A Japanese man named Masato Nakatsuji has been arrested and accused of writing a computer virus that replaces all the files on a person's computer with home-made manga images of squid, octopuses and sea urchins.
It's believed that somewhere between 20,000 and 50,000 computers have been infected by the Ika-tako virus, which translates to "Squid-octopus". It is spread through music file-sharing networks, disguised as a music file, and once run the malware works through the files of the hard disk, replacing each with an image of a squid.
We have Bear Rehab Centers, but those are for young bears that can be re introduced to the wild. We have lots of zoos, but face it, it would be like putting dogs in a zoo in Korea, they are just so many of the beasts here.
The real shame is the people who put the bears in this spot in the first place, they don't seem to care for anything but the money.
The Pot trade in Canada is said to be worth about 2 billion a year, British Columbia grows some of the strongest Pot in the world, and it's been a debate for a long time weather the Government shouldn't legalize it to gain the revenue.
You're not allowed to keep a Black Bear as a pet, and this is a case of some pots heads thinking it would be a good idea to have them guard their crop.
Back in Jan of 2004 this happened.Keep in mind this is one of Canada's' biggest beer companies.
In 2000 and 2001 Molson breweries underwent some fairly major restructuring, some of which was reported on this site. They bought back the 49% share of the company formerly owned by Cooper's of Australia, bought Brazilian Kaiser Brewery, and closed down several major operations in Canada, consolidating their brewing.
Today Police raided the massive former Molson brewery in Barrie Ontario, which was closed in 2000. It seems the plant had gone from making Coors, to making Bud. And we do not mean the stuff made famous by Anheuser-Busch! Shown here is the grow operation that was found inside one of the massive beer tanks.
In a joint operation of the Ontario Provincial Police and Barrie Police Service, thousands of pot plants were seized in this community about an hour north of Toronto. And thousands more were seized from a nearby building. With more than 60,000 square feet the operations were larger than a football field, and even included dormitory quarters for up to 50 workers. Total street value of the crop was estimated at $30 million. Nine people were arrested on-site in what is being described as the largest grow operation bust in Canadian history.
Here's a link to give you an idea of the scale of that operation, enjoy
Canadian Royal Mounties are used to finding guards when they raid one of the country’s illegal marijuana farms or “grow ops” as they are known. The owners of such farms have been known to employ humans, dogs and even booby traps to deter thieves who might come after their crops. So when Mounties went to raid such a farm in a remote part of westernmost Canada that it was being guarded was no surprise. Who was guarding it was though.
The officers were astonished to see a pack of black bears standing guard over the crops they had come to confiscate. Not that they were doing a very good job though, said Police Sergeant Fred Mansveld. “They were tame, they just sat around watching… at one point one of the bears climbed onto the hood of a police car, sat there for a bit and then jumped off,” said Mansveld.
All of the officers who took part in the raid were used to working with animals and once it became apparent the bears were very docile they were not at all afraid of the “pot guards”
As amusing as all this sounds, by taming the bears the two owners of the marijuana farm may have condemned them to death.
Sergeant Mansveld said they believed that the bears were regularly fed dog food to encourage them to stick around to guard the farm. Under law that is illegal. If a bear becomes “tame” conservation officer Dave Webster explained to the press, it will often seek out other people to feed it as well, destroying property and sometimes injuring humans.
“If a bear is deemed to be a safety risk and is habituated to human food and not able to feed itself in the wild, it will be destroyed,” he explained.
Mr. Webster is conducting an investigation into the case to determine if the drug farm bears can be spared.
Sounds to me like the bears might have been in the crop! AAnt
The cops canvassed the neighborhood where the speeding took place and had him dead to rights, they couldn't prove speeding, but they got him on careless driving, still the guy needs time off the road.
A man who boasted online about driving his sports car more than 100 km/h over the speed limit on a residential road has been convicted of careless driving. BMW fans of the 5 Series Forum site reported a posting to York Regional Police on April 9 after the 19-year-old driver of a 2006 BMW M5S bragged that he had been blasting along Apple Blossom Drive, near Bathurst Street and Major Mackenzie Drive.
Fans of the site lambasted Vladimir Rigenco of Vaughan and encouraged him to slow down and be more cautious, police said.
Rigenco plead guilty to careless driving and was sentenced to a year of probation. Rigenco cannot drive for six months, must take a driving program and also pay a $1,000 fine. Police thanked users of the forum for reporting the incident and remind drivers that police are online as well.
Apparently he even told a cop on the forum not to stick her nose in where it didn't belong, guess he won't be on the road anytime soon. He reported his speed at 100KPH over the posted speed limit
I love librarians ...good advice, maybe I'll ask my special someone at the local library, not getting any younger after all.
It's a good suggestion. Now it's a competition...lol
Did you Google that suggestion, or think of it on your own? Not being a smart ass, just trying to prove humans are still in control, and not the tools.
Klutch, seems to think everything can be googled,so I challanged him to google up an answer for you(I'm sure you already looked) this thread is where we started out from. Enjoy http://www.lfsforum.net/showthread.php?t=69293], Been an avid Sci Fi fan for 40 years, sounds somewhat like Stephen' King's new one...."Under the dome" It was a book he tried to write twice , once in the 70's as a short story for playboy, called "The Cannibals"
I haven't yet googled your request, I'll wait and talk to some people who read as much , it just might be a Ray Bradbury story, he had both short stories in books as well as the show "Ray Bradbury Theater "
Then again it might be from the "New Outer Limits" as you referenced to it , it was a re-take of the original stories and re told, such classic as "The Sand Kings" Beau Bridges i think..
"That enemy of Mine" sticks out, they re-told that story as "Enemy Mine" Had all the conflict you talked about. but without the barrier or dome.
Anyhow it's not up to me to prove I know it, All googling Klutzy...er...Klutch, will have an answer for you real soon.
Tell what NAI, if we don't find it anywhere on google, I guess we could write it.
Lets see who can get closer...because he has the story right, but it might have been from a different author.
I'll share my first clue with you, to be a good sport and to prove, "A computer , like a hammer , is a tool.....(just like it's user in your case) it has to be told what to do, he who wields tools best generally wins." <````` That's an Ant Org.
Ray Bradbury Search under him.
I'll copy this back to "Not an Illusion"
Have fun, and sorry for referring to you as a tool, tools are useful.