I must agree it would be nice to know roughly how far away a public test patch release is. I'm sure the devs must know roughly if it's a few weeks away or a few years
Yeah and I'm all for him getting close to perfect but if it meant almost perfect was able to be released in 6months and then totally perfect took another 40 years then theres got to come a time when he accepts it has to be released or we wouldn't even be playing lfs now if the current tyre model was that bad in his eyes as he would have never released it to the public.
I keep saying it but there has to come a time when Scawen has to accept the tyre physics are an improvement and ready for release even if they arnt 100% to his liking. To get to that 100% it might take another 10 or 20 years which would be stupid. We have all only got ONE life. Surely he'd rather see people enjoying and paying for new updates and content than us lot whining year after year.
Well, because imagine if in 20 years time he was still working on new tyre physics and hadn't released anything. That would surely be the death of the sim. It must come a point in the relative future when either he feels they are perfect or accept they are a big improvement over the current physics and release them anyway.
Do people not agree that there has to come a point sooner rather than later where the new tyre physics have to be released even if they arn't as perfect as the devs would like. I know they can't have massive bugs but as long as they are an overall improvement then why not? There's nothing to stop them being improved again and again in the future. Rather than work on them for years and years without anyone enjoying the advancements and the sim becoming old graphically and content wise but then suddenly one day have increadable physics.
Plus I know they have beta testers but surely if everyone got to try them the overall feedback would help define the direction of the physics in the future. Sometimes I feel they don't know the impact they have on people. I honestly believe hours and hours of playing this sim have made me a better racer and driver in real life. I bet sometimes when their sat at a computer desk trying to figure out a difficult bit of code it could get annoying and make you loose interest but if only they knew how much some of us appreciate their work.
I also know they like working at their own pace etc but surely it would be nice to release the hard work they have been doing so people can actually enjoy it and they can get some revenue in for the hard work they have done. I'm not saying release unfinished content but there must be some things finished.
Basically, there has to come a point when things need to get released because imagine if the tyre physics were released in another 3 or 4 years. Then they started working on brake temperatures for another 2 or 3 years. Then new sounds for a year, and then weather effects for 5 years. There wouldn't be enough time in their or our lifetime to complete the game or improve it to where it could and should be. LFS as it is now is proof that it's possible for 3 developers to make a brilliant sim in a reasonable amount of time. So either thay havn't been working anywhere near like they used to or they have a massive amount of work yet to be released in conjunction with S3 etc. With the lack of progress reports and Scawen's continued comments of only reporting to us when there's something worth reporting I can't help fear it's the former. I just hope they prove me wrong.....
Wow time goes fast. Surely we will have new stuff soon. Come on devs can't you release anything you've been working on? I thought I could wait a long time but I'm starting to want updates really really bad now...
I've been playing this game for over 7 years now and it is a shame that development has either slowed or grouped into less frequent updates. I remember we used to get lots of screenshots showing new stuff with detailed descriptions. I remember there being an announcment about clear windows so you could see the driver and interiors from the outside. I was so excited just about this and then a couple of weeks later it was released. I've no idea how long this took to code but it can't have been too long. What I'm saying is little and often is a better way at keeping your community happy.
From my point of view it seems we have lots of things like the VW, new tyre physics, rockingham, interiors etc just sat there waiting to be released and not in the hands of loyal LFS users. I know the tyre physics are probably the most single important thing in the game but there has to come a point when it's released even if it's not 100% perfect. I'm sure there's some famous saying that perfection is never achieved in the eyes of the creator or something like that. I hope the devs can understand this and get to a point where the tyre physics development can be stopped for a while and released so other things can be developed at quicker rates whilst still working as they want at their own pace. I just hope this comes sooner rather than later...
I agree, well said. Surely it isn't too much to ask for some kind of info. For all we know he may have finished working on lfs months ago. Or on the other hand he might have 3 or 4 new tracks waiting for the right time to release them, but it's the not knowing that's killing the community for the real lfs fans.
There's a hug difference if the "We are still working on lfs" means they are working 10mins a week or 7 hours a day. That could be the difference between the community getting updates in a few months or a few years...
