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Quote from Tomba(FIN) :distance- headstrung .....


It;s the end of as we know
S3 licensed
Quote from The Very End :Reading some of the comments on facebook want me to ragequit the whole internet.

Ok, so let's say Pearl Harbour, but what about the two mother ****ing atom bombs then? Holy mother of god, the people in this world is more stupid than I first though.

There are also been a second explosion on a other powerplant this night, and 170 000 are beeing evacuated. The situation is unclear atm. but dramastic.

Edit: Wrong info. The newspaper has edited the info now and tells it's a high risk of a NEW explosion, but it has not occured yet.
Sorry :/

A third nuclear power plant is now facing debilitating failures to its cooling system after an earthquake and tsunami rocked the eastern coast of Japan on Friday.
Tokyo's Kyodo News agency is reporting that the cooling system pumps have stopped at the Tokai No. 2 nuclear power plant in the Ibaraki prefecture.
The news follows closely on the heels of a state of emergency being called at another nuclear plant in the Miyagi prefecture, one of the areas hit hard by Friday's earthquake and tsunami.
The UN's atomic watchdog said the Onagawa nuclear facility went into a state of emergency on Sunday after excessive radiation levels were recorded.

This is just so unreal...
S3 licensed
Quote from DevilDare :Where do you even start to clear a mess like that.

We follow your pick up the frist stick and some people will start to help.

You might want to dare's like teasing a big dog.
S3 licensed
Quote from Swiss-Spirit :Over 300 dead already *Cries*

What can I say? I wish that, under these circumstances, the damage is as small as possible.

I've seen the pictures on tv, I know "small" isn't like small, but not getting too big...

I hope there won't be many more that died, and most are safe now.

city /Town...17000..this morning 9500 missing...3600 are living in my Kitchen.

Thoughts are with you and yours
S3 licensed
Quote from amp88 :Also, joining atoms (nuclear fusion) is the basis for a lot of things in reality (the son and other stars) for example.

The very end and I predictaded the plant would blow up.

I. we didn't say you'd be fried,,,it.s just we dont want to see a mushroom (ORANGE SKIES os in the sky)

Thanks for the input..Be well I Live in Elliot Lake, has some of the deepest mines in the world..but if you be believe things are not chaging...continue on.

I Offer any refuge housing to a displace preson.
Hard photos, veiwer discreation is advised
S3 licensed ... 9-earthquake-in-japan/#/0

64 Images. you can also click Captions for a small discription of where the photo and time it was taken.

Peace and prayers.

S3 licensed
Quote from The Very End :Japan now is offical declearing nuclear disaster situation. Tho the nuclear power plants still are not destroyed, they can't manage to reduce the heat that is building up. If this continue it will be a tjernobyl (wrong spelled) situation. There are several thousand people around the nuclear power plant that is beeing evacuated as we speak.

The wave the approach is moving around 900 km/h and is measured to be around 9meters high.

I wish you the best of luck, and crosses my fingers that the nuclear plants will manage and the wave not beeing so brutal when it hits land.

It will be bad if they do not get a handle on the one nuke plant that seems to not be under control....

The very end might not have been a good choice for an LFS name at this point :P

Praying on all six knees, being an Ant and all.

S3 licensed
Quote from jwardy :Just seen it on the news, hope everyone is ok.

bit more info. 8.9 magnitude sending a 10 metre wave into sendhai ( i think thats correct)

Yes and out of the 53 Nuke plants on Japan, one of the biggest is not responding to shut down...

Now one of the Major dams is in fear of collaspe.

Stay on this story and forget about games...

CBC news for coverage
Last edited by AtomAnt, .
S3 licensed
Just in tears here watching...where the hell is superman.

If that Nuke plant doesn't respond to shut down soon, they figure it will be Major problem...and New Zealand is expected to be hit with a 7 to 9 meter wave in short time..

This just may be the end of new Zealand...

DUSTIN..don't be silly and think this won't affect BC...the early warning bouys have lit up.

GOES sat is best for info.

Please wake up peeps and tell them to prepare.
Last edited by AtomAnt, .
S3 licensed
OMG the pictures coming out of the area are just destruction, they have a Nuke plant going critical...a fire at a major oil unloading dock...I am speechless

We're praying for you all.

Wake anyone you know in that area and tell them to run for cover.
Last edited by AtomAnt, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Silverracer :Indeed. That's what caught our attention and managed to call in relatives and pass on the news... A message like that from Google is more effective in passing on the news as opposed to internet/tv/radio news programs...

Agreed, 6am here top news from cbc.

7 meter high waves...this is tragic..BC is expected to be hit in the next 2 hours.

