. This also seems to extend to the design philosphy and engineering of their car, which would explain their lack of success relative to their budget.
They've kept the same paint scheme on their car for years, and it was crap to start with. They should go with something outrageous (by their standards anyway) so they at least stand out a little. Make it clear that they're evolving and intend to really step up in '09. Kinda like what Honda did in 2007 with it's Earth car thing, except y'know, good.
I think one of the problems was that Rudy may have been either waiting for the green flag or the start/finish line before really putting the foot down, however this does not excuse the slowing down to 46mph after accelerating to over 60mph out of the final turn.
It might be an idea to follow the normal FIA/non-USA restart rules, where so long as the Safety Car is clear of the road ahead then it is up to the leader when to go, and they can go at any time - waiting on the green flag is not necessary so it means the leader can get on the power out of the final turn rather than wait until the green flag comes out. Of course, no overtaking until the line.
I mentioned it in the commentary because I saw it on the Safety Car livery - it said "Limiters on" or something - so wouldn't it be better if that was done next time?
American drag racing is, and always was, faster than euro drag racing. Australian records are also quicker and faster than europe's. Maybe you should do some research yourself?
Also, there's no difference in the bodyshapes. There might be a difference in the material as US cars are now all carbon fibre instead of fibreglass, but apart from that and the livery, the bodies are all the same wedge shape with huge rear wings needed for downforce.
The euro nitro funny car record is a 5.1@289mph where as the US record is 4.6@333mph for the quarter mile. They only run the nitro cars to the 1000 foot mark now (instead of 1320) after the death of Scott Kallita.
I've seen so many examples of that. Those ricer cars look like graphics card artifacts and I find that really funny. If a new NFS had that kind of ricing, I would die of laughter.
Anyways, I don't know how NFS is going to get out of the huge hole they put themselves in. They've been sticking to the tuner theme for too long and if they do come back with an exotic, more race oriented theme, I still don't think they could pull themselves out of that hole.
Becky, when you watch A1GP or GP2 do you even think about the teams? Being a standard car means that the teams are just a livery, and very little attention is given to them other than the quality of their setup abilities.
One make series are not good if you want a team championship, or want the teams to be part of it. Whilst I appreciate that not everyone loves the technical side of F1, the whole of the sport will suffer if that is lost to spec cars.
One of the first serious skins I've done for LfS is my personal interpretation of a Red Bull livery. The pic attached firstly is an early stage draft looking pretty blank. Later I tried to make it closer to a possible V1 Championship livery, I refined the standard sponsor ads at the side for higher resolution and added some detail as you can see in the other 2 pictures attached.
The point is I'm not quite happy with the NIL-logos and the little "extra livery" (the white stripes, just google for packs, it's a cigarrete brand). Otherwise it would look too blank again without it. What could I do for it? I just know if I remove the NIL-ads I'll use the silver air take-in like in the early version again.