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Quote from The Very End :

Also misses the [xxx] team. Friendly nutcases, all of them.

You sir.


Don't steal an avatar
S3 licensed
Get creative...learn to draw...don't steal work.

Does you no good.


This one on the left is a classic...but DevilDare doesn't own it...see he just chose to steal it.
S3 licensed
Quote from DevilDare :S14 just, disappeared.... I think he was banned but he never came back. Had some good races with him back in the day.

Lerts is the real deal though. His offtopic shenanigans were just pure win.

You sir are guilty........stolen avatar.

One sec while I change.
S3 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :I talk to you every day anyway, so your name didn't really come to mind.

How can we miss you when you won't go away
S3 licensed
Quote from JackDaMaster :Fordman, oh where art thou?

I miss Fordman..
S3 licensed
Quote from mrodgers :No one misses me? Does anyone know me?

Haven't played LFS for years. Haven't visited the forums other than here in Off-topic, mostly for the camera thread, in years.

Good to see you again lad, hows things?

S3 licensed
Quote from Michael Denham :West coast is not as cold It barely gets below freezing here in the winter, compared to -30C or -40C I think in the interior or out east. And in the summer we get 30C. But also a fair bit of rain.

Hi Michael, been a long time since I've seen you around, hope all is well, always nice bumping into peeps I first started racing LFS with.

S3 licensed
Quote from JPeace :Not really. 11 year old is the perfect time to sign somebody to a contract, because if you spot the talent young, then you take all the glory (as a sponsor) from being the one that saw it at a early age. Also when you pick them up early, they havn't acheived anything, and therefore jump at the thought of signing. Then as soon as they start doing really well, they have no controll over where they are going - the sponsor or the person that picked them up early does. Signing earlier, is much more of a benefit to the sponsor, or the talent scout or whatever. Take Lewis Hamilton, he was picked up at the ages of 10-12, which is very good, he showed talent early on and McLaren took the gamble and signed him. The next years, bingo, he started to really mature and being a great driver. Get them young while they don't know what they are letting themselves into I guess. If I where a sponsor, I would make damn sure I got somebody who showed talent as young as possible. So that then I can have complete controll over their career. Because once you have them, they can't get away because they will have no-where else to go. Not from a massive organisation like McLaren.

Also, of course there will always be thousands of talented kids that will never make it to the big stage because of the lack of money their parents have. It's a waste in my opinion, but there are too few people out there willing to give their money away and risk it. They fail to see the massive profits they make if it all pays off though. I myself am in a situation of dire need for sponsors just to make it to the next level on the ladder. My parents can no longer pay for a year of karting, so I have decided it's time to try find a sponsor to get into singleseaters. However, as a friend of mine told me, its the "poorer" kids who get a sponsor that will make it. The richer, or more well off people will always go far to start with but when it comes to they don't have enough experience to really make it worth while. For example, the mind set of somebody well off is, or it was with me.. There isn't enough pace in the kart, hmm, I will drive it harder, and faster, more smoothly, cut the corners finer, concentrate more etc. The mindset for a better off kid (and im not saying this counts to everyone but..) is that there isn't enough pace in the kart, well, im brilliant, it must be the kart. But a new engine, move to a new kart manufacturer etc. But its the less well off kids that will make it bigger when they get the chance to race at the top because they will have gained more experience from fighting hard for everything they have acheived. Thats the way I think of it anyway, and I am open to everyone's opinion, and I will listen to what you have to say.

Don't get me wrong, Im not saying that rich people are spoilt and don't deserve what they get, im not saying that at all. And - I refer to the terms, rich and poor, you are by no means poor to race karts at any level at all, im not being selfish and having a whinge. Im just saying what I see in the karting world today. I think it was Martin Hines from ZipKarts YoungGuns team what once said to me: I asked him who he thought was the best driver he had ever seen. And he said to me that he doesn't think he has seen the best driver at all, he is a strong beleiver that racing come naturally and not through learning, I beleive the oposite, but nevermind. He said that he beleives he hasn't seen the best driver ever, because there could be a starving african child that is dying that will be the best driver, we never will know. And that come's back to the money argument. If you where to give a less well off kid a chance to realise his dreams in racing, he would take it. And if you play the cards right, you may hit the jackpot. Sadly in motorsport nowadays, its either who you know, or what you have. And without them, you can acheive great things in karting maybe, but ultimatly you cannot go all the way: which is sad as it is the ambition of many many drivers out there.

Holy Chit, I think this is the first we have ever agreed on a subject..I can now die in Peace.
S3 licensed
Quote from P5YcHoM4N :And it would appear they kept their bikes from childhood too.

Lets hope he didn't work his way up from no bike to hurting small mammals.
S3 licensed
Quote from Bmxtwins :You learned to ride a bike at 11 years old? I was doing this when I was 7...

Sure I wasnt flying as far but we've had worse wrecks.... including people getting spinal fluid in their brain... luckily that wasn't me

I stole the keys to my old mans car at 6 ...I got 3 blocks...and a hella beatin...sweetest day of my life...i felt like a MAN
Where are they now?
S3 licensed
To all we've seen come and go, lets all hope that they moved on to follow their dreams.

Bikes, we miss yah man.

Biggie, no body misses him because finally they can have a WR without worry that Biggie will come around and take it.

Paulluka, you're out there but never all in our face about it. Your BL1 XRT still rules, only record I never seen broken ( first sector).

Da_Hoe...Man you always provided such fun racing.

Schooner, met this guy my first night online and he was an MRT Master, taught me much he did.

