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S3 licensed
you do have the top line card here but the limiting factor is your CPU itself. A better quad or the new wolfdales with bigger cache mem. and higher clocks will do it right for the cpu

EDIT: the other games are more on the graphics side while lfs's physics engine crunches cpu to bits rather than use gpu.

EDIT-2: If you can go higher clocks than that, it will help a bit more but since you have the money invest on a new cpu and in addition see if the new drivers might help you out or not (not sure about this one)
Last edited by anik360, .
S3 licensed
Nice vid and nice to see my shiny name (FrAg FTW :P) lol waiting for the second part of the movie **cough** remember?
S3 licensed
oh I quit SFX. My previous tag (Freelancer--FrAg) Is still valid.
S3 licensed
Sent you a pm.
S3 licensed
Dude you posted this crap in two places you can get in trouble for that. Post it on the right section next time. Side note: maybe the sensors or the backup optical sensors failed. Check the internal wiring for any breaks and see if the ffb motor is working or not
S3 licensed
Just a little Update. Replaced the evga 8800gt with an XFX 8800GT. (got fed up with evga card constantly dying on me for some reason 3 cards over a month 0_0). THE XFX is Working fine. Getting 44-47 fps on full and 121-145 in single and about 120-ish on multiplayer. Running my 6420 at a steady 3.01ghz with 1.35v (375x8) running on 1:1.3 I think.

P.S-added a proof just to show I am not lying like harjun did. doing 8x AA and 16xQAF.
Last edited by anik360, .
S3 licensed
I probably Think It can be good If it has a good enough physics engine that can trump the one in LFS. If that's true then I am ordering A copy of it when it'll (or if it does ever) comes to PC. I am willing to upgrade my computer for a super computer even if it means selling a kidney

Side note: I think I won't have to sell my kidney since all of the other games who challenged the LFS is crushed in under 0.002 seconds....
S3 licensed
Back TO XP for me . Got FED up of Vista with constant tinkering to keep it up to my needs. Xp is just pop in, install apps, a better wb skin and voila. Gonna switch back and reinstall vista if I feel like it. Gonna install all my other games later on...
S3 licensed
The guy made the definition of pwn3d by t3h int3rn3tzz clear to the general public. Hope i typed the leet style right lol.
S3 licensed
that gun scares the shit out of me
S3 licensed
I am a muslim and I think having two wives is wrong. I don't mean any herecy to my religion but my ethics makes me think twice about that. In conclusion, no U.S shouldn't. I am a forward thinking 21st century individual and not a person living in the dark ages
S3 licensed
Congrats man and good luck with the kids. wave goodbye to your social life even more. **silly pun **
S3 licensed
Had a k750i>k800>now K810i+htc s620. Oh and btw k810 series has the same guts as the 800 but looks a bit more sexier that's all.
S3 licensed
NYC here . I think I am the only newyorker :S (METS fan BTW)
S3 licensed
Spared some time to re-connect the 17" I had lying around.
S3 licensed
Finished setting up a new outdoor scene. Comments are welcome
S3 licensed
or captain cock

*hides under bunker*
S3 licensed
Just what method you are using to monitor temps? (softwares like coretemp or TAT?) or hardware like the mobo temp sensor or a probe?
S3 licensed
I got one simple answer

S3 licensed
Had a go at DOF sampling. Going to perfect later on. Used Final DOF for render
S3 licensed
If you elaborate more of your situation like which micro switch is malfunctioning [the shifter or the flappy paddles] then we'll be abe to help.
S3 licensed
What is your main purpose for this rig? Seeing that you added a TV tuner (PVR use?) I would recommend going to an HD ATSC tuner and bigger HDD. That'll add to a bigger price tag but well worth your configuration
S3 licensed
stopped bring lazy and got around fixing my light scene hope you like it .

-(LFS3D anik)
S3 licensed
Quote from HellBoy99 :please render.

an 'evil or dark' scene would be nice.

black rims please.


Can you specify the resolution you want?
S3 licensed
Quote from Luke.S :The logo is ripped off from the GMC car makers.

Duh korea (white good)