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S3 licensed
Quote from tombarlin :Someone edit this please??

Here ya go Dude
S3 licensed
FB2 is this good enough for your needs if so im gonna finish up a lil bit and thats is
S3 licensed
Took all of this using Leica Dlux-2 enjoy. just follow the link to my album and the yellow trees are taken with my sisters Canon Eos 400d
Last edited by anik360, .
S3 licensed
Quote from buedi :I doubt it. WM6 generally shouldn´t be the Problem, but the T-Mobile Dash has a Square Display. And the Application is designed for Non-Square Displays. You can try if it runs, but it may look strange because of the Screen Resolution

shall give it a try. did you include the source code?
S3 licensed
that thing made me fall asleep. i just wasted 14 minutes of my life on that
S3 licensed
GO ahead and it won't spark because the wheel has a fuse for when its overvoltage it will shut itself off
S3 licensed
Almost all logitech wheels use the same power bricks except for the G25 which uses a bit more power
S3 licensed
Quote from buedi :Updated: 21st June 2007

OK, it´s not ready yet... it has Bugs and I have so much things in my Mind which I would like to implement. Today I got to the Point I was before the Insim Changes where made. It´s not much but currently it´s working.

So have a look if you want, I recorded a little Video. Sorry for the Quality, but I was too lazy to pull out my Video Camera

I want to say "Thank you very much" to 2 guys from our Community. Without them I would not have get that far. Keep in Mind that I never programmed anything before, but I will do my best to make it a stable Application with more features than you see in the Vid ;-)

Thanks to T-RonX for his InSim base for Visual Basic .NET 2005. Without this I would have never started. It turned out that I had to rewrite many parts because they where not compatible with the .NET Compact Framework. But I think I got it all sorted

And Thanks to riskredruM for showing me how to make and hold a stable UDP Connection to the new LFS Insim System. Without you I would be still sitting here reading Docs and scratching my Head.

So... watch this: PocketLFS Preview Video

Ah yes, you don´t see it in the Vid: There is no Cable on the PDA. I use a Wifi connection... hmmm... somehow it should be possible to fix it on the Wheel

Update 21st June 2007:
  • Added the About Form just to be sure that Complains don´t go to the Developers of Live for Speed ;-)
  • Fixed some Bugs in the Code which caused Problems when connecting to Live for Speed and a Password was set.
  • Tested with Windows Mobile 2003 German / English and Windows Mobile 5.0 German, English and Russian.
Update 11th June 2007:
  • Fixed Bug: When overreving the Engine the Application hang.
Update 10th June 2007:
  • Added a Function which sets the Min / Max Values of the Rev Bar correctly.
  • Added Boost Gauge Bar (not 100% ready yet, have to find out Max. Boost for all Cars)
  • Added a Detection Routine for Screen Resolution (VGA / QVGA) and Screen Orientation (Landscape / Portrait)
  • Added Icons for VGA and QVGA PDAs
  • Fixed some Connection Bugs and cleaned up the Code
The Current Version is available for Download here:
PocketLFS Download

Umm can this work on my T-mobile DASH with Wm6 smartphone edition in it?
S3 licensed
give it a carbon fibre body and super handling suspension and good brakes and we are in business
S3 licensed
Pit spotter is one nifty tool i don't wanna miss keep the votes rollin'
S3 licensed
Nice work man, really like work and how you built it and don't care about what other people say about the aesthetics i think it's brilliant
S3 licensed
Wait. Is it like a stutter or a brief Pause? because there are 2 things involved with this issue

1- Stutter maybe due to color depth. seems silly but it is; try switch it to 16 bit depth and see if that fixes it. Also another thing check if you over did it on AA and AF if so lower it.

2-Brief pause- two causes really. first is network lagg. you or some other ppl might be lagging resulting in total slow down of the server, wait a bit more to clear up. Second is your computer maybe slow in cpu horsepower or you are running in low ram and using paging file or as called "disc cache". If its ram issue clear up some background programs that might be running. Hope that helps you
Last edited by anik360, .
S3 licensed
Buy the one i just bought.Acer AL2223Wd Black-Silver 22" Plus its 239.99 for a limited time ... aspx?Item=N82E16824009102
S3 licensed
Reminds me Of google 8.9/10.

Changed my one
S3 licensed
Drifting F08 FTW. The most sensible thing to do
only for that 7/10
S3 licensed
Updated mines a bit and finally took shot quick enough for the flip 3d
S3 licensed
Quote from Jakg :but you looooove dust :P

Heres my really untidy desk - sorry the pics of the inside are crap, but the wall is right next to it and last time i moved it while it was on the power came out of the HDD's, i'm lucky to have an OS left!

Blue Tubes + Blue Tower = Zalman Reserator Water Cooler, not very good but looks 1337

EDIT - Nice chair :P

AMD 3700 @ 3.07 GHz
Gainward 7950GT 256 Mb
1 GB Team Xtreem DDR400 TCCD RAM
Asus A8N-SLi Premium Mobo
2x 80 GB Seagate Barracuda's 7200.9
Xerox 22" WS Monitor + 17" Ilyama E431S Monitor
Creative SoundBlaster Live! 5.1 (£2.25 of eBay!) Sound card

That's one messy kid
S3 licensed
T-Mobile Dash bought it on january still no scratches ... yfaves/250x270myfaves.jpg
S3 licensed
sounds interesting but 5 laps i mean come on man you could o more than that
S3 licensed
LOL at your post^^ and im gonna go and watch some dirt bike racing now got bored OF F1
S3 licensed
Quote from DieKolkrabe :Hi, and I dunno if this is the right forum/section for this, but I have noticed a few things about the community that get under my skin (and I'm sure a lot of other members' skins)

They are:

1) (This is in /no/ way meant as an attack on the devs, they do a damn good job). Whenever a new patch or feature comes out, there is /always/ somebody whining 'but...why didn't they do it this way'. It is insulting to the devs. Put yourself in their position. You have just spent X amount of time developing a labour of love, only to have people who know nothing about game/program/sim/whatever design, to come along and start flaming you.

