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Quote from der butz :Got this for my son's birthday today. Also 40 litres of fuel.


der butz

Money well spent. BTW your team and mate suck..every other team thinks the same,,you could do better
Last edited by AtomAnt, .
S3 licensed
Quote from -NightFly- :
^for myself ...and:

...for my ladie!

OMG we never knew you were gay till know...welcome out.
S3 licensed
Quote from doyal :Now with picture! 2kg of goodness..

Cameltoe, I have an old kona 'freeride' bike that I use for really really light XC Planning to change to a Cove Handjob frame soon.

(pic of said bike)

I'll be right over to steal them..we'll take both..this is like post your chit i'll steal Never post your plate online..
S3 licensed
Quote from Rappa Z :It should be noted that when you tax the rich all the money the government picks up is put back into your country. If the wealthy keep their money, they don't necessarily invest in there country. Instead, there money goes overseas to economies that are actually growing.

With all your money you would know, if you had any money you'd have a computer that would run Iracing..then you'd be get back to work
S3 licensed
Quote from JJ72 :It's a matter of compounding earning, and the fact that you can earn money by just playing around with it.

Many people earn money that way - frontman of bonds, property agents, bank advisors. Sure there are skills involved, but it's soft skills, it's networking, while the hard maths are dealt by the back office. You don't need a finance degree to be an insurance agent, sometimes you don't even need a degree, because the system makes not investing so infavorable (our interest rate for saving account is at 0.03%) that you MUST invest. Because you must invest, the banks can set all sorts of unfair terms which garuntees they make a earning, while the people takes most of the risk.

It is one sided, the poor can do nothing to fight it, of course you can pay the dues and work your way up the hard way. But it is a long and slow process, while the oligopoly eats away your hard earnings pretty much by their own accord, food gets more expensive, medication gets more expensive, transport gets more expensive, the relative living standard has been going down consistently.

And that is the problem, there's only one way to be successful here unless you are really talented, really smart and really lucky. not everybody wants to be rich, most people just want to have a sufficient life, free time for their family and stability, this margin of comfort is getting smaller and we are forced to adopt a lifestyle of taking risk we can't afford. And things that doesn't make money straight away can't find the space to develop, like how can an art gallery compete with an international fashion brand for the same space? it eats away us culturally.

It's because the establishment is the first in line, has the most say in the society and they know they can suck money from poorer people as long as the status quo ain't disturbed.

If you wish to succeed and volunteer to take that risk, kudos to you, but people who just want to live a simple live should still have their choices, that's a healthy society.

I am not against capitalism....I am myself a small entrepreneur, a small business-man who wishes for financial success along with artistic achievement. I buy the idea of making a fortune with braveness and insight. But from what I see is that the big players, those who donate money on TV - neglects the most basic of stuff in social responsibility, while running their business - people are paid peanuts, forced to work overtime without compensation. Employers continuously trying to find loophole in the minimum pay law, while themselves go bidding for wines, arts, and other excesses.

The tax they are paying, and the money they are giving away..... ,a lot of them, are robbed from the poor. Just they robbed it very cleverly and silently.

After reading that, we have decided you're to poor to mug rod rape...your life seems to suck..need a loan?
S3 licensed
A 7 year old died today by a gun..i'll go on the record and say it was a brown person Oh wait it was...
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Quote from Intrepid :Well if the wealthy weren't allowed to be wealthy that million dollars wouldn't exist in the first place...duh You'd get a situation like Venezula where thousands of businesses were shut. Or Britain in the 70s when all the wealthy people fled and the country when open handed to the IMF. You really don't want that.

If yo over tax people hmrc can actually see a reduction in revenues.

I live in Canada,33 million people in a huge resource bound country
S3 licensed
Quote from flymike91 :I can't say enough that I don't have blind faith in corporations. Some corporations do horrible things. There is no alternative to businesses, no one will ever do anything for free for very long, but we can shape their actions by either supporting them or not. If you don't like Wal-Mart, buy from an organic market.

Chomsky starts right out criticizing the nanny state hegemony, bailouts, and subsidies which I have always felt are barriers to free thinking, free markets, and personal responsibility. Chomky's problem has always lied in transforming free market theory into reality. While I support the rich in that they are as human as you or me and have equally complex emotions and aspirations, I don't believe in "too big to fail." This current economy has only strengthened that view. Everyone from the poorest to the richest should be equally able to fail, but there is a feeling from the Left that the rich should fail and the poor must succeed.

Good lord man, what's wrong with you..did you vote that women should still use socks for tampons..the world moves it what it is...bunch of punks..I'd like to see that on my weekend out...i'd make them sleep in the weeds..and that goes for all my family and friends

I have to go broader because your ideology of powerlessness is what has created a global attitude of dependence and made it possible for the governments to become the nanny state. The corruption lies in the government, which exists in part to protect the people from the evils of corporation you have described. If it cannot or will not we pride ourselves in employing democracy to elect those who can. It is possible to become rich without being corrupt. I know this because the top philanthropists in the world are the richest people in the world. They are what we should strive to be if we strive to become wealthy, which not all of us do. We can all strive to be incorruptible.

Specifically to your statement, though. The same human nature that drives companies to poach fish in undeveloped nations also drove companies to make it possible to fly to the moon and back. That human nature can be guided towards goodness with the power of good people, but not towards fairness because there is no fairness to guide it towards.

Good lord Man, what's wrong with you..there is no fairness as you are being beatin to death..fight back..try that..hey mob..i'm a nice guy, i was just trying to put the fire out because....punch kick rob
S3 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :Do not confuse Labour with being a left wing government, Blair and Brown where both centre right. 13 years of pseudo Conservatism later...

