I don't know if you've heard about Johnny Lee's Wii-Remote Projects. When I saw it, I asked myself if his Head-tracking could be made usable in LfS - so I just wanted to ask here
well I loose 2 seconds when running on both cores - so u can see what performance ur idle system is consuming...could be interesting when optimizing there
well ur CPU is crap and ur ram is crap
What OS do u run? check the taskmanager after booting and tell us, how much RAM is in use (so we can see, if u are running not necesarry processes)
well, noone knows
I remember on the games convention 3 years ago or so, there was one computer standing alone on a place where noone realy recognized it (u had to play with mouse, no instructions to people not knowing how to do), last year, there were 10 or so bmw f1 dummy cars where u could sit in and drive lfs (some racing cup from intel I think) - what I want to say is, that LfS gets more and more popular far beyond this community, so it will get a better place for advertisement - and with luck this will be in form of licences to use real cars ingame, who knows
It would be nice if we could have a semi-auto-clutch option or something.
It should be designed for people having no clutch pedal, but wanting the maximum realism possible with that.
So all the semi-auto-clutch does is to help u accelerating in 1st gear, so what is missing to auto-clutch:
- no clutch if u are in false gear (e.g. at 10mph in 2nd or higher)
- no clutch if u lock up the wheels (shouldn't be anyway because only the computer is fast enough to do this if they weren't intentionally locked)
-no clutch when stoping (e.g. for pitstop, a button could perfectly do this)
(-no clutch when shifting - maybe this could spoil the advantages for some people liking the rest of the semi-auto-clutch)
when locking up the wheels the engine should stall (I don't think somebodys that fast on the clutch because you don't want to lock up normaly) - so when braking with locked wheels untill 0mph the engine should be off?
LFS switches to window on entry if it does not have focus
-> doesn't work with ZoneAlarm (am I right that this means, when I go to view the servers and lfs looses focus it should go to window mode?)
the small ZoneAlarm message that asks for permission to the changed lfs.exe steals focus but isn't displayed due to lfs "overdrawing" it and lfs stays fullscreen
when u spin an AI, they overheat there clutch when accelarating from 0mph - what is "normal", but they don't go carefuly with it afterwards, so they burn it all away...
I had to change my graphics card, after that I needed to unlock lfs, then I went to patch X30 and had to unlock again, but it sayd all my unlocks have been used (so I had only 1, I didnt play since several weeks???). I typed a wrong PW once, maybe this used an unlock too?
how can I get a new unlock before friday? or is there no way and I have to wait?
I'm just wondering where the "What the CTRA homepage says about me" link is gone, not that I found 'em easily before (the positioning made me a kind of blind for it), but now it seems to have vanished?!
Don't know if I'm right, cause I was a long time away from CTRA (STCC), but it seems to me, that if there are only 3 or less people racing, u don't get podiums counted up - what I think is fine, but the total number of races goes up, so the percentage is "incorrect". Wouldn't it be better to make the stats like
[Number of race with more than 3 people] [(total number of races)]
[percentage of podiums = podiums as it is now / number of races with more than 3 people]
EDIT: maybe the races weren't counted, I've just seen that the podium stat not raised and didn't look further, but I'll keep an eye on it and post it here, if theres something wrong...
They had much luck, in both crashes. If Viso would have been just a few cm more to the right, it would have been his head what scratches the wall for a few meters... But must have been an amazing view for him^^