They lost the Cup they are burning there own city...2 people dead.
OMG that's not very sporting
Setting cars on fire, throwing glass bottles full of fuel..suck it lost. This coming from a province that is supposed to be laid back.
Spoiled brats if you ask me..Dustin lives there, need I say more.
Reports are now coming in that the Losers are venting on the Vancouver Police, some woman is down with an eye out and EMT can't get to her..just tune in the street cams
Gee I would have turned the key and see if the car moved, if however you're driving a hydrostatic clutch, i would look at a fluid level,,,what did that cost you....not in time vehicle maintenance but time down all round.
If anyone wants a true insight into how alcohol can affect ones judgment, merely research all my posts for the last 6 or so years. I have made and destroyed friendships, people who it took years to repair the damage of one night of poor judgment.
I still drink, mainly because it keeps the sorrow for a wasted life at bay and somehow gives me hope that tomorrow will be a better day.
Some, like Jeff (BBT) I spewed foul statements, which of course I regret, but little forgiveness do I ask, because it was my mistake and I accept it.
Other chaps like Kencan have found it in their heart to forgive me, and now I find myself in a better place where when I drink, I mark the bottle and say...this much and no more.
Have a nice day.
I took my first drink at 21, I do not agree with young people 16,17 getting wasted.
All in all, I will still drink, I just won't post while half in da bag.
Associated press release: "Osama bin Laden who had been in talks with the much respected sim racing team, known as the south city cab company, was earlier this morning killed by us special forces. This will obviously come as a big disappointment to those hoping to see the renowned international terrorist plying his trade around the twists and turns of south city in the next round of the OLFSL.
Yet to be confirmed reports suggest that the al Qaeda front man was busy tweaking his MRT setup at the time of the attack. In accordance with Islamic tradition for a quick burial after death the bearded fruitcake has been dispatched at sea along with his beloved momo."
I could see a Boston Detroit Final, as for Winnipeg vs Hamilton for a new team, I would give the edge to Winnipeg due to RIM's leader wanting to control so much of what would go on.
Also if you have ever driven in Hamilton you know that all those One Way streets suck, the downtown core is really outdated and snow removal in the winter months is far below many other Canadian cites.
Building a Major sports venue in the Suburbs is one of the dumbest ideas I've ever heard of.
How many times have the tiger cats been on the verge of going under and they play before the snow hits.
I myself would think SASK has the money and willingness to get the job done, so much room for expansion for new hotels, roads, and a Kick as stadium. Kee4p in mind SASK has the best job rate and with the Potash mills being so profitable. I'm sure they would keep the stands full with workers who have disposable cash, everyone in Hamilton is broke, same applies to Winnipeg, crime, high umemployment take a toll on sports venues
But we all know that weasel Betman will go with what makes him look best.
Not so fast young Master Dawes, after watching them almost blow the Chicago series, I have to admit they just may have what it takes. Detroit will be a big factor in these playoffs.
SOMA, Japan – Japan's nuclear crisis deepened dramatically Tuesday. As safety officials sought desperately to avert catastrophe, the government said radioactive material leaking from reactors was enough to "impact human health" and the risk of more leaks was "very high."
In a nationally televised statement, Prime Minister Naoto Kan said that radiation has spread from four reactors of the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant in Fukushima province that was one of the hardest-hit in Friday's 9.0-magnitude earthquake and the ensuing tsunami.
He urged anyone within 19 miles (30 kilometers) of the plant to stay indoors or risk getting radiation sickness.
"The level seems very high, and there is still a very high risk of more radiation coming out," Kan said.
A cascade of three explosions at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear complex was set in motion when last Friday's quake and tsunami knocked out power, crippling the cooling systems needed to keep nuclear fuel from going into full meltdown.
The latest blast was early Tuesday in the plant's Unit 2 near a suppression pool, which removes heat under a reactor vessel, plant owner Tokyo Electric Power Co. said. Shigekazu Omukai, a spokesman for Japan's nuclear safety agency, said the nuclear core was not damaged but that the bottom of the surrounding container may have been.