Christian Krognes (Chriskart) from norway will start at the 24h Race on the Nürburgring this year, i just got to know.
First of all, big big big applause for that mate, you really got it going! I wish you the best luck, you got a good team together with Peter and the two Norwegian fellas from our Motorsports-Club
PS: Anyway, if you do preparation races during the VLN, just call me, i'll be hanging around there too doing tests
This is a great surrounding so i guess they took it because of that in the first place. I mean in the Desert they could have easily made this longer and faster but it wouldnt be that thrilling
Mh rally car needs <3s to 100 but those are gravel tyres so i guess about 4.5-5 seconds so taking that x2, taking 50% would be 150km/h which would be quite realistic
Clear no, because i am playing it because its a one time payment and also the developers are rich enough and even more money won't solve the ongoing lazyness