Tristan i know you like to prove your point and i do agree with your post there but XRT's engine is mounted longitudinal way in the game so why not keep the same recipe when doing the render i hope that clears it up
finished working on making real tach now actually feels more real instead of some black blob filling the spaces next project is working on the main speedo and tach.
EDIT: whipped up some dash switches too gonna upload in a moment
EDIT-2 UPLOADED the switches
you seem sensible but it isn't commercialism like nascar F1 or any other its just the spirit the ppl have about drifting like they had 20/ 30 years ago about f1 and its gonna be a rolling stock pile of cash sometimes in the later years and ppl are gonna get bored of drifting and seek some other way to kill them selves
as jak said, yea No laptop in the world has unlocked bios with the overclockable features in it. But you can get a hacked bios with those settings unlocked and enjoy blowing up your laptop into smithereens but you can raise the fsb of your laptop in windows by using clockgen but it will fry you cpu if you don't get the cpuid number right hope that helps you
its a WIP, so basically it will have 8 cars and 8 different PD team skins and i just have finished setting up the scene and the camera and assigned materials to the cars. Here is the screenie, guys tell me if you like the angle or not