2) The use of the words 'noob', 'n00b', 'newbie' and related words as an insult (No offense to Niko/LFSn00b btw). Why do the people who were here earlier see the need to pick on the members with newer join dates. We all have an equal right to be here and give our opinion. OK, so people may not agree with it, but that is no reason to start flaming. On a related note, what /is/ the point of the flaming bannana (sp?) smiley?.

3) The insistance that the aformentioned 'noobs', 'n00bs' and 'newbies' should go play offline. As somebody (I forgot who) said in another thread. LFS is an online racing simulator. It has AI for single-player. I am willing to bet that if the experienced online racers suddenly lost their internet tomorrow and had to race offline for, say...a month, they'd change their tune and welcome people to the servers. After all, every demo racer is a potential S2 racer. And every online racer is potentially somebody you can have a great battle with

4) The constant bashing of demo racers. I just don't get WHY people (S2 licensed) see the need to flame/bash/criticise (sp?) demo racers. LFS is a racing simulator. I am not going to get involved in the quite franky, ugly, drift/grip war, but if people want to drift, they should be able to. It's like buying a box of chocolates and being told you can only open and eat them a certain way

5) The attitudes of some racers to mouse/keyboard racers. Not everyone is able to buy, or indeed, use a wheel. I know a friend in Ireland who wants to get into S2, but has no movement in his arms at all. At this point he could either:

a) Post here, or have somebody post here and get flamed/ridiculed
b) quietly go and buy S2, and get ridiculed/flamed in-game
c) Not bother and tell everyone how bad S2 is

See my point there?

7) The belief that if you have a blue flag, you MUST dive off the road/the belief that ANY contact is wrecking. These two really, really, really, irk me. A few days ago, I was on the Conedodgers UFR/XFR server at AS Cadet, I got loose coming onto the SF straight, spun into the grass, rebounded off the wall and caused somebody else to spin, and got 'what the f--k were you doing you f---g wrecker, learn to f-----g drive you w------r' Then later on after the race had been restarted, a racer was spamming 'BLUE FLAG! MOVE OVER! BLUE FLAG! MOVE OVER! BLUE FLAG! MOVE OVER! BLUE FLAG! MOVE OVER!' again and again. Wake up the real world, a small tap isn't wrecking, and cussing like that wouldn't be tolerated. And how many times have you seen backmarkers throw themselves off the track to let the leaders through?

8) The belief that LFS /must/ be the most realistic simulator ever. Hint here: NKPro, Look how realistic that is, and look how that's turned out. There is a line between realism and fun, and the people who want LFS to be just like real life, let me paint you the following scenario...

It's 9pm, the kids are in bed, you have an hour before you're going to go to sleep. So you fire up LFS, input 50,000 bits of data needed to create your virtual online persona, and select your favourite server only to find you have to walk across the virtual paddock to your race trailer, which you do happily, as it's another step in realism. Just then the kids come downstairs wanting a drink and a bite to eat, so you go to type 'I'm AFK', but you can't, as chatting's been disabled due to it 'not being realistic'. So your virtual self stands there like a lemon for 5 minutes, then goes to the garage and gets in the FXR, goes through all the checks and starts the engine, only to find the door's shut, and once you get in the car, you can't get out, as it's 'not realistic'. So you stop the engine and force the car's door open, and open the garage door, only to find it drops on your character's foot, there is a wincing sound effect. You think nothing of it until you get back in the car, close the door, and try to accellerate (sp?) Nothing happens, the ignition's on, the car's in first, but it won't go. Because injury to drivers has been modelled 'because it happens in real life'. Frustrated. you go to log out, but are told 'You have to walk back to your motorhome to log out' as people don't want drivers suddenly vanishing as 'it's not realistic', so you do that, then you want to go to anther server, but you can't, as your characters are the same across all servers. So you finally log out and go to sleep.

I want /everyone/ who reads this to think long and hard about the points raised. It just really angers me that the community has gone downhill in the last 2-3 years

Oh i wish everybody were sensible like you man I would love the LFs community more than anything
S3 licensed
Wahayyy 6/6/07 is my Birthday
S3 licensed
Ok here is my idea for this too many patches getting released lately:

Why not scawen get like 5 or so beta testers, give them the patch x (they have to sign a disclaimer that it wont get released by them before the scheduled release date) Give a serious rigorous and thorough top to bottom test to kill off all given flaws and fix them and VOila a worlds first lfs patch X which is bug free
Last edited by anik360, .
S3 licensed
Quote from _--NZ--_[HUN] :This wheel has a maximum rotation of 1080 degrees.

If thats true then maybe in the future company like logitech can make a good enough wheel at a bargain price. if thats the future of sim equipment then BRING IT ON
S3 licensed
ill wait till most of the stuff is compatible with X.

hmmm... strange really the same situation ppl faced when *cough* vista *cough* was getting released :smash3d: