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S2 licensed
I will try it again. If I still fail, I let you know!

I also want to pep up the movie a little bit! (hope this is english! *g*)
S2 licensed

Hope you are not married!
S2 licensed
I tried. But i failed...
Flip-Roll *g*
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Quote from DasKlee

could help you here

Thanx a lot!!

Use LfS-Stats as Signature - how???
S2 licensed
I wanna use my LfS Stats as a signature in another forum.

The singature should look like the attached file.

Is that possible? If yes -> how do I do this?

S2 licensed
I look at usually once a day. Well I just check the main site for news and the forum. But i didn't see any LfS-Tests before today. I also searched for it...

MUST be my fault!
S2 licensed
Gamestar has tested Live For Speed:

The article is in german. Live For Speed got a rating of 83%.
S2 licensed
Quote from marsden1002 :
try some other tracks, there are ones miles better than Blackwood!!

Yeah! The question is not when will a "real" Track like SPA added in LfS! The question is when will they build such great Tracks like FE-Gold in real life!!
S2 licensed
I don't like automatic Track-changes at all.

When I'm about to go online i decide wich server to go by the selected track and the allowed cars (and the number of players).
If the server would change the track after a race, then I also would change the server. (Am just I thinking that way?)

What I'd like to see is the number of laps for one race BEFORE I join.
I don't like this 3-5 laps races. A race must have at least 10 laps!!
S2 licensed
If you drive a qualifiying on a server, the best times of all players are displayed on the right side of the screen.

If a pitstop is required you get an info at the start of the race.
S2 licensed
Quote from deggis :A bit off topic but I can't understand why so many asks after they join a server "someone have a good setup?". It can't be too hard to alt+tab or Shift+F4, go to the Setupfield website, download a setup and get back to the game.

Thats something a don't understand too. Seems like they are driving this car on this track for the very first time. But some of them drive laptimes, that i can't make (yet) even if I already made 250 laps.
S2 licensed
Well, maybe windows isn't that bad at all...
S2 licensed
What do you think about this solution:

4 cars should be added, where only some rudimental things can be changed in the setup like what was already mentioned in this thread.

1 slow car, 1 fast street car, 1 racing car and one fun car.
(like XFG, UFR, FXR and MRT)
S2 licensed
AA and AF should not lower your FPS with a X800 Graphic Card.

I have a 3000+ AMD, 1 Gig Ram, Ati X800Pro. I played without AA and AF because i didn't want to change it all the time for other games. But as I recognized that I don't play anything else than LfS I set AA to 4x and AF to 8x. The FPS didn't change. FPS are still at 60-70 when racing with 20 other cars.

AA and AF is a graphic-card feature and doesn't need CPU-Speed. (Correct me if I'm wrong).
S2 licensed
Is it possible to get a certain lap out of a replay?

My first lap is not my fastest. I usually need a few laps before i'm really fast.
S2 licensed
Quote from the_angry_angel :Solution - list only empty servers, enter, vote to end, change the settings, wait for racers. Play.

Don't you need admin rights on the server to change the cars??
S2 licensed
Quote from nswg-boomzer :Hi every one,

I just downloaded the game looking forward to playing. :P

This is great news! Thanx!

S2 licensed
Good Point Tooby! Very good point!
S2 licensed
You were right. It's just some very little steering I do when breaking (didn't even notice it while driving) but this is enough to make the wheel block.

Now THATS what I call a simulation!

Thank you guys.
S2 licensed
Quote from snewham :what is the ratio of braking on front to back?? is it around 65% front? and what force of braking is it?

the only thing i can think of is that you are pushing the brake pedal too hard. I brake full for a few seconds and then release brake pedal to about 50% down to avoid locking up.

Yeah, thats the way I do it.

I have 1220 Nm force and 70% ratio.
S2 licensed
Quote from snewham :Do you change down gear when braking?? e.g. change from 5th to 3rd or to 2nd?

if you do, try to brake until the revs are quite low and then change down otherwise it will lock the wheels up.

You are right. But this happens to the rear wheels in a RWD-Car.
S2 licensed
Quote from Vain :In LFS no ABS-cars are allowed. That's be against the rules of the racing-organizations. So no need for FF-pedals.
Though I think it would be nice to have your wheel and pedals/pedalset shake when you jump over curbs...


Force Feedback Pedals!! YEHAW! Where can i buy this??
S2 licensed
I'm talking about breaking before I make the turn. (already learned this in my first F1-game years ago *g*).

And yes, i push the brak-pedal to the bottom when i start to break and then lift it as I'm getting slower. Already found my breaking-strenght and balance.

BUT. the right front wheel always blocks while the others don't.
S2 licensed
FF-Wheel of course! With seperated pedals.