well the super over clocked is the one up from yours, the one you have is just the overclocked not super. oh and super overclocked is the name that EVGA use not BFG, bfg use oc or oc2
just to add to my comments your stupid too and cant see the joke in what i was saying, did you think i was serious about alsonso joing ferrari? thats why i put "lol" at the end, it was a joke to say maybe ferrari will let him join after alonso grassed up Mclaren, dumb ass
and what if lewis had won the race by a technical infringment?? for him to lose the championship because sombody else broke the rulse isnt fair ethier take you hamilton hating head out your arse and stop talking bollox
Hamilton FTW! and to all you who dont want him to win esp the british on here, wheres your national pride ffs
suppose the biggest reason i think he should win is simply because nobody has driven like a champion this year nobody imo deserves the title, for a rookie to come into the season and whoop their arse's from the start of the season makes the sport kinda look like a joke, theres a grid full of top drivers out there and every race is just the same 4 boring drivers arguing like kids, i want to see webber winning with barrichello 2nd and sato 3rd lol