Buckle Up and be safe.
S3 licensed
I'm a Bugatti fan so.
S3 licensed
Quote from Tomba(FIN) : not nice

Big enough for this to Be posted by google

Tsunami Alert for New Zealand, the Philippines, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Hawaii, and others. Waves expected over the next few hours, caused by 8.9 earthquake in Japan.

Now that is the way the internet should be used.

Be safe people.

Hi Tomba

S3 licensed
Quote from mutt107 :at least put some kind of padding on that wall...

A few years back they had to Pad the field post in NFL, wasn't for the dirty hits as much as a player looking the wrong way and running into it.

S3 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :If youve been in a ice arena, underneath the blue nylon, there is foam padding surrounding the metal glass holder.

TY Dawes...was wondering when we were going to educate the world on the steps we go through to have sports.

S3 licensed
Quote from PMD9409 :It's an unfortunate sporting incident. I blame the rink more than the person hitting him.'re the first person to point that this post.

"It's the Arictech of the slippery slope, that we all slide down AAnt"

Nice seeing you agin Lad.
S3 licensed
[QUOTE=spankmeyer;1565802]A proper hard core flight sim in 2011?

DCS: A-10C

THX ...loving it

S3 licensed
Quote from Forbin :I bought an X52. I thought it was absolute garbage.

A single spring around the stick shaft? With a sliding spring cup? That is acted upon by the hole in the base the stick shaft sits in? What a cheap, rubbish design...

The static friction... holy crap...

I really like this, it's so adaptable. ... th=24&products_id=143
The LAW and Organized Sports.
S3 licensed
Once again, a sports related incident has sparked outrage from the general public...and yes you guessed it, it's about hockey.

The Montreal Police have taken it upon themseleves to investigate an on ice incident between two NHL players.

These players are paid to do a job, no one has the job of hurting people intentionally within any law I would abide.

If you watch the replay and agree that Chara, intentionally shoved this guys head into that unmoveable object, review the play and consider that Chara is almost a foot taller than the other chap.

Regradless of my bias, I feel that unless it is junior sports, or use of a sports item as a weapon...the police have no business in setting a precidence that will effect every organized sport on the planet.

What's next, Boxer A: wants Boxer B: charged with assualt because he got his/her butt kicked.

I have included a link the for all the info (if it doesn't work in your country CHARA HIT), keep in mind, the offender, the biggest (Tallest Heaviest) player with the hardest shot (105.9 MPH with a 4 ounce frozen piece of rubber).

If he was slapping that puck at me I would want him arrested, but not if I signed up for a million dollars a year to stop it.

So the question is...should the police be tasked with doing the job of organized sports clubs that make millions off the pain and suffering of it's members.

S3 licensed
Quote from mamoru :I know, you can search without it. You can click them however and it takes you straight to the page! (yes, useless) Still, it is easier to search for tutorials with #PHP than with PHP since other people talk about PHP and I am not interested in that.

Is that subject related...
S3 licensed
Quote from RasmusL :Quadruple post **** yea.

At least I take thwe time to try to address your comments on a 1 to 1.

Be well.

An Ant
S3 licensed
Quote from mamoru :Those are subjects. You can use them to search for other posts related to that subject.

Personally, I really like twitter. It is a great means of advertising. Also, because it is really short, I don't have to read a lot of text and I can just skip over the subjects I am not interested in (I am following a lot of companies who have tutorials for web development).

I can't get over twitter..I just washed my hair and now I'm eating chips/crispes
S3 licensed
Quote from Woz :I live on the plains near Christchurch and work in town. I live about 10km from where the 7.1 hit 6 months ago and was in town when the 6.3 hit last week...

Facebook has been a saviour through the quake for many many people in the area.

Social media is a tool. It can be used for inane shite and as meaningful tool. It allowed students to organise and army of workers 15000 strong to help clear the mess etc

Since the 7.1 I have been glad social media exists but I also like to post inane shite as well

No argument from..A life was saved by the light of an IPod..A life was lost because the IPod was to loud.

S3 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :I use it to get my dick sucked. It works well.

It works well? Which one...the Hoover or the Filter Queen.
All in fun...and you bring blow jobs into a thread about social networking.

Doesn't that say it all.

Last edited by AtomAnt, .
S3 licensed
Quote from 5haz :Social networking is both completely useless and really useful.

I said that in the opening at your fingertips...but yah still have to throw a rock to get noticed.

It's a folly to think, that so many people will be influenced by mass posting as to say.....
1) overrun overthrow your goverment.

I wonder if Mark from facebook ever thought his idea of keeping intouch with friends would be used as freedom tool 1.0

Had they thought of would have been in the movie...that would have been the real ending to that...Facebook changes goverment...God help us all.