Three Jump, Great racer...good person, just never see him about.

Now post some of your faves.

Special shout out to of both worlds
S3 licensed
Quote from Drift King CZ :ou mai gad

I can't say it any better...that is sick.

Love the red bull girl Two BIG Thumbs up on that! Do women know it's four years from..."Come here" to " Get away from me"

Just so you know , that has my vote for a final in this years post, Keep us laughing.

Last edited by AtomAnt, .
Name Choice when Joining
S3 licensed
Being Joe Cool 170735 isn't cool at all...take sometime and choose a name that is user friendly...myself..i'm atomant...he's my inner child super hero. Most LFS'ers just call me ant or ( A Hole) point is it's short..easy to type ect. Now if my LFS handle was..VonEntisneVanderCamp.People would be so annoyed with the length of it.

Just look around..Lenny Linux is available to any Lenny's out there MikeRoweSoft is still out creative, because you're gonna have that name till you buy another.

Slit is also fave LFS Name ever...dude with Zippered Squid
Last edited by AtomAnt, .
S3 licensed
Quote from B1gch0pper :Thanks guys, im very proud of it and use it everyday, missus hates it
Im currently thinking about the design of a mini cockpit for my lad, he's nearly 4 and loves racing games, especially a go-karting sim we have, should be fun

Had an inspiration! Get the lad one of those electric cars/truck and make it a portable LFS rig.
S3 licensed
Quote from Zay :Wow! Great work!!! I could never do anything like that.
Great job

Yes you could, never sell yourself short. Never let them see you go and run free...
S3 licensed
Talk with this chap, he's a great builder, love the way you did the speakers, but IMHO it's always best with rumble headphones.

I did look up CAR MOUSE...that's choice, really nice touch.

S3 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :The problems with the DEA do not revolve around piracy. The problem is that the legislation designed to fight piracy makes illigal this website, google, youtube, wikileaks, wikipedia, and the list is endless. Infact, according to the letter of the law, barely any of the internet is currently legal.

Also, thanks to the provisions of how the new law is to be enforced many legitimate business enterprises are extremely vulnerable to take downs, commerce on the internet faces a potential crisis which could, very literally, destroy Britains leading place in the eCommerce landscape.

Further many things we have now will be lost, say goodbye to video calling on your iPhone 4 before you even took delivery Tristan, thanks to the loss of open wireless networks.

Additionally, it would not be illegal for me to leave behind the digital fingerprint that makes it look like you've downloaded stuff, sufficient to be detected by some of the automated measures proposed, and I could do it from here without touching your PC or your network. Thus rendering your internet connection useless, not to mention the possible devastation causable by virus' designed to exploit the badly written law.

If you where running a business with your internet connection (the law does not distinguish between private and public connections) I could destroy your business from my sofa and your only means of appeal would take months and be very expensive. Under the DEA you'll be taken down prior to any judicial proceedings.

Under one of the badly written clauses the home office can take down any web site they please, based upon an ALLEGATION of POSSIBLE FUTURE copyright infringement.

Now tell me again why this law should be left as is?

I'm not saying piracy should not be illegal, i'm saying the law that was passed without commons discussion needs a major overhaul.

Personally I believe it should be thrown out and the process restarted from the beginning, but I dont think we'll get that.

You are aware there is a typo correcter here in LFS Forum eh?

The illagle? Come on B Rose...or as I like to call is commerce.

How the hell do you expect to get that job at the Spaghetti O's factory when you can't tell the difference between a Zero and an O .
S3 licensed
Quote from AtomAnt :That's the one alright, WOW that is so sweet man, Have a great day!

Are those ECCI Pedals?
S3 licensed
Quote from Kalev EST :Excellent post, Ant. I giggled while reading it.

Happy Canada day.....

Good seeing you again as well Kalev...
S3 licensed
Quote from B1gch0pper :Thanks guys, im very proud of it and use it everyday, missus hates it
Im currently thinking about the design of a mini cockpit for my lad, he's nearly 4 and loves racing games, especially a go-karting sim we have, should be fun

You might want to think about slapping and extra seat in there and taking the missus for a moon lit ride..

S3 licensed
Quote from harjun :bloody hell
very nice work u done there
looks the business. builders. Like the Car Mouse...Nice touch.

S3 licensed
Quote from shiny_red_cobra :The new system is called "entry-level" because that CPU is one of the cheapest ones currently available. It's true that it's better than your old one, but it's not THAT much better, remember that clock-speed isn't everything. Also, you can't compare computers build so many years apart. Your old one was built about 5 years ago or so? Back then it wasn't considered an entry-level computer, it was actually a better computer. Of course, technology improves over time, so you can't call it a sub-entry-level computer these days, you can only call it obsolete. Anyway, if you put in a Phenom II X6 and a GeForce 495 or Radeon 5970 in your computer you'll see right away what the difference between entry-level and high-end computers is.

Like Red said, you have to match what you want with what you can handle .
S3 licensed
What i think, is this little child will grow, if your parents had the money to have a go kart in the back yard..ADVANTAGE....

Doesn't make me disadvantaged <~~~ big word
S3 licensed
Quote from jrd.racer :Well i know how to use the pen tool, still puzzles me where to start
Nice one also Matrixi

It's becuase unlike LFS it doesn't have a viewer...takes forever to skin a car.

I'm not going to pay to get taken out...i have better things to do with dough.

S3 licensed
Quote from AtomAnt :Who vacuums it?

Where is Lambchop? Chops racing right.