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S3 licensed
yeah then it's your case airflow. Can you tell me how your fans are set up and any cable management done? also try cleaning the fans
S3 licensed
more like $1095
S3 licensed
a device than can search and destroy spammers and nubs.....and emo's :biggun:
S3 licensed
seems normal although if I ever see 75 on my 8800gt will give me a heart attack. what's your fan speed running exactly?
S3 licensed
Damn that's nice. Makes my 3 hour effort seems like fail. Anyways it's also a pile up in south city reverse and a race camera in turn one caught the event in action. Added effects that make it s bit into the game. film grain FTW. Final

BIG preview in attachment sorry couldn't put it in 1680x1050 filesize is about 4megs
S3 licensed
Try driver cleaner and install omega drivers (google omega drivers for 9800pro)
S3 licensed
Don't ruin an interesting topic guys keep the flames to low or none please I wanna hear more speculations and speaking of which changing a specific event in time or situations leads to the entire people to get affected All of you guys wouldn't have been born and we wouldn't even have this discussion. Stop and think now :P lol just kidding and yes we all are going to get affected.
S3 licensed
Here is my entry <<Final>>

EDIT: wrong attachment sorry
uploading in a bit
EDIT-2: fixed
Last edited by anik360, .
S3 licensed
1.) devs don't make the tweak program the community members do
2.) It's pretty hard to code programs like this and does take considerable amount of time and patience.

that answered your question?
S3 licensed
No and everyone stop asking that. no tweak for Patch Z people.
S3 licensed
Those look ghastly. -1/10 EPIC FAIL :chairs:
S3 licensed
JFK - Whiplash [Bad Habit Boys Mix]
S3 licensed
Daft Punk- Encore - Human After All / Together - Together / One More Time (reprise) / Stardust - Music Sounds Better with You

ALIVE 2007 concert event

I :lovies3d: Daft Punk
S3 licensed
Thinking of getting a G5. Got my G15 v.2 yesterday and loving it
S3 licensed
Quote from OldBloke :NSFW

I rofl'd at that one. Well as bad as it is it's still USA; Happy Birthday. Off to watch the fireworks at night. NYC FTW :P
S3 licensed
nice job on the speedo and the tach but fix the lighting would ya?
S3 licensed
yeah minor physics changes that makes the cars feel much more lively and responsive. Only COG changes right?
S3 licensed
Sounds to me like the comcast stupid virus has hit the UK. I am luck I am not with comcast. RIAA makes America look like morons....and G.Bush, MPAA, Corporations, Eco mentalists and the constitution itself

EDIT: Doesn't certain games require certain ports and packets so be sent i and out? MY modem came preloaded with such things already set up.
S3 licensed
wow that's some nice work. I bet Eric will be pleased of this work heck he might get inspired to make something like this in later test patches
S3 licensed
Woah there you sir are loaded with static. Mostly happens when you have too much static electricity(have carpets?), but thats the main cause. I get that most of the time.
S3 licensed
rTractor is bought only by people who think lfs is crap or one of their doped up friend told then it's better than need for sheep

PLS don't flame me I have a right to say my mind
S3 licensed
NOD 32 FTW. Seriously ever since I bought it no more problems so far, better than when i had kaspersky or avg.
S3 licensed
I am in too.
S3 licensed
cool, my dad has the same display over at his office. Finally got less bored to take a pic of my desktop sorry its a bit messyand yeah to lazy to take out my digital camera so camera phone pic it is

EDIT: crap forgot to tell the sizes lol. It's a 22"+17" on extended mode
Last edited by anik360, .
S3 licensed
Quote from bmwe30m3 :My little mental ray rander,i know its small
and a lil test at chamelion paint in mental ray

Love the FXO with the pearlescent paint great job with mental ray

EDIT: what's with ppl rendering nfs ricer cars?