You're one to talk about being confused.
S3 licensed
Quote from Shotglass :its what i was born to do

Abortion, hey Becky rose..don't you jump on this's for normal people that have normal relations
Last edited by AtomAnt, .
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Quote from tristancliffe :I blame Labour and Chavs. The world would be a better place without them. Discuss.

You got balls man. Being in such a recession proof job and your hobby doesn't suck as well, if i've learned one thing, it's not to poke at the average man with a silver handle stick.

Go ahead and tell how your life sucks..or shut up
Last edited by AtomAnt, .
S3 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :I blame Labour and Chavs. The world would be a better place without them. Discuss.

I Blame social media. Twitter that
S3 licensed
Quote from Scrabby :what the **** is a redittor?

It's a person by drawing that can represent your image..through drawing
S3 licensed
Quote from BlueFlame :Fear is the most powerful emotion, if you can't fear someone into something, then you ain't got a hope in hell of stopping them.

OK nobody fears you..the only time we fear you is at times like this...when you go off your meds.

Look I made a funny
S3 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :So the argument being put forward by the right wing here (although the political map is an over simplification blah blah blah): Poor people don't have values like rich people do? Well...

They're clearly right.

You never have to decide where you stand unless you choose..left or right?

What's your definition of got 5 i got 7

What's your rating system..

I'm poor but have many things poor people say they
Last edited by AtomAnt, .
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Quote from BlueFlame :Well it doesn't seem like we have much choice, they do it because they want to, and there's no fear of repercussions or concequences. At the end of the day concequences are there not only as punishment but as something to fear.

Ignored..hurts coming from a guy like me EH!
S3 licensed
Quote from Electrik Kar :This is like anti anti-consumerism. It wasn't that long ago kids were ready to burn their Nikes in service of a saner world. These kids want Nikes. They're doing exactly what they've been told to do and it's their fault.

OK I'll go with that..this stops at the death of a 4 year old girl the the mob attached..then she died..i have an open international bet that states.

"Your bet is good, no one under the age of 12 has died yet"

I put much money on that..does/he she live..throw that rock.

It's 8 to 1 that a small child will die.

Just repeat that on your internet...enough
S3 licensed
Quote from Crashgate3 :This won't solve anything except make Middle England feel vindicated for a day or two (until the next outrage appears in the papers). You take away someone's house and they don't magically disappear. So we're going to have 1000 people (plus their possibly innocent families) living on the streets.

Day 3 you fail.
This is a full scale world concern.

And for what..a youth with a gun..

Correct me if i'm wrong..isn't this how civil wars begin

South England vs North...all you're missing is random bus bombing

bunch of ..

Look at me I'm Robbing hood in a it to the poor, what if all those causing the damage are the rich?

No better time to have that failing restaurant pay off.
Last edited by AtomAnt, .
S3 licensed
Quote from AndRand :Well, I just dont believe riots is the way of changing status-quo.
I dont believe giving for free is way of changing status-quo.

The way is always individualistic, where individual can be proud of his gain, especially on known fair enough terms.
And the way is to sweep scums that block that.

A little revelation is a good can change a society, this isn't being done to change a social program, our news tells us this started with a black youth with a England...with a gun...that's a heavy jail the family says the cops planted the gun..what..and now..what's his name without goggling it.

You Fail
S3 licensed
Quote from P5YcHoM4N :He was 20, but true enough.

I like this news, I do hope it will actually happen and not just posturing by the local council.

I'm on the fence..this starts like the Hockey Finals here last year , but day after day..lack of response enables the smallest faction.

And what it is for...oh right a young guy with a gun. Happens every weekend in a more popular city.

I just got off skype from someone in the thick of it...reassure her

You need to TAZ them...ZAP with 50,000 volts..or shoot them.

Where are all the Mothers and Fathers?
Last edited by AtomAnt, .
S3 licensed
Quote from DeKo :Blueflame, you're a fucking idiot.

We don't use that word here..please edit and remove Blueflame from that post...the line needs to be drawn somewhere.

Look i made a funny
Last edited by AtomAnt, .
S3 licensed
Quote from P5YcHoM4N :LIES! Everyone knows poor people have no values. They are savages who beat up old ladies for their pension and sit on park benches. OH THE HUMANITY OF IT ALL!

Lets not forget helping a 14 year old to his feet just so you can rob his back pack...and then have it go viral on the net..what a sad state of affairs.

I'm offended that these " insert word" are using a Canadian devolved form of com.

Now is the time for Canada to riot to get out from under an unstable regime.

Last edited by AtomAnt, .
S3 licensed
Quote from menantoll :I give up

5haz, you should stop making assumptions about people. The fact my parents taught me good values does not mean we were not poor. It does not mean they were always able to be there for me. It does not mean that they both didn't have to work very hard. They gave a shit and wanted me to grow up with good values.

As for the rest of it there is no point trying to reply as you'll just ignore it and spout the same old bullshit over and over again and quite frankly I'm tired of reading it.

Going Ostrich won't help, has one person been Tasered yet...see that's what yah need 10,000 Bobbies with 50,000 volts each...

He who has the best offense, generally wins.

Your PM said today "We will do what is necessary" Zap em all.
@GreyBull [CHA]
S3 licensed
SCCC (South City Cab Company) runs an IRacing division, our skinner has some ideas .

Thx for the friend invite.

p.s. that is a cabbie on Iracing.

we are still working to get the bee on the skin.
Last edited by AtomAnt, .
S3 licensed
Two Words could end this.

Natural Disaster!

A very large storm with great winds and heavy rain, it would be over, but alas

The human storm rages on.

Good Luck with all that, we got your back in Canada if yah need it
