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S3 licensed
Quote from TehPaws3D :After watching it again.. I must say.. .. I did have a spot in my brain that thought that..


OMG! ... oom-with-delayed-reaction

It's so far out the door..they removed it.

It Paws3d on
Last edited by AtomAnt, .
S3 licensed
Dead link..Expired!

Move on.
S3 licensed
Quote from The Very End :What a stupid commercial!

It's too far stretched, it's like one of those anti-pirate commercials.

Why not just say - Each time you fart a baby seal gets clubbed to death.

Had chili for lunch and have been clubbing seals all afternoon
S3 licensed
Quote from TehPaws3D :Sheesh.. That's horrible.. Whoever could think of making a commercial like that needs a serious brain check.. Those poor polar bears

I don't think they really tossed 25 polar bears out a plane..but hey, yah never know right.
S3 licensed
Quote from Klutch :Don't like it, don't watch it?


I can't believe I'm going to say this...but I agree with yah Klutch.
Have Commercials gone to far?
S3 licensed
The following Video contains content not suitable for all ages, Viewer discretion is advised.
Post your Life.
S3 licensed
Start with your Major Credit cards and we will work from there.

Another AAnt Thread.
Last edited by AtomAnt, .
S3 licensed
try the thread.
S3 licensed
Quote from dadge :

Are you male or female...we really don't know?

Maybe Becky can tell us?
S3 licensed
It a thread about 1st computer ...not dog
S3 licensed
Quote from theirishnoob :congrats.

you have sucessfully failed at the internet.

He's Bitch...he'll get chewed by a dog
S3 licensed
Quote from theirishnoob :congrats.

you have sucessfully failed at the internet.

next thing you know, he/she...bang zoom,,
S3 licensed
Quote from PMD9409 :Wow, you guys care about this more than Americans.

It's not a big deal here, most don't even care about any of it. The news/media throw it all out of proportion and make it a big deal (like they do with everything).

I Am going to kick a Bible.....
Step Aside
S3 licensed
You want he 911.

I'm Canadian, we landed all the planes that day, we only Gander

Build a Mosh on my soil

Bunch of ...
Last edited by AtomAnt, .
S3 licensed
Fuc^ing kid...we said frist computers , not your
first kill..poor dog.Confused kid thinks a dog is his first computer..

Someone make room for this lad he is pme sick puppy
S3 licensed
Use strings..I use dean mark...they with stand my hard hit and do the bend...I also like t3 for pain relief I break a 5mm like pop

Guitars are like cars.set them up.

Skype me LFSANT, easier to talk
Last edited by AtomAnt, .
S3 licensed
Quote from anttt69 :Hi im looking for anyone who uses a motion cockpit for LFS or any other sim.
Trying to get some feedback about it.
Cant find a review for a frex sim cockpit anywhere?

Voice Buddy
S3 licensed
I'd ban everyone, then me.

Be the end of it all.
My First Computor
S3 licensed
My first computer was so be funny...

I couldn't fit it my pocket.
S3 licensed
Quote from logitekg25 :eminem's first album

its not very good...its called infinite.

I'm older and had a Enema to him...really went right through me.
S3 licensed
Quote from The Very End :I guess I could share her a little

She can ride shotgun with my Girl...nothing sexier that Girl on girl.
Last edited by AtomAnt, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Klutch :The Speed Freak - Terrorist

Nothing like a lil bit o' speedcore in the morning to wake you up and start moving house

My Mornings are filled with "Come Fly with Me"..wish I had much Money and Planes...ah to be Howard Huges.
S3 licensed
Little wing: by SVR
S3 licensed
Quote from The Very End :This is beyound epic!

Yup Vinny it is..I hope he does get one better
S3 licensed
Quote from MAGGOT :Every now and then I come across some gem of a track that will be some college orchestra covering some rock/metal tune. Does anyone know of any larger works of Orchestras covering modern mainstream (or semi-mainstream, like metal and such) tunes?

I know of the Ukelele Orchestra, Vitamin String Quartet and Apocalyptica and the like, but I'm looking for full Orchestral pieces. Anyone know any?

He's quite the bassist, plays a lot on the West Coast.

You might PM him trough LFS, tell Him Ant says hi, no matter what he thinks of me, he will still tune you in.

I tell no lie when I say Kencan can paly a Tuba,Bass and a lot more,...point is he's knows all the best 4 to 24 peeps groups .

Ding him..he will answer.
Know why, cause he's a music man.

Oh Yah..and he's a Canuck...Ken, did you ever play Stand up bass..or Tuba with more 24 peeps/ or both.
Last edited by AtomAnt, .