I just wish we had something new to stop things being stale. There must be some content sat there waiting to be added that needs little testing. I know the new tyre physics have taken a lot longer than expected with still no idea of when they will be finished so surely we can have something like the new interiors for the cars that didn't get updated. I once got told that giving little by little often is a better policy than giving a lot once.
What a good post Nick7, pretty much what I feel like right now too.
I Love lfs, it's the best game I've ever played but it's about time for some new tracks, cars or development.
Thanks for your helpful reply. We are going to try get some bigger vents to aim more cool air through the oil cooler and see if that helps at all.
It is a new build so that's why I'm pretty worried. The engine is a standard 3.5 litre Toyota V6 from a lexus doner car from the states. The odd thing is my water temps are always stable at 97-99deg. (We have a large custom rad at the fron of the car).
We only run 13-18min races but basically the oil temp keeps rising and rising until it's time to slow down. We do change the oil after each race but I'd be much happier if the temp was 120-130deg but so far we can't seem to get it low enough.....keep on trying.
Tristan, sorry to highjack your thread. I race in the MR2 Super GT Championship and am having problems with oil temp. Over the years I've read a few of your posts and you seem very clued up so thought I'd ask. We keep seeing oil temps on the Dash 2 of 150 degrees in a race. I since fitted a proper oil cooler thinking this would lower the temps but it has made no difference. Race technologies are sure their sensor isnt to blame so is 150deg too high for oil temp and what can I do to lower it? The sensor is in a main flow position. A sticker temp on the bottom of the sump doesn't go above 120degrees.
Trying to bring the discussion back to something sensible, what do people think Scawen will do with Scirocco stability control? I remember him saying it would be a good but simple version of the real deal. I'm guessing this means braking individual wheels to compensate for over or understeer? Should be fun to try but I wonder how many people will end up turning it off to try keep the power on and liven up the back end.
It does seem odd we havn't seen any of eric's work for ages. I really hope they are saving things like the updated interior's, westhill updates and any new cars for S3 along with rockingham.
I must admit I agree with this post. It's not promosing anything but just keeping all the loyal lfs users in the loop that work is or isnt getting done and to give us a slight idea of when a patch will be ready. I mean I don't know if there's a patch due next week or in 5 years time. Is that too much to ask? I check lfsforum everyday for any sign of an update from the devs. I also think the devs should take the asking as a compliment as it's only due to the games quality that it affects people so much in hoping the game will continue to be updated.
I really hope they revert back to smaller patches more often than one big one every couple of years or so.
Thanks for letting us know whats going on Scawen. I do wish things were more like the old days where you would do a bit then release it then tweak it accordingly. That way we got to see the game evolve and felt a part of it. I understand you cant release a physics patch with a major flaw but I think it was said that even now its a huge improvement over the old model. Anyway I check the forum everyday for hope of the patch and hope it's sooner rather than later we get to try it. Keep up the good work there are fantastic times ahead for lfs.
As a part time racing driver l can only comment that lfs gets much much much closer than iracing or any other game in terms of realistic car handling simulation. To me this is the most important aspect of a driving game which makes it the best in the world in my opinion.
I think LFS is very very cheap! £24 for the best driving game in the world. I have friends that literally spend hundreds of pounds every year on crap wii games that they only play once!
I agree totally. I race in the Toyota MR2 Championship and we are only allowed to upgrade pads and fluid. I've done several 2 hour races without any brake issues what-so-ever! One set of standard Toyota discs and Carbo-tech pads has lasted me 2 seasons.
Brake fade and warping is normally down to driver trail braking. If you brake properly on track most standard brake setups are fine, you really don't need "million" pot calipers.
Thanks for clearing that up Scawen I have been wondering how things will progress after the recent announcements. Fantastic news about rockingham, it was 100% the right move to take that opportunity. Can't wait to try out all the new features and upgrade to S3.
The quality will be remembered long after the price is forgotten.
I totally agree. Also I can't help feeling that we may have had new tracks by now but for that fact that lfs took a different direction with new tyre physics. I'm not complaining though, new tyre physics are more important than a new track at the minute in my opinion.
Good point. I'm sure Scawen and co has it in them to develop truley brilliant wet weather handling and physics but maybe that's a few years away if we're lucky.