Once again, a sports related incident has sparked outrage from the general public...and yes you guessed it, it's about hockey.
The Montreal Police have taken it upon themseleves to investigate an on ice incident between two NHL players.
These players are paid to do a job, no one has the job of hurting people intentionally within any law I would abide.
If you watch the replay and agree that Chara, intentionally shoved this guys head into that unmoveable object, review the play and consider that Chara is almost a foot taller than the other chap.
Regradless of my bias, I feel that unless it is junior sports, or use of a sports item as a weapon...the police have no business in setting a precidence that will effect every organized sport on the planet.
What's next, Boxer A: wants Boxer B: charged with assualt because he got his/her butt kicked.
I have included a link the for all the info (if it doesn't work in your country ...youtube CHARA HIT), keep in mind, the offender, Chara..is the biggest (Tallest Heaviest) player with the hardest shot (105.9 MPH with a 4 ounce frozen piece of rubber).
If he was slapping that puck at me I would want him arrested, but not if I signed up for a million dollars a year to stop it.
So the question is...should the police be tasked with doing the job of organized sports clubs that make millions off the pain and suffering of it's members.