you do have the top line card here but the limiting factor is your CPU itself. A better quad or the new wolfdales with bigger cache mem. and higher clocks will do it right for the cpu
EDIT: the other games are more on the graphics side while lfs's physics engine crunches cpu to bits rather than use gpu.
EDIT-2: If you can go higher clocks than that, it will help a bit more but since you have the money invest on a new cpu and in addition see if the new drivers might help you out or not (not sure about this one)
Dude you posted this crap in two places you can get in trouble for that. Post it on the right section next time. Side note: maybe the sensors or the backup optical sensors failed. Check the internal wiring for any breaks and see if the ffb motor is working or not
Just a little Update. Replaced the evga 8800gt with an XFX 8800GT. (got fed up with evga card constantly dying on me for some reason 3 cards over a month 0_0). THE XFX is Working fine. Getting 44-47 fps on full and 121-145 in single and about 120-ish on multiplayer. Running my 6420 at a steady 3.01ghz with 1.35v (375x8) running on 1:1.3 I think.
P.S-added a proof just to show I am not lying like harjun did. doing 8x AA and 16xQAF.
I probably Think It can be good If it has a good enough physics engine that can trump the one in LFS. If that's true then I am ordering A copy of it when it'll (or if it does ever) comes to PC. I am willing to upgrade my computer for a super computer even if it means selling a kidney
Side note: I think I won't have to sell my kidney since all of the other games who challenged the LFS is crushed in under 0.002 seconds....
Back TO XP for me . Got FED up of Vista with constant tinkering to keep it up to my needs. Xp is just pop in, install apps, a better wb skin and voila. Gonna switch back and reinstall vista if I feel like it. Gonna install all my other games later on...
I am a muslim and I think having two wives is wrong. I don't mean any herecy to my religion but my ethics makes me think twice about that. In conclusion, no U.S shouldn't. I am a forward thinking 21st century individual and not a person living in the dark ages
What is your main purpose for this rig? Seeing that you added a TV tuner (PVR use?) I would recommend going to an HD ATSC tuner and bigger HDD. That'll add to a bigger price tag but well worth